Classic kinos. Sunset Blvd. is the DEFINITION of kino

Classic kinos. Sunset Blvd. is the DEFINITION of kino

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i'm ready for my closeup

I've never been as keen on this movie as some people. I love a lot of Billy Wilder's other movies though. Double Indemnity, Some Like it Hot, and The Apartment are all absolute masterpieces.

I've only ever seen Witness for the Prosecution and Sunset Boulevard. I like this one more because it feels more like a case study of a woman on the edge of absolute insanity. She has this wild superiority complex that is obviously just a facade for her horrific inferiority complex.

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i like old hollywood so its a pretty interesting movie. I guess its a bit too long though

>here's me dying there's my body sinking into the pool

yeah no

It's fun to see those washed up silent film actors playing bridge at Norma's house. It's a good movie. I just don't enjoy it as much as most other people do.

Shut up faggot. What's wrong with a dead person narrating the film?
wasn't buster keaton one of them

Yep. That's a guy who got really fucked by Hollywood. I'm glad he lived long enough to see a resurgence in his popularity.

it seems billy wilder tried to make the movie really close to home for some people

Yep. Stroheim basically playing himself.

Can someone explain the appeal of this 3 hour pile of shit to me?

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Idk I haven't seen it

It is a little long, but I don't see how you can say it's a pile of shit.

Long movies make it more of an experience, lets it grow on you more

For me, it's The Apartment

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One of the few films I'd call absolutely perfect. Also Wilder's best script, Some Like it Hot and Sunset Blvd. be damned.

Agreed. I think I could teach a class on the scenes where he comes home and finds that Fran's taken his sleeping pills. The way it snaps back and forth between serious drama and comedy is a thing of beauty. I agree, flawless.

I'll watch that one next I have heard great things
Not Witness for the Prosecution??

>wedding scene lasts 9 hours

Have you seen Stalag 17? That one is kino af too

The first time I saw this was during classic movie night in my city's old-timey muppet theatre, and when she said
>and those wonderful people out there in the dark
I'm telling you my dick moved a little bit

Made me really feel she was talking directly to me and almost like she broke the fourth wall :3

Yeah, that one's also pretty good.

normally breaking the fourth wall really annoys me, and in a billy wilder film it should seem even more out of place, but somehow it works. In fact that entire final scene is completely contrived and ridiculous, but it still works somehow

It wasn't like total breaking of the fourth wall. Like it still made sense in the context of the film, she just finally broke insane it was like she broke out of the film