Why did Elaine throw his $10,000 toupee out the window?

Why did Elaine throw his $10,000 toupee out the window?

Attached: georgeKostanzia.jpg (486x300, 22K)

for some reason that made me so pissed, weird

its supposed to be played off as a typical elaine gag but toupees are insanely expensive and knowing george, he would be more angry than that

Because women are impulsive, reckless, and have a disregard for other's property and monetary value of things in general. This seeps into the subconscious of the writers who then accidentally write something like this and everyone laughs because only a woman character can really get away with it since a man would get knocked the fuck out or be on the hook for it.

Because women hate when a guy frauds his genetics or his looks

Attached: 694AF6C1-8D72-4DC4-AB36-CDF940682EB8.jpg (750x1141, 276K)


>ugly frizzy haired ching chong mutt
bitch needs a damn toupe for her face.

Can actually confirm. I've got a 10€ wig for carnival that when I wear it makes women swoon as they did 5 years ago when my hair actually looked like that. Everytime I go out clubbing with it on, someone will ask me to sit with them or even offer me a drink. One of them talked to me for two hours on Halloween when I was dressed as a Ghostbuster. She said I reminded her of a waiter in Milano she once fell in love with. When I returned from the loo with it off, I got her beer thrown into my face.

Yeah that woman dressed as Hellboy really seems to be into you.

The toupe looks great, but if you're courting a woman, she's going to find out eventually that your hair is fake and you're going to look like an idiot.

Predictable responses 101. But yeah, guess who took that pic.

You forgot to delete your metadata

Because she hated it and this is what she’s doing

Your mom?

Chads embrace their hair loss and don't try to cover it up.

Thing is, you already look like an idiot without it, to them at least. You don't even get past the first impression that way. Offline you might, no chance in online dating.

doesn't 4channel delete it automatically?

the insane blabbering of some fat ugly roastie

It does. And there's nothing in there anyway.

Why? She's a cunt, so is he. They're all cunts, that's the point

Thank god I won’t go bald. Men in my family have hair even when they’re 90

In my family they all go bald and live to 90 by chain smoking or heavy drinking, so it can't be shit genetics.