Let's talk about this country

They're where the site gets the most traffic second only to USA, so in respect to them: What are some good dutch kinos?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Isn’t there a lot of cuckold shows that the taxpayers fund?


Not that I know of, the only truly degenerate shot is Hotter Than My Daughter but that's mainly due to the mothers looking fucking nightmarish

i get that one confused with france. remember that the french one has it's stripes up like it's surrendering.

Spoorloos based on the book het gouden ei is kino

Luxemburg is a city

>Dutch scum
>All of them depressed and racist
>Second only in traffic to psycho amerisharts
Holy shit that actually explains everything

>tfw 1/4th dutch
>tfw racist


How do you see Yea Forums traffic?

I visit Amsterdam every year. Everyone is pleasant.


also Sam Sam


lach mijn kont eraf apenstaartje jouw leven

Kruistocht in Spijkerbroek is kidkino

Soldaat van Orangje

>implying there’s anything wrong with being racist

one of the best dutch kino


We're number 2 now? It used to be Canada or UK I think.
Most Dutch films suck. There is no true kino here.

amsterdam is the least dutch city there is

I propose that Yea Forums gets flags too.


Wrong. Most traffic on this site comes from USA, then UK, then Canada, then Australia, and the rest are literally not much different.

This place is a commonwealth circlejerk with a dash of germaboos.

So the dutch are just assholes?


Why did they change the top stripe to be red. Looks like every other red white and blue flag now

None. Fuck these """"""people""""""".

6'4 @ 260 lbs fite me

There are none, and the majority of Dutch posters are shitposters and phoneposters.

Conquered by Napoleon

Cant find any subs that are not screwed up :-(

You would be too if your country was infested with niggers and muslims

Dutch btw

zuig mijn lul flikker ik neuk je moeder

Total Recall
Starship Troopers

Pretty lame desu

never seen the dub version but i heared its pretty good

Mein Neger.

Reeswaar wenn?

% BF?

This. Yea Forums would love 'new kids', but I don't think there is an English translation.

This one is my favourite

tering hondennnnn jullie kanker moeder kanker homo's


The dutch movies of Verhoeven are truly kino. Also van Warmerdarm made some interesting movies.

Maybe a couple Yea Forumsanons should work together to make an English dub of it

speak english faggot

>most traffic second only to USA
Population 17 million, not native-English speakers.

Saw this last week, the Belgian guy's 'Dutch' accent was very annoying

it's definetly a bullshit statistic, though we are the best speaking non-native english speakers

Ik neuk de conciërge in zijn aars

The trailer does:

Borgman is Dutch horror kino

very underrated

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Paul Verhoeven films

Voor gratis?

Red, white, blue, is that the American flag?

Karakter is fucking kino


Why is the Dutch g so ugly when compared to the Flemish? Dutch people sound like they’re choking all the time when they speak


Zo'n gerespecteerde man zou toch niets voor gratis doen?

Good job visiting the tourist containment site instead of actual Dutch locations
Amsterdamflikker hier trouwens



Bek dicht kankerhomo

Who here /Enschede/?

Some more recent kinos
-a film I forgot the name of but it's 2 dutch tourists in some backwater corrupt country and they witness police doing a murder I think and then they have to run and hide from the authorities and try and make it out of the country alive, was pretty good
-Loft (tho I don't know how it compares to the belgian original)
-De Heineken ontvoering


Go back to Yea Forums you fucking wuss.

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visited there a few years back, the girls looked great, i hope you are taking advantage

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You could’ve visited any other city but of course you chose the one that caters to millennial tourists.

Wij zijn FC Twente,
Twente Enschede,
Komen uit het oosten,
Twente Enschede,
Hier is jullie hel,
De hel uit Enschede,
Come on FC Twente,
Twente Enschede

doopin mental

Studied here, hell yeah I took advantage of the Blauwe Engel sometimes

qui ist /brusseleir/


All Dutch must fucking hang
t. German

Wolf is a good flick

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ma kzen vlaming onnozelaar

Germans are the cancer of Europe and of all Germanic cultures the fucking worst

gib fahrrad zuruck

durum pitta andalouse blank fritten erin aub

/roombeek/ hier

when germans tell the truth

kys german subhumans, your shity country should be nuked

Any Dutch gay kino with cute boys?

