What went right?

What went right?

Attached: semperfi.jpg (677x1000, 122K)

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The Rock carried this movie

True, easily the best in his filmography, reaper was cool too

it was a neat adaptation and the actors did well enough

>worst part of the movie carried the movie
Urban a best

Attached: boink.png (715x436, 307K)

>He didn't like the semper fi line and soldiers speech

It had been in production since the 90s, so, some semblance of an action film from a time when they were still good made it in. Still made we didn't get the one they were gonna do with Arnold, but this one was ok
Also helps that it doesn't pretend to be some art house flick. and the Rock and Karl Urban along with Rosmund Pike are in it

Yes I'm going to watch this, it can't be that bad, I hope

Attached: doom.jpg (468x656, 61K)

>tfw the demon looks like the one from the Doom 3 vid at the apple presser
skip to around 2:52
let me know how it is, looked awful

oh forgot link sorry
maybe they at least put some thought into it?

Well it looks like him anyway, Doom 3 was the shit

Brought it because of P90 on the cover.
Still mad that its not in the movie.

>that tagline

any other kino taglines?

Never noticed that, atleast the brawl between the rock and reaper was worth it

I didn't like it the first time I played it. Its grown on me a bit though. Hell design was kino in it

I actually enjoy watching this movie.

this doesn't deserve the hate it gets
the sarge twist was kino

I still don't understand reapers final kill to this day, does he pull his hand through the wire, or? kek

Semper Fi motherfucker

literally no other way, how is it confusing