This is the stupidest most pseudointellectual bullshit I've ever watched
This is the stupidest most pseudointellectual bullshit I've ever watched
Other urls found in this thread:
I liked it when I first read it like 10 years ago
but this post is literally the first time I've thought about it since then
The story is fucking stupid. It says that when the human lives out the lives of all humans who ever lived then he'll become a god. But that means that killing everyone will just accelerate the process. And why the fuck can't the god who keeps reincarnating him just give him the knowledge straight away
It's just a feel-good story meant to foster kinship amongst human beings. It's much easier to digest than the truth, that being that the corporate and political elite engages in child sacrifice and the generation of negative emotions through constant media bombardment to fulfill pacts made with 2nd Dimensional entities to gain power in ours. It's much easier to believe that and not look at the prevalence of child sacrifice in human cultures, both ancient and modern, the construction of pyramids by separate cultures around the world and in different time periods, the concept that humans can become possessed by evil entities/demons as a symbolism of how these 2 Dimensional beings act through us. Much easier to believe than the fact that the CIA is well aware of such truths and has delved deep into research regarding contact with these entities through DMT-fuelled experiments and altered states of consciousness through meditation and brainwaves via the Hemi-Sync phenomenon discovered by the Munroe Institute.
>that means that killing everyone..
maybe you should watch it again. he was being transported to the past. time works different. you still have to live every human life and whether he can kill everyone, or even realize to kill everyone is another question.
It just tell us to see everyone else as us. When you see "the other" as yourself empathy becomes action defining value.
You don't know what this word means
>2nd Dimensional entities
the cartoon world?
>actually believes this
Not exactly, it just makes it easier to understand. We operate in the third dimension and our understanding of which is narrowed by our senses. We can occupy a place in space and time. We can move through space freely (for the most part) but, we cannot move through time. All the same, we occupy the fourth dimension but cannot maneuver through it as a being native to that dimension could, in that they could move to a period of time as if they were moving to another room. There are beings in this higher dimension, beings that humanity has contacted with, albeit briefly. Likewise, there are beings in a dimension we can think of as a lower dimension, a dimension below our own but, at the same time are a part of the 3rd dimension due to the nature of how they all intersect. After all, planes exist in the third dimension, we simply are not limited to them. These 2 dimensional entities despise us and the beings above us, they seem to be fueled by negative emotions and are likely the source of all religions and occult concepts of demons and devils. Interestingly enough, the concept of their dimension being a lower one lines up with the idea of hell being beneath us. The same can be said for the fourth dimensional entities and heaven.
These concepts are very common across many human cultures and it is not by accident. There is a collective unconscious in humanity of which we are all a part and connected to. Just as you can raise entire generations of chickens or monkeys in artificial environments removed from nature, introduce a predator and watch them react just as their ancestors would (without ever having seen such predator in their life), so too do humans.
wow I can't believe in a different life I made a post this shit
Based brother. People need to stop doing DMT and getting advice from literal demons/malevolent beings. I see it too much.
>we're all part of the same consciousness, dude
>so just open the borders or you'd just be excluding yourself, dude
I can smell the agenda a mile away
This sums it up quite well.
That channel already used it's popularity to political ends so it's not above doing that again.
But opening the borders would defeat the purpose of those separate lives. For if everyone had the same standards of living and the same experiences, what’s to be learned?
I hate the narrators forced narration voice, it's so obnoxious. The same goes for the art-style.
>Kurzgesagt are a bunch of pretentious globalist shills pumping out shitty content
This has been common knowledge for years. They're literally paid by the German government and several globalist think tanks.
Killing everyone would just reduce the pressure on the egg shell anyway.
>i hate good stuff
you must be fun at parties
No. Fuck off. You wanna shitpost? Put some effort into it you lazy sack of shit.
>tfw they ended up deleting their video on the migrant crisis because everyone was constantly making fun of them for the utter stupidity of it in the comments of every single video thereafter
They've been trying to be a little less obvious about their political bias since, but it didn't really work.
I'm sure new-agey people would argue that we're supposed to evolve towards greater unity and that that is the true lesson
you do know that dna holds instructions right?
>No. Fuck off. You wanna shitpost? Put some effort into it you lazy sack of shit.
Whatever you say "sweaty".
If we’re all the same soul, what good is unity? There’d be no pressure to break the shell of the egg.
You’re basically manufacturing an imagined proponent of this theory and ascribing to it rhetoric you don’t like.
