Leaves comfy SNL gig because he thought he was better than everyone else

>leaves comfy SNL gig because he thought he was better than everyone else
>burns bridges along the way
>literally has nothing going on right now 3 years later
Look at him. Look at him and laugh.

Attached: jay-pharoah-snl.jpg (1000x562, 588K)

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Fred Armisen was a better Obama


Attention teachers and students

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didn't this guy have a show with like Jaime Fox?
His whole thing was pretty much just doing impressions right?

All his impressions were already done funnier years before by Aries Spears on MAD Tv

Seriously, who is this

Wasn't he fired?

Who fucking knows

They should all be like the fat faggot fro, Good Burger and never leave cuz they know they’ll never find anything as good again all these fucks leave thinking they’ll be the next Eddie Murphy or Sandler and be a huge movie star but most end up becoming the next Chris Kattan at best

Tim Meadows

Ellen Cleghorne

Jaime was actualy the producer in that one show he starred

>only good at impressions
>leave only show that showcases impressions
So this is the power of black IQ.

Kenan Thompson is the smartest fucking guy in the history of SNL..

>job security
>lives in NYC
>married with kids
>slowly building himself up as a legendary player in the long history of Saturday Night Live while stacking money and learning the business from Laurne Michaels..

Seriously, no one played the game better than Kenan.

Based and sobering pilled

Keenan is the only funny guy on SNL

His YouTube videos were top shelf
>50 cent has uhh, caveman features
But SNL never used him anyways.

he used to be the guy on SNL i hated the most but SNL is such shit now he's somehow become the best one in the recent years

>married with kids

He a pedo?

I think Kenan will end up taking Laurne Michaels position after he retires/dies. The guy has been doing comedy and staying out of trouble since he was a child actor. Not sure its possible to have more experience in the industry than Kenan.

is Kenan the only guy from All That who didnt get diddled by Get In The Van Dan?

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good for him, i like Kenan

whatever happened to his sidekick? the retarded one from Good Burger, lol he probably really works at a burger shop now

It's obvious Tina Fey's if she wants it.


Kinda sad he was decent in snl but Chris Redd is better

nah no way Lorne would give his legacy to an n person. its obviously gonna be someone of the jewish persuasion because all comedy showrunenrs have to be the chosen people its the law

I was thinking this. What the fuck was his plan?

Why you gotta he such an anti semite?

more likely choice

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Yeah fuck you're probably right

Hes not really an n word. If you were to give it to n word he would be the least n you could ever find.

Jewish nepotism will see to it even though she fucking sucks

Based black guy not hanging around weirdos

Why do jews have to fuck things up for everyone else?

Good for him.

Chris Rock was not that great on SNL from what I've heard, now look at him. SNL is a good springboard for any comedian, better to leave and risk fading into obscurity then to stay for years doing the same shit like Kenan.

keenan makes bank executive producing stuff for nbc now too

she's actually funny though

What about his arsenio hall impression?

Tina is greek, though i guess thats close enough to jewish, greeks are basically low class jews

Huh, you learn something every day

Haven't seen that, all I know was he was not that popular or significant on SNL like the dude in the OP

am i the only one that thinks Chris Kattan is based?

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lol that movies kinda a guilty pleasure for me in the same way as those 90s Pauly Shore movies. But Kattans career fell off hard after he left SNL, has he done one thing of note since SNL?

>even though she fucking sucks
i'm not saying everything she does is a homerun, but Tina is one of the very few talented people writing comedy today. At NBC, she's literally the only person with any talent working on comedies.

>better to leave and risk fading into obscurity then to stay for years doing the same shit
agree. feel pity for the people that just stay on eternally.

Charles Rocket

I don't know he seems kinda gay to me, though Corky was a pretty good one

>work like 5 months out of the year, once a week
>worth $9 million
>live in a top 10 city in the world
>respected by peers
>has faded in "obscurity"

Sounds a solid deal


Colin Jost has a good life

i mean look at list of all the cast members, theres like maybe 10-15 people on this list who are household names, the others are all B-D list actors or people you never heard of period.

>has he done one thing of note since SNL?
you now remember that Chris Kattan dipped his toes into drama acting and starred in House on Haunted Hill (1999)
also your breathing is now set to MANUAL mode.

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he plays a used car salesman in The Middle...

