I'm putting together a team

I'm putting together a team

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Let's do it

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rip kevin

Can't macey the spacey

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>surrounded by young twinks.

let's get to work

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And I will answer.

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he probably just gets them to sign an NDA now, before he goes to town

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Fuck off Jenna

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Soundtrack by Gary Glitter

Lets end this

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Whatever you need, Kevin. Money is no object.

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I miss him bros, he's coming back to movies and shows right?

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Hey Kevin, it's Nikki Blonsky from the movie Hairspray. You didn't call me yet lol, but I am ok to be part of your team.

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lmao kevin... why not tho, call me dude

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Cunny Commander reporting for duty.

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you have my rope

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If you dont mind..

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and my Ambien

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lets get to it faggots

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Let me join your team or I'll kill myself haha.

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losing some weight atm, but I'm in

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I'm in the cunny division

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I’m crazy, but i get the job done

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kino vacation choice
based spacey

Jenna you need to move on with your life.

>Those fucking teeth.

Meth is a hell of a drug.


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He raped millions...

I'm in.

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What's his name?

I'm getting too old for this shit... But why not.

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She fucked him.

Los doublos man, otherwise known as based man of ez bans. If this is doubles, everyone in this thread will get to suck on some delicious toes at least once in their life.

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me in 10 years, screen cap this

Well now I truly have nothing to look forward to. Goodbye everyone.

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>That confident Chad smile he gives
You just know. Hell, she was probably feeling his cum leaking out of her çunny from their early fuck

Well maybe instead of delicious toes you'll get to suck some cute toes instead? Doubles confirms.

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For the right price.

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Hope i dont die before this nigger gets his

Goddam he looks so satisfied with himself.

underrated post

he is based af

the dude was only guilty of being an awkward and creepy gay bro. how is this an inforgivable crime?

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