I thought the first ant war video was nice.
idk that I believe in any of the more supernatural stuff, but I wouldn't be shocked to find out there's cults of child sacrificers
with how many well known people turn out to be deviants of some form, it's hardly a stretch to suggest they'd do some morbid/edgy shit
however I think this has more to do with blackmail and control than anything
after all, no better way to ensure someone remains loyal to you than literally having film of them bleeding a child or some shiz
essentially everyone has evidence on eachother, and if any of their clique pisses off enough other members, they will be fed to the wolves and anything they try to release in retaliation suppressed by the others
it's an organization held together by a combination of a blackmail mexican standoff and shared goals/benefits
The sneed
/x/ is leaking again
Stop it with the drugs, buddy. For your own sake.
These concepts are universal because things like punishing the unpunishable, and a reward for following teachings given by your master are very convenient ways to run the world.
Human thought is far more powerful than most people think, but it can only ever manifest on the self, and maybe on those weaker than you. There is no collective unconscious, and your understanding of predation fear is based on a complete lack of understanding of basic genetics. The monkeys who saw a predator and tried to make friends died out millennia ago, a few generations isn't going to bring back dead genes.
If you take extremely remote areas, like islands that have never been inhabited, and introduce humans, you'll notice that many of the animals exhibit no fear of humans. This is because they have never known large primates as predators, unlike the animals that live near you now. It's why Dodos died out fucking minutes after being discovered.
Well I'm convinced. Who else here is /team schizo/??
>Holy szechuan sauce, Kurzgesagt!!! I love having the depopulation and elite agenda pumped into my eyes with hideous postmodern animation and a condescending narrator!!!
I liked it
The story states that the same being living all these different lives is a learning process, with the implied purpose being to evolve past this fragmented consciousness by attaining universal solidarity and thus unity.
Given the political leanings of the YouTube channel, I doubt I'm manufacturing anything where intent is concerned.
I only watched the nuclear bomb video. The scenes where the bird and everything else were obliterated were kino
Why does /x/ always leak on Yea Forums?
>OP can't into metaphors
Surely the fact that the government spent years researching the existence of non-physical intelligences, and apparently had some success contacting said intelligences, would mean user isn't merely another schizo.
But the metaphor is absolutely revolting.
>with the implied purpose being to evolve past this fragmented consciousness
> by attaining universal solidarity and thus unity.
Again, if every life for a while is all kumbaya over and over, what can be learned from those completely eventlesss and strifeless lives? All our concepts of God/gods are all gigantic egotistical dicks. Why would the whole “hatched” god be any different?
The goal could just as easily be to advance human suffering to a point where a soul breaks out of the deepening loop and leaves suffering behind as afterbirth.
>get to experience all the torment and pain ever existed in human history
wew lads
You are no better or worse than a nigger.
Look it up. New Rick Strassman research, mapping of the DMT realm with slow drip administration.
What this guy said, thank fuck someone else has a working brain.
This is how I took it. A fucking terrifying concept no matter how you look at it.
You also get to enjoy all the pussy that's ever enjoyed in the human history. All the cunnies and grannies and everyone in-between.
>it’s that guy who has no understanding of genetics who tries to say genetics are everything
Those are all your own cunnies, though.
Genetics aren't everything, but response to predators is pretty hard-coded in instinct. I've got a cat who shits himself every time he has to run past a tarp, because it blows in the wind and he thinks it might be some kind of bear or something. Ever wonder why so many demons look bigger than people? It's because big things are naturally scary, because something that's bigger than you can probably fuck you up.
based /x/ brainlet
Consider how many assholes can't seem to have any empathy toward anyone else unless something near exactly similar happens to them or someone they love, it makes sense. The idea of walking a mile in others shoes to understand them ( which usually means treating them better) isn't exactly new.
>what can be learned from those completely eventlesss and strifeless lives
Nothing, because then you'd be past the point of learning. Which would be the purpose to begin with.
>the goal could just as easily be to advance human suffering
That is clearly the most contrarian interpretation of that dumb story you could put forward, which makes it all the more ironic that you're accusing me of manufacturing an imagined proponent of this theory.
kiss my ass
The pleasure won't outweigh the pain.
I hope 90% of your paycheck is going to starving orphans in africa or something, dude. I really hope you aren't eating fast food and trying to virtue signal on an image board for cartoons.
Like you'd know.
wheres the success?
genetics are 95% of everything though
most reddit tier story of all time. i first read it as a greentext on Yea Forums a decade ago and was unimpressed, and then i found out it was written not by some user, but an award winning writer. who's giving awards to these fuckers?