Aww here it goes

only thing hes famous for today is being the guy Norm said was gay during a Rolling Stone Magazine interview

Even pedophile kikes don't want to fuck black kids dude

Thompson has been a cast member on SNL for 16 seasons, breaking the record for the longest-tenured cast member in the show's history previously held by Darrell Hammond, who was on the show for 14 seasons.

Not to be a dick but thats maybe the most obvious fact to drop in a thread with people talking about SNL

is this the same guy that does the news or is this a different black guy?

every time i see a digornio pizza commercial with him in it, i think to myself "he was the next it comedian a few years ago. look at him now. what happened?"

You're thinking of a far less likeable black guy

i get the joke is they all look the same to you, but no that's not Michael Che.

in the 90s they used to make jokes about Tim Meadows staying forever and having nothing to move onto and he only stayed like 8 or 9 seasons- which is kinda the norm nowadays. I think it was just because back then it was unheard of to stay more than 4 or 5 seasons before you go on to be a big star. Plus Tim was the only guy from the Farley/Sandler years to stay during the whole Will Ferrell era, so it made it seem even more like he was there forever

Kel Mitchell. According to IMDB, he's had a few things here and there. Apparently he'll be doing a voice for an upcoming Animaniacs reboot we don't need.

he does. It's in LA

I wish Kenan had a bigger movie career, that dude is the only reason I would willingly subject myself to SNL nowadays.

Based and Cooliopilled

The only funny guy on SNL.

He could do an impression of any other black man in existence, and it was always perfect and it was always hilarious.
Like hilarious. I don't throw that word around.

lol this whole thread and nobody has still figured out what his name is

god, show Leslie Jones some respect, he has a name damnit!

Jay it's never too late...

I dont know if he'd do well in movies. I think hes extremely talented but his game is more improv comedy. I think hed be more likely to do stage acting if anything but who know.

That nigga Kept. It. Real.

If you're an excellent performer but can't write good material then your career is basically guaranteed to be dead as soon as you leave SNL. There's no place in the comedy industry for talented sketch performers.

On the other hand, writers tend to do pretty well outside of the show, and I'm pretty sure every single bonafide star ever created via SNL was both a writer and performer.

Why the fuck are you saying "n person" and "n word"? Is nigger word filtered now?

He shouldve stayed that route.

>tfw went to high school and was in a few musicals with Jay (Jared)
>our principal really did talk like this and Jay would joke him in drama class
>very warm and caring person, loved making people laugh but stood up for others who got bullied
>a good guy and will be remembered more than OP

He would go to the Monday morning meetings with great notes and original ideas for funny sketches with original characters, and would get passed for all of them, and only end up appearing in other people's sketches where he would impersonate Will Smith, Denzel Washington, or Kanye West. Those are easy party tricks for him. I like Jay and think he is genuinely talented. You would eventually be mad and leave too

Why doesn't this dude do standup full time ffs

This movie makes me phisicaly ill. I loathe it.


are you forgetting about the all-time comedy classic Stan Helsing?

>newfag doesn't remember when nigger was worldfiltered to roodypoo

idk man, kenan or kel or some shit

Based boomer

Hi Jay!

What’s this guy’s name again?

wtf ever happened to her? so many women from the sandler years were so forgettable and never did shit after SNL

That's why Kate McKinnon is going the Wiig route and trying dramatic roles.

was she also on In Living Color? or did she just look the same as all the in living color black ladys


Norm please go.

Pretty sure Lorne decided his impressions were good but not worth keeping him around when he couldn’t perform well in sketches

this. keenan played his cards right

>once a week
Is this how retards think TV works?

Lorne likes to shake up the cast every couple of years just to make sure the show doesn't stagnate. That's why people can be let go and then possibly rehired within six months, like happened with Chris Parnell.

Sandor Clegane

comedy is for poor people who are too inept and scared to molotov the local office of the last rich asshole that ripped them off

>SNL is a good springboard for any comedian
Maybe twenty years ago but now I don't know why comedians still are so obsessed with SNL. They're probably the only ones still watching.

Adam Sandler?

He didn't need an Obama any more.

Chris Parnell was only rehired because Will Ferrel went to bat for him and asked Lorne to rehire him.

Read the file name bud

he auditioned for snl too but didn't make it.......