We had Spuiten en Slikken, a show about sex and drugs, think they discussed it once. But i don't think it is taxpayer funded even though it was on the government channel. Iused to watch it sometimes because pic related, and theres nothing else good on tv anyway

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>-Loft (tho I don't know how it compares to the belgian original)
I thought the Belgian original was kino (also kino Marie Vinck tetten) but the Dutch copy was awful imo

does anyone have the oldje webm where the girl blows the grass clippings on the guy?

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Deventernaren verenig u!

Nederlandse films zijn kut, tenzei ze over de oorlog gaan.

Lmao the Dutch made their own version?

That film was boring as shit

miss me yet?

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kanker frikandel

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Black Book (Zwartboek) is kino

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Why tf are we second in traffic? I don't believe you.

Also, check out Rutger Hauers kinos if you haven't.

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Pic unrelated btw.

I don't believe we're second, but there's a lot of dutch flags on spee, wouldn't surprise me if we made top 5

unironically kino

Borgman is good, and so is Ober. Both dark comedies with some surrealism. We don't have much niche or arty movies, mostly movies about war, tits and profanity. Or DE LIFT about a killer elevator.

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kebab mit saus und gemuse schnell bitte

Dick Maas + Huub Stapel kinos are comfy

Yes youtube.com/watch?v=ehDnHcKey1o

saw this one recently


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You know, fuck movies. Let's talk hot Dutch women.

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Als ge niet met Gentsche neuzen komt mag ge optiefen, Vlaanderen

for me, it's katja schuurman

Either Yolanthe or Sylvia Hoeks

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You're full of shit
>Yea Forums.org/advertise
>Location: United States (47%), United Kingdom (8%), Canada (6%), Australia (5%), Germany (4%), France (2%), Sweden (2%), Netherlands (2%), Poland (1.5%), Brazil (1.5%)

Yes, poorly executed cash grab.

The director of the original went on to make an American remake. Matthias Schoenaerts played the exact same character in both the original and US version, lmao.

Speaking relatively he's probably right

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prime Yolanthe was kino

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Turks Fruit by Paul Verhoeven

that would be Finland and the US certainly wouldn't be first

Dutch and Swedes are pretty active on websites with English as main language compared to non english speaking nations. However, the Anglo world is still more active i think

incel kino


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1. The Assault (1986)
2. Max Havelaar (1976)
3. Amsterdamned (1988)
4. Character (1997)
5. Twin Sisters (2002)
6. The Lift (1983)
7. Turkish Delight (1973)
8. Katie Tippel (1975)
9. Soldier of Orange (1977)
10. The Vanishing (1988)
11. Black Book (2006)
12. Winter in Wartime (2009)
13. Nova Zembla (2011)
14. Kenau (2014)
15. Admiral (2015)
16. Public Works (2015)
17. In My Father's Garden (2016)
18. Riphagen (2016)
19. The Resistance Banker (2018)
20. Redbad (2019)

Other classics are:

Flodder (1986)
De Schippers van de Kameleon (1988)
Minoes (2001)
Spetters (1980)
Pietje Bell (2002)
Floris (1969)
Alfred J. Kwak (1989 - 1991)

Schippers van de Kameleon (2003)*

I live there like half the year for work, and as an outsider I beg you, please ban all moped mohammedans. Those rude cunts think they're all little princes because their women are treated like cattle, fuck them.

I can't find the full webm

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Dutch kids television was fucked up.

>only 1 result for Warmerdam
dood jezelf

>het is een yolanthe bij de lama's episode

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Ik zou je bijna zelf corrigeren :) mijn oom speelde de kerel in het begin die 'de Kameleon' kapot maakt omdat hij harder wil

yes and also the best people out there

You haven't seen anything yet.

Remember Fukkie Slim? This was on nederland 3 at like 7.30 pm.


It is bizarre to me now that I was allowed to watch this as a child.

>You haven't seen anything yet

This, have you fuckers ever had too experience your street become 95% infested with crime and murder withing 25 years?
Robberies, murders and rapes were something you only saw on the fucking TV. Now it's everyday reality fuck you faggot.

Ben nu die film op Netflix aan 't zoeken

>because their women are treated like cattle
everyone who uses this excuse to shit on Muslims probably wish they could treat their women like that.

Jesus Christ. Unbelievable. Is our entire country a fucking CIA experiment or something?

Alfred J. Kwak?

You owe it to yourself if you're Dutch and you haven't seen this.

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What about them? Harmless kids shows.

was literally just about to post this, lmao

I remember watching this on sunday mornings during kids' programming

it is an extremely weird show

Flemish but still.