>believing everything you read on the internet
Even better
>But that means that killing everyone will just accelerate the process
Not only did you lack basic comprehension, your brain is fucked if that’s the first thing you go for
Neck yourself and do the world a favor
>ITT: angry incels
to be fair, that's every thread on every board
underrated post
lnterface successful. Modem subroot access. 12 0 9 7 6 03: . . . .
Welcome man. An emanation of the sub-henad R A I N.
Select your file:
>chlorine angels
>averse gnosticism
>ouroboric brain
>ontology of quasars
>lily dust joints
>SETI black logs
>galactic metaphysics
>ham.exe manifestation
>blood born
>excruciata trials
>sky planets
>mandela mobius strip
>grid teleology
>neptune is evil
>vacuum wars
>pneumatic balloons
>hegel blip
>stanford omphalos principle
>house party leylines
>toroidal fractals
>vacuum birds
>Black Matrix Theory
>chelic and malic media
>genito-noumenal memory
>love curvature
>sneed choronzon
Most people in history are either poor or slaves. And, have you read anything about medieval surgery? things like these are absolutely horrifying
Have you seen this?
Refer to the links here Aw shit nigga. Hit me with thanatonaughts
what are excruciata trials ?
>so hinduism was right?!
>uhh hehe ummm each uh religion is right in... their own way!
Yeah except you know the question of the afterlife which is arguably one of the most important questions religion offers the answer too
I love this dissonance from the left. Cant have one group of brown people being more right than another group of brown people, thats confusing!
I think I'm already redpilled on sneed choronzon, so I'll take chlorine angels.
>promote kinship among human beings
>lmao dude the whole universe was made just for you to become a god
No where does it say why being kind to your fellow man would either speed up this process or make you a better final being
Contrarianism isn’t real.
Report: the practice of resurrecting cadavers after set periods of time for interviews. given the name, and the apparent nature of the death-state, time is ranked according to the planets, since the longer the body is left clinically brain-dead, the more bizarre and theophanic the state becomes. as of this writing no thanatonaught has been brought back past t: Saturn (approx. 150 - 300 days).
>Hey Im God and you need to learn to be like me, so you have to live like lot of different times ok?
>Btw, you will have to also die millions of different brutal deaths including shark attacks, burning alive, all manners of cancer and much much more
>well off you go, you are being reincarnated as a child in Africa that will die of malaria at the age of 3 and then you have like 4 soldiers that died from mustard gas at Ypres lined up, have fun
And the God has the audacity to tell me that this isnt Hell
If anything it seems like an argument to wipe out africa; you wouldn't have to spawn as them anymore.
Report: master document detailing tortures of hell-realms beyond veil of duality. each unique to the soul in question. examples: a bed of infinite size covered by a sweltering blanket of infinite size under which souls try to escape, a party from which shy souls cannot escape, being endowed with an empathic connection with other beings so intense it is likely to accelerate the process of the Second Death, existing as a disembodied observer of your loved one's lives for all eternity, sliding down an infinite lamprey throat ringed with teeth, and others.
>beyond veil of duality
>but unique to the soul in question
/x/ never managed to produce a single decent writer.
Think in evolutionary terms, nigger. If mutation has no effect upon survival (because survival is guaranteed), then evolution doesn’t occur. If life is all peaches and cream, escape from this level of reality would be unecessary.
>enjoy being a chinese peasant girl you fag
mostly just /pol/ and the big boards that /pol/ leaks to the most, like Yea Forums and Yea Forums
Because by being cruel to others, you are being cruel to yourself. The purpose of the story is to make people think they could easily be the person that draws their ire and thus show them kindness in return.
Report: angels are infinitesimally rare correspondences of thought and surroundings. it is possible to encounter an angel playing a certain song down a certain street at a certain time that registers as a fond memory. these are beings that play with harmony and causality, what you experience as synchronicity. one such case includes a man's encounter of a saltwater angel after inexplicably recalling the scent of seaweed walking past a Gucci store.
Please, this story is just Buddhism new-agified.
Buddhism teaches that to achieve nirvana, one must abandon attachments and achieve inner peace. The story clearly tries to convey the same message, with an added emphasis on the notion that any harm you cause others is harm you cause yourself.
But fine, if you want to convince leftist cucks that the moral of this tale is that we should uphold strife and competition as a catalyst for collective understanding and that maintaining unique cultural identities is essential, you'd get no argument from me.
