Movies That Unironically Made you Cry


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That movie crushed me.

Upstream color and that scene where Indiefu loses her piglet

Who here wasn't an outcast and wanted to escape to a fantasy world.

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When he takes his daughter to the ballet and is happy to see that she enjoys it.

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The only romantic movie to ever make me misty eyed. As far as I'm concerned it's kino.

a seed to feed

Everyone wants someone like her to come and save them. He fell in love with her. And then she is taken away by cancer. Its heartbreaking


When Alfred talks to Bruce and leaves?

how could you cry ironically? fucking retards on this website

Its a meme.

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zoomers ruin fucking everything


beggin ya both ta die

Faggot I am 31 and have been here since 2008.
Puddy puddy motherfucker

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Pay it Forward

Hope (2013)
>The moment I realised the candybag was used to conceal the sound of the bag
I never cry watching anything, this was the ONLY time I ever shed a tear watching something.
Pic related is def in my top 5 movies.

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Its a wonderful life , when you if you have frens you based .

One flew over the cuckoos nest , I waiting to go in this fight real bong club me an old bloke .. theres no compassion as jail for nutters .. b way way to go out Fighting

shutter Island
I knew I was that bad guy



The man who would be king

Get Carter

The last 15 minutes of Big Fish hit everyone in the feels. If you've never seen it, make sure you watch it alone the first time.

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This. Saw it about a month back. Blubfest.