What's a good movie that explores the concept of Nihilism and possibly overcoming it?
What's a good movie that explores the concept of Nihilism and possibly overcoming it?
Naked (1993)
>Naked (1993)
Thanks user
The Cube trilogy
You have to watch all three though.
me and my gf couldn't finish this. we tried for 3 nights, and picking up each time from where we had left
you and your gf suck
No Country for Old Men
Ignore this troll, only the first one was any good
You might enjoy the latest marvel flick
I did ignore him, I agree with you the first one was the best one. The only one I liked. And thanks for the rec.
Retards. Get a fucking brain ffs
There are no movies. You have to start living a good life user.
You first.
Az ötödik pecsét - it has 3 acts, with some nihilistic monologues in them. great great film.
I try. I have made mistakes but I try to be a good person but I'm mentally checked out nowadays.
Thank you user
it's not a movie but "Monster" talks about this theme pretty well
The crime drama from 2003?
Trys Dienos (1991) more a film about desolation but the bleakness and despair can be felt. it süeals more through its images and flow than it does with plot or characters.
Synecdoche, New York
if you're talking about urasawa's monster then yes
>Dienos (1991)
Brilliant suggestion, thank you
Looks very good, thanks
>overcoming nihilism
Why the fuck would you want to do that? Nihilism is the most liberating mindset a person can have. When nothing matters, then everything is permitted.
>t.early twenties manchild
This looks really good, very visceral. Thank you
31 actually, and I've gone through a lot to come this conclusion. And it made my life so much better than when I constantly worried about pointless shit.
Is it good though. Are you happy? Genuinely asking. A lot of people say what you said to me "when nothing matters, everything is permitted" but they don't seem happy to me. And they don't seem to really mean it as some things in life still seem to matter to them enough because they're not really letting loose, they just think not caring and having no drive, consuming crap = nihilism.
happiness is a scam
Vanishing Point.
Tells me all I needed to know, thanks.
>Is it good though. Are you happy?
Yup. Strangely enough, not caring has given me a drive to actually do shit, like start a carrier doing something I like, improve my health, set goals. It's a weird thing, I mean I don't really care what really happens with my life in the end because, I could fail at everything and it doesn't really matter, hell I could die tomorrow in some terrible accident and again it really wouldn't matter, but because I don't really value anything, then why be afraid of anything? I don't value my life thus why be afraid of living it and possibly failing at it, or even losing it?
But if you don't care/nothing matters why are you setting goals? Why are you improving your health? If nothing matters then to what end do you do these things?
Why not? Might as well enjoy myself while I'm here. Try new things, see new sights, you know? I've done a lot of impulsive shit since taking up this mindset and it's made me better. Think of things that you fear and go do them. Put yourself in embarrassing or painful situations on purpose and see what comes of it. Once you stop caring, you get this curiosity to try out shit you were afraid of before.
I did all of that and it was fun for a while but it stopped being fun. Now nothing is fun and I have no idea what to live for so I need something.
>I did all of that
No you didn't. If you still harbor fears and inhibitions, the last being the fear of losing your life, then you're not a nihilist. There's so much a person can do and see in this life, that you wouldn't be able to get through it in ten lifetimes let alone one. I mean you still care so much about life that you're looking for some answer outside of true nihilism. Stop caring.
You don't overcome nihilism, you overcome the childish notion of what nihilism is.
Aka: what anons think nihilism means.
That's not really about *overcoming* nihilism though, is it? Except from being so obfuscatingly, irritatingly miserable it makes you long for life again after nearly 3 hours in its protagonist's company
>Might as well enjoy myself while I'm here
Then you're not a nihilist, you're a worthless pathetic hedonistic subhuman swine.
Synecdoche NY is barely over 2 hours long. I know it feels like a 3 hour movie.
How can I be a hedonist when I seek out pain as readily as I seek out pleasure?
Google S&M retard?
The ending and the graveyard scene are killing me
I don't find pleasure in pain, I find an experience. I want to experience things, not because they are pleasant but because they are. Even if everything that I experience is in the end meaningless.
I know you are looking for films but if you are a bookfag read East of Eden.
>East of Eden
Thanks user, will give it a read.
If it's to your taste, Neon Genesis Evangelion and End Of Evangelion handle this well, though from the perspective of going through nihilism as an adolescent, not as an adult. We're still knee-deep in the passive nihilism of post-modernism unfortunately so a lot of the best films out of the last couple of decades that touch on existential themes are fairly bleak and absurdist e.g. Holy Motors. The last mainstream movie I can think of that tackled overcoming Holden Caulfield-eseque nihilism head-on is Girl, Interrupted and that was 1999 iirc. Technically Birdman could count, though thematically it focuses quite narrowly on overcoming nihilsm in creativity, following an artist's journey past various obstacles to come to total self-belief in his creative vision.
