E People's Choice Awards. Choose your Female Movie Star.
E People's Choice Awards. Choose your Female Movie Star
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Where's the little latina hobgoblin?
>Brie Larson
Brie Larson, unironically. At least she's fuckable. God, what a circus we're living in.
I pick Shansha just to spite everyone.
I guess scarjo since she's the only one I jerk to
I would unironically and literally fuck all of them if I could.
I mean the best movie on that list is unironically Adam Sandler's "Murder Mystery."
The rest were dogshit and flops
Can we meme Brie into winning this? Lmao, let's do it.
>the right mad
>the left mad
>normies mad
>tv mad
This has 7UP potential.
Scajo will unironically win. She has (((connections))), plus her movies comming out.
didn't Marvel buy it last year for Scarlett? they probably will buy it for Larson this year
It will be a black actress imo. Otherwise they're literally Hitler.
I can remember a movie from last and current year where Lupita was in
Zendaya is the logical choice
there's only 2 races goy
what went so fucking wrong
Tessa and Zendaya are so ugly. Hollywoke needs to chill, if I’m going to pay for a movie with a talentless actress she should at least be moderately attractive. Fuck
Other than that, it’s pathetic how shitty this list is. How movie quality has dropped so much, so quickly, is unbelievable
For me its lupita. Then jeny Aniston
Ironic how this Yea Forums meme became a reality, except she's too skinny now instead of fat.
The character is cursed to suffer.
Plase don't make fun of me Mr. Doom, I have allergies.
>no Emilia Clarke
What the fuck?
not a movie star lmao
she is the most basic bitch alive
That's DOCTOR Doom, common foid.
All she's done in 2019 is be part of a terrible season of GoT, why would she be nominated?
>Kit nominated for male
>both Sophie and Maisie nominated for female
This is some bullshit.
maisie and sophie got nominated while emilia literally carried that terrible season
This doctor doom guy seems pretty B&RP
I hate Brie Larson but I'd vote for her
>movie of the year not even mentioned
What the fuck Maisie Williams did to get nominated then
Sandler wins again!
Zendaya or Lupita
No one else will be close
Why the fuck does Tessa Thompson look like a fucking LEGO figure
Has Milly been raped as a kid or does she take drugs? How the fuck can a girl hit the wall at 15?
>Has Milly been raped as a kid or does she take drugs?
By being a degenerate who got too accustomed to a lavish lifestyle and thinks she's made it already.
What went wrong?
except basic bitches would frown upon LotR and other similar "guy" franchises
Who's the teenager again?
Plus, she's easily the most popular actress on that list.
None. All of these movies belong in the garbage
Cursed Milly on the left and Blessed Milly on the right
She looks deranged here.
>the absolute state of female Hollywood "stars"
Why don't they ever cast 10/10 women anymore?
Tessa Thompson! Ahahaha fucking hell who paid for this lot to be there?
Get fucked Brie
I would fuck half of them but wouldn't vote for any of them. Pretty sorry state of affairs for modern actresses. But it isn't ok to not like something. I MUST be an incel if I don't think many actresses are any good nowadays.
The only “movie star” here is Scarlett Johansson.
>I would pee my pants
Pee in my mouth desu
>capeshit and sci-fi
good grief
Lupita is the obvious winner here
>Only 2 weren't in capeshit
>favorite movie star John Wayne.
lmao will we start caring about Nickelodeon awards next?
>Foot fungus tranny
>Generic nigger
>Weinstein's cocksleeve granny
>Bongoloid tranny
>Soulless mulatto demon spawn #1
>Soulless mulatto demon spawn #2
The only real woman there is Aniston. Seriously the absolute state of this pozzed generation.