This shit is older than Yea Forums
Instinct stopped being a thing when humans developed greater neuroplasticity than apes. As it’s just about impossible to get a chimp to not freak the fuck out at fire.
What are the SETI Black Logs
>optimistic nihilism
>just be a good consumer goy
I like how you’re hung up on the “there’s only one human soul” part of this. Just because your soul will eventually become my soul after a few million lives, doesn’t mean hurting you is hurting me. As no matter what is done to your physical form, the soul accrues only experience.
The preceding should also serve as a primer to understand how fucked this idea/theory actually is. Not even mentioning how the amount of suffering in human history will always be exponentially greater than the amount of peace. As every time humanity has an extended peaceful period, birth rates plummet.
You messed up.
It's supposed to be 'higher dimensional' beings that are feeding off human psychic energy, not 2D.
>we're all one
>universe is a test
*yawn*, they've been repeating this shit since that fat fuck buddha
Just admit you don’t like this because you think you’re better than a nigger.
Report: the discovery you exist in a mirror universe. SETI has been receiving its own signals since it began transmitting them. scientists have figured out that you do not exist in a near-infinite universe because their signals are bouncing off the invisible wall and coming back to them. it's possible all of reality might be a sphere a few light years in diameter, duplicated infinitely to give the illusion of a vast universe.
>freaks out at spiders
I like both Kurzegat however you spell it and that story but the video was pretty gay
You might just be a moron.
I'm certainly better than you faggot.
if I reincarnate as "EVERYTHING!!!!!!1111" why is it that when I dream I only interface with alternate realities of only my own timeline?
Yeah lemme get some of that Sneed Choronzon
Because he is also the god he is talking too but in the future
Please provide a noninstinctual explanation for why people freak out at small nonvenomous insects. You're an actual retard if you think humans are above instinct.
If I reincarnate as everything then why am I always an incel?
This but unironically.
The blue pill is when we die we go to the afterlife and if we're good we go to heaven.
The pinkpill is there is no heaven and when we die we simply cease to be.
The red pill is were imprisoned by 5 dimensional time aliens that literally feed off of our suffering. The only reason good things happen is to contextualise the inevitable bad things. Life is an eternity of suffering and you can't do shit about it.
Because they witnessed an adult freaking out over a mouse/insect.
Kinda like how third worlders hate dogs because, to them, they’re vermin/pests that’ll eat yo baybeh
>normal people like something because it makes them think
>"haha, you fucking pseudointellectuals, I'm too smart for this"
You are above “instinct” unless you’re an actual retard.
virtually all humans freak the fuck out at an unexpected fire, too, user.
The only people I've met who freak out at bugs are women, and they're not really people so Im not quite sure I see your point.
Because dreams come from your brain ya dumb nigger.
The story was written by Andy Weird (Weir). He's a pseudo intellectual.
Virtually all humans are morons.
I'm sure you're the exception, sweetie.
war hammer is real?
>doesn’t mean hurting you is hurting me
Within the context of the egg, it does. You could of course argue that the 'hatched god' will exist on a level beyond human notions of pain and pleasure, but before that point, all interactions will inevitably still be viewed from a human perspective.
>fear of spiders in adult females is a function of monkey see monkey do
Maybe in children, but nah for adults.
Thats fucking stupid bullshit. Why do lower beings and higher beings get magic powers over us and we dont? Hiw are we not aware if higher beings but lower beings are aware of us?
God damn you're a moron
This shit is a lot older than ten years fagtron
This is just like any high dose LSD trip. Lame
>Life is an eternity of suffering and you can't do shit about it.
I imagine only incels and other depressed losers buy into this particular headcanon.
You might want to actually read something on conditioned responses and/or developmental psychology. Or read literally anything and stop watching bullshit on youtube.
True. People who have sex never suffer depression.
Depression isn’t real. It’s the assertion that being unhappy in this world MUST be a disease.
I remember this blowing my mind as a green text 10 years ago
>read a book
Go look up evolutionary psychology you retard. There's an entire field dedicated to measuring hardcoded human responses.
What makes you think lower beings are aware of us? Deer can’t be domesticated because they always see non-deer as predators.
most people are not chronically depressed incels or outcast losers, and depression is uncommon among those populations. why would your misery apply to them?
Evolutionary psychology is a load of post-hoc bullshit. Ascribing to it at all is a sign of intense stupidity.