This. Deleuze and so forth. Two kinds of nihilism, active and passive. Active nihilism can help one throw off the shackles of old sociological dogmas and take charge of one's life. Passive nihilism is reductio ad absurdum applied to life itself and helps nobody.
The book is about being a man when faced with the impossibility of life, struggling against fate/nihilism and the consequences of being dark-hearted.
Sounds very interesting, I will order it online soon and give it a read.
This is kind of out of left field, but Excalibur (1981). It takes some small mental gymnastics to equate the wasteland of the land without a king as nihilistic , but I do it and enjoy the movie a lot as a result.
You're not a true Narcissist if you want to not be one
I never said I was?
You sound like a woman.
Existentialism is the only kino philosophy of life.
>I want to experience things, not because they are pleasant but because they are
sophistry, you still obviously derive pleasure from just experiencing it, or you wouldn't do it. You yourself said you want them.
>you still obviously derive pleasure from just experiencing it, or you wouldn't do it.
Does a person that is training his muscles, damaging them and feeling the intense pain, do it because it feels good? You seem to be the one that is a hedonist if you think that everything must yield instant gratification or people wouldn't do those things.
>If you still harbor fears and inhibitions, the last being the fear of losing your life, then you're not a nihilist.
I'm willing to bet that you're actually a nihilist BECAUSE of your fear of meaning. If there's an objective truth and meaning to life, that puts the ultimate responsibility on you to make the right decisions. It also makes you responsible for your own shortcomings, failures, etc. It's easier for some people to cope with the suffering of life by doing some nihilistic mental gymnastics and absolving themselves of any responsibility or connection for anything meaningful (in their own minds). In reality, you're miserable as fuck, you know it, we all know it. Enjoy pissing your life away.
>It also makes you responsible for your own shortcomings, failures, etc.
You assume like I don't know this or accept it. I know that only my actions are the result of what I am or am not. I have achieved a lot from realizing this: physically, mentally, financially. I used to weigh 50kg more than I do now and be far weeker than I am now. I used to be a shutin with no job or prospects, now I have a fairly good job and a career I enjoy, I used to go to bed at night and think of how I wanted to kill myself, now I go to bed thinking of what experiences the next day will bring. It is exactly the fear that a non-nihilist has that leads them to making excuses and blaming others for their problems. This fear stops them from acting and trying things out that might lead to failure and pain. Once I realized that it doesn't really matter, I stopped being afraid and started doing.
I'm not saying it's instant gratification, nor does hedonism as anything but the meme pop culture version search for it either
fuck that
>I used to weigh 50kg more than I do now and be far weeker than I am now. I used to be a shutin with no job or prospects, now I have a fairly good job and a career I enjoy, I used to go to bed at night and think of how I wanted to kill myself, now I go to bed thinking of what experiences the next day will bring.
>Once I realized that it doesn't really matter, I stopped being afraid and started doing.
If you truly believed nothing really mattered, you wouldn't have improved your personal health and career. By talking about that in a positive light, you're implying that personal health and successful careers have value and positive meaning. Yet at the same time you say nothing really matters. So which is it?
It's called "tactical nihilism" i.e. nothing matters except the things I'm successful at so I can shit on others while I jerk off to myself.
That's just narcissism
>It's called "tactical nihilism"
that's made-up term. the word you're looking for is "narcissism" i.e. 'I'm the only thing that matters, everything else is secondary'. At least actual nihilists see themselves on an even playing field with others; pieces of shit like you are dangerous. Stop using words that you don't understand to sound smart.
It doesn't matter. None of it does, but they are things that you would consider as meaningful achievements that would counter your assumptions that I'm a "miserable fuck". I've had other less-successful endeavors, but they are all experiences I wouldn't have had if I actually thought this existence had meaning because like most people in the world today I would have been too afraid to fail and lose something should I try new things.
I'm not jerking off to anything, I'm just providing examples of what the guy I'm talking to would be able to comprehend as "achievements". Like I said, I've had some horrible failures as well despite those achievements.
>if I actually thought this existence had meaning
and yet here you are, justifying your viewpoint. If your viewpoint is meaningless, and i'm just a meaningless user asking meaningless questions, what the hell are you doing right now?
I'm having an interesting experience, what are you doing, user?
>I'm having an interesting experience, what are you doing, user?
i'm trying to lead you into thinking that maybe you might believe in meaning, even if you tell yourself you don't. you don't sound like a run of the mill nihilist who's an just an asshole justifying morally bad behavior like
OP said about nihilisim or POSSIBLY overcoming it.