Still kino though

I learning Dutch on Duolingo :^)

It's kind of tough but I'm enjoying it

I feel old now

Hou je kankerbek ouwe of ik ga je zo pompen.

>They're where the site gets the most traffic second only to USA
There's zero chance this is true.
It's also amazing how bad their film industry is. I've seen more films from obscure eastern european shitholes.

I am slightly jealous because they have really good licorice but in the states I have to import mine because ours is garbage.

t. polak

This is the best we have to offer

How? the whole idea is that you knew these guys from your childhood. It's not a american subculture.

took me 10 seconds to find the subtitles

>hgw geen alexia gf

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Makker ik zie dagelijks mooiere meiden in de trein

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Maar hoeveel van die meiden hebben blauw bloed?
Er kan maar één man de prinses ontmaagden.

produceren die ook adelijk nageslacht?

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ouwe paas mij amalia

Most dutch movies are cash grab (ladies night) trash tier shit. tbqh. A typical dutch movie checklist: forced diversity, swearing, unncesary sexscenes/nude scenes. There are a couple of good dutch movies mentioned in this thread though.

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mein zwager

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>forced diversity
>yea that’s when brown people and women exist in real life but I don’t want to see them on a screen

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Black book is amazing and an all time favourite. Had a Dutch ex who subjected me to films like Siske The Rat and the New Kids movies. She tricked me into watching Michiel de Ruyter by saying it had Rutget Hauer as a star but that was pretty good so I can't be mad. Amusingly Michiel de Ruyter was just called Admiral in the UK because none of us have heard of him.

Just back from visiting there again, what a god damn fine country it is.

>good dutch kinos?
lmao our movies suck ass. besides, the "serious" ones are award bait set in WWII

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I never saw a cuckold show desu.

My only weakness

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I'm a dutch muslim, keep crying incels.

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Don't be stupid. Every modern dutch film(i explained) for some reason has a diverse cast of moroccans/turks,blacks and whites. Like we are all one hip urbanite rainbow family

france sucks

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>be rich
>get biggest welfare checks in the nation

Mijn God wat een vuilnisbakkendaardmannen familie

Hou je bek over de koning lulhoofd.

New Kids only works for germans and the dutch

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Achmed hoe krijg ik een prinses Jasmijn gf zonder muzzie te zijn?

Why anglos so obssesed with Yea Forums?


Geef je onironisch iets om de monarchie?

>if we made top 5
lol not even close


als het Nederlandsche volk verstand had waren deze lui al lang dood/afgezet. desalniettemin zou ik alexia haar gaten willen verkennen

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Krijg je niet, ongelovige.

Ja willie en zijn familie zijn leuk, ze staan boven de politiek en verbinden het land of je nou een allochtoon of autochtoon bent.
Het grappige is ook dat ik vaker autochtonen zie die lullig doen over de koning.

fuck the royal family tbqh. Muh brave queen supporting our troops on the radio during world war 2. They barely descended from based william of orange. Biggest tax evaders of the country.

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Paal ewn met de baardkoning.

is the youngest one a downie?

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I enjoyed it with having been shown the stereotypes by a Dutch person, having to have some of the stereotypes explained. I still enjoyed. In a vacuum I'd probably be a bit confused.

No Willem racemixed with a hispanic and ruined his germanic bloodline.

yes, Thunberg syndrome

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left looks like a downie, middle like she's pulling tractors, right has potentila to be a giga cutie; she's got some boobs aswell

Yuri incest fanfictie wanneer?


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literally me

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Gebasseerde mastermovies paler.

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Paal de baardkoning.

mijn kutstad

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is prince pils still alive?

wat is dit?

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Eer best prinses door vanavond een fapje te doneren

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ze ziet eruit alsof ze negers neukt

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Dat is wiet

>staat letterlijk op een vuilnishoop

whats this about negers

ze is lesbisch

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One of the most Dutch things I've seen.

Dat doen ze allemaal, goede gok.

I like her the best



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HH, woon nu In Utrecht.

I thought theyre just all into anal


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waarom heb je dat?

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effe lekker peukie roken


Holy fuck that takes me back

Gewoon ff leuker peukje roken

nog een

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iemand /friesland/?

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Kut autocorrect

>character goes trough the beard arc

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leer normaal nederlands praten kut

wdn i lof de koning nou

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If she keeps her mouth shut

ik heb ein scheitprobleem

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tweetalig opgevoed, spreek beiden foutloos. zuig aan mijn dikke onbesneden Friese lul mohammed

No Schatjes


>non relevante woede

Dikke zeug is het ook

Robocop is a honorary dutch movie

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ok achmed

Every Verhoeven is honorary dutch

Walgelijk. Dit heeft mij een anarchist gemaakt.

