Are you still seeing Black Widow after these remarks?

are you still seeing Black Widow after these remarks?

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I'll probably catch a comfy matinee, yeah.

Popcorn, chocolate, coke zero, skintight latex on actresses. Im ready.

Based ScarJo BTFO of those me too shitters.

jew protecting jew

what did woody allen do again?

im not in the loop for burger celebrities

>no b-but Woody is innocent, he told me himself
And yet the retards will pretend she didn't support all this up until it hurt people she likes

why would anyone watch this feminist crap in the first place?

hypocrisy you mean

Attached: scarlett-180121.jpg (267x517, 46K)

He fucked, and later married his girlfriend's barely legal adopted daughter.

There's allegations that he molested his own seven year old daughter, but there's plenty of reason to doubt that.

I might actually buy a ticket. /ourjewess/ standing up for /ourkike/ is based.

i wonder why she would say that? Woody's career is over anyway , he doesn't need protection he's old , and none of the charges against him have any legal basis. ScarJo should have stuck with the feminist narrative that women never lie about sex charges.

Nice lies goyim

Woody Allen supports child rapist Roman Polanski.

Exactly. It's like when Lena Dunham had a believe all women twitter meltdown, but when a male producer on GIRLS was accused of rape she went full "n-n-no one working on Girls would ever rape anyone!"

me too joke an he will be Free Never Forced they all went up the rooms an came down Richer .. his defence was they jumped him an was thing suck him , let him fuck your ass , or pussy , hwe prefers ass .. was the all of them .. ! he got golden ticket There .. That is why gossip released an then Gone .. NOT GUILTY
all them bitches an that WRATH ..

Maybe she's being (gasp!) honest?

He got a repeat Email from those accusers saying this .
Press nearly blew Me/too an he will

Get Cleared .

Because that's what friends do, support each other, you wouldn't understand



Didn’t she blast Franco despite his accusations being even less credible and less serve than Allen?

>says she should able to play a trans or a tree if she wants to. Basically says fuck the pc trans police
>defends woody allen. Basically says fuck the believe all women police
Damn didn’t know she was so based

When are people going to realize scarjo is as overrated and talentless as can be? How many fucking movies has she been in showing such a lack of range

First of all, Soon-Yi isn't his legal adopted daughter. She's the adopted daughter of crazy Mia Farrow and André Previn. Check your facts before trying to shitpost, faggot.

epstein too

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I wasn’t going to watch it anyway but her remarks don’t bother me. That industry is a cesspit but they all participate freely. #metoo is a load of shit.

Who is the brunette in that pic

It's really not that damning.
If I were to avoid her movies because of such a statement and remained consistent I'd have no movies to watch.

If I cared and believed about these specific allegations against Woody Allen, I could see myself maybe avoiding his work, not his friends work.

what was she doing here then?
I have an aswer, famewhore