What about Showgirls

Where can I find a Catholic Dutch gf?
Also, I find something new for me, I didn't know Dutch were the ones that colonized New York.

That's Sweden

>ok achmed

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Free flinders!

Fun fact: Netherlands is not the same as The Kingdom of Netherlands.

Then we traded New Amsterdam for Curacao/Suriname or some shit. Oh what could have been...

Grappig hoe Amalia zo op haar vader lijkt en Alexia zo op haar moeder

En Ariane op een downs kind

I hate Dutch people, they make me feel less white.


at the time a good deal

>>ok achmed

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>some islands in the caribbean inhabited by niggers and rich white folk nobody gives a shit about
wew lad


His president is a faggot.

The day Europe burns, I am going to take a personal holiday to celebrate while watching it unfold through the news.

this. my best friend is dutch


S E E T H I N G nonwhites

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Like I said, your arbitrary insults are going to make the raping and submission of your people SO delicious. All that's left until then is to remind every American that Europeans aren't our friends, never have been, and never will be. Laugh it up.

La creatura pls

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You misspelled Rotterdam

He's called King Pils nowadays

Onironisch MashALLAH.

T. Muslim

Question for Dutch people Would you breed qt spics like this?

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can you dutchbros help a nigga out, one of my friends is going to leiden university, is it a good school? how much brainwashing will go on there?

Also, not taxpayer funded

It's a very good university and pretty conservative with most studies. Not a leiden student but know some people that study corporate law at Leiden. It depends on your friend's study though.

>infested when both are still minorities in the country


shes going for her first year so she said she has to take the mandatory classes first and then she can pick her own. but I'm pretty sure shes an arthoe so it'll be something related to art. I tried to talk her out of it

Quiet cracka & fuck the r*yals

I'd fuck anything remotely attractive at this point

> arthoe
pretty big chance on subversion then it's universal.

> tfw i have a thing for alternative chicks but i'm also right wing

Watch “Vals” dat was best een kino flik

Yet you'd be hard pressed not to see them on every fucking street
Bet burgers said the same thing and now they're a minority in their own country.

Alright I might as well ask here.
I saw a Dutch crime thriller movie ages ago. It was about like an undercover cop or something. He had a pregnant wife, at one point she gets beat up and miscarries.
He ends up raising some criminal's kid.
Anyone know what movie this was?

>> tfw i have a thing for alternative chicks but i'm also right wing
Girls don't give a fuck about your political views, they only care about the usual attractive qualities.

>your house is only 49% cockroaches lol how is it infested?

It's also that i don't get the chance to meet them in my law bubble. I guess i should try online dating apps

good point, well I can only hope it doesn't affect her too much

There's no fellow female law students in your bubble? I meet girls and I'm studying for a job in one of the most male dominated fields.

Not really the type i like pham they are pretty basic. Law has more females than males i believe so that's not the problem. My problem is that i'm not normie enough for the normie crowd but also not weird enough for the alternative crowd.

The Netherlands are the source of all evil in this world

>Slave trade

It must be destroyed

>All of them depressed and racist

if only

Slavery has been practised since times immemorial

"Lek" maybe

Come here to Mexico, we need to mejorar la raza

lekker bru

Other than Black Book, I only remember a movie about an old hitman suffering from alzheimer, but it might be belgian.

>t. actual retard

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Dutch Kinos?

Dutchie here. Visit this bord everyday for 8 years.

A lot of Dutch movies feel like indie movies to you guys.

We have a few hilarious movies like New Kids Turbo and New Kids Nitro and Bro’s before ho’s my fave. Luv from Blade Runner 2049 is in it.

Watch ‘Turks Fruits’ for Rutger Hauer.

Simon, great movie!

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based, Dutch pride in a nutshell. fuck those foreign liberals, wear blackface till you die

Actual Dutch kino:

-Rundfunk (comedy series available on youtube)
-New Kids
-Achtste Groepers Huilen Niet (for kids but the best Dutch film I have ever seen)
-Minoes (about a cat girl)


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moffel en piertje
Roos en haar mannen
btw, where can I watch the first movie of Theo van Gogh called Luger?

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I don't wanna talk about poland.

grote zwarte pik in mijn vrouw