>These 2 dimensional entities despise us and the beings above us, they seem to be fueled by negative emotions and are likely the source of all religions and occult concepts of demons and devils.
Quick rundown? What's this about?
>Deer always see non-deer as predators.
clearly you've never visited Nara Park.
Sorry, didn’t realize anyone was actually responding to the schizophrenic.
Based greenpilled poster
Report: a virtual qlipotic entity based on the Simpsons. these beings feed on actuality as they are as far removed from becoming as becoming is from being. egregores of this class often graduate to pose choronzonic threats. virtual qlipotes such as "dead bart" and "squidward's suicide" exploit morbid associations with nostalgic material to create demesnes in the sublunar along media leylines. they are not 'beings' but more like feeling-tones, patterns of transgression and terror embedded in the literary power (or lack thereof) of their human channels. their medium of manifestation is often creepypastas and fan videos, through this they acquire the reality they crave.
all of humanity is a single godchild experiencing godpuberty one human life at a time.
Depression is a real mental issue that has proven physical effects on the brain, but I don't agree with it being a "disease."
>just give him the knowledge straight away
Because that defeats the purpose. The whole point is to grow into a god and then have another "egg" which grows into a god again, then do it again and again and again because what the fuck else are you going to do for eternity?
wtf borders don't exist now, refugees welcome
Jack off to anime tiddies
I mean this idea is literally ancient, probably one of the first ideas ever thought up by the first "philosopher"
Most people think similar things even as kids.
Literally everything has a proven physical effect on the brain. Your brain is an electrochemical computer that records information via chemically induced neuronal connections.
Once you get to the god stage you can do that all you want, but eventually you'll want to restart back to being a mortal because being a god who can do anything will get boring.
Only if you lack imagination.
You can’t even in2 the most basic application of philosophy. Why embarrass yourself like this buddeh?
>chelic and malic media
This is just one of the many experiences you have in an eternity. You could spend trillions of years doing whatever the fuck you want but eventually you'll end up back here, forgetting you're god, just because you can. And then once it's over it's like whelp, back to being a god for trillions of years.
It's like playing a video game for less than a millisecond, it's nothing
You really do just lack imagination.
No you dumb fuck, you don't seem to understand the concept of eternity
Even if this is an unimaginative and shitty experience eventually you WILL have this experience because you're god who is doing different shit for ETERNITY
Report: chelic media is media that has an integrative effect on a target host. the greatest of art achieves something like this, but chelic media refer specifically to images and files that house solar intelligences. across the world's entertainment industry are secret manuals that describe certain actions necessary to contact these intelligences. for example, one might tell the viewer to pause a film at a certain frame, and while a certain clandestine subtitle file is loaded, to type a query on one's keyboard, to which the film's genius will respond with via subtitles. malic media is media that house demonic intelligences. these items have a disintegrative effect on their viewers. demonic beings are notoriously less difficult to contact than angelic, as demons will actively seek out hosts. demons do not opt for gross-out imagery or scares, but rather material that will present something completely antithetical to the viewer's character in an appealing, nauseatingly seductive light.
it's literally just a story, calm the fuck down
You seem unable to understand the concept of there being more levels of reality available to a god than is available to you.
Ignoramuses on Yea Forums discussion quantum immortality, just what I needed today. Listen to some Alan Watts you hicks
this whole post is pure gold
The based and redpilled version of this story is the lyrics of Sympathy for the Devil
>another egg
I haven't watched it, but from the pasta I got the feeling that the god he was talking to was himself, fully developed
If we're all one why dont we all just fuck like come on broskis its practically just masturbation
Best part?This is some copypasta from /x/ from like 10 years ago but I guess IT WAS ME STEALING IT AND MAKING A CUTE CARTOON OF IT :DDDD
hell yeah bro, spread my(your) ass
It's a story by Andy Weir tho
>And why the fuck can't the god who keeps reincarnating him just give him the knowledge straight away
dude rite??? y don't we just tell babies how to drive cars?! XD
Wasn't there a story that starts similarly but it's revealed to be eternal punishment or something?
whoa whoa whoa.... didn't they say they're going to be doing a series on ants?
And I don't mind the egg story, it's fine... but denying the divinity of Christ makes me bristle. I'd be on board if it was stated He was God like irl.
that's not the point. what i mean is it's literally Yea Forums tier shit.
This shit made me sick to my stomach. I sincerely hope everyone involved with this garbage contracts whatever forms of cancer kill the slowest and most painfully.
Yes yes, you saw it on Yea Forums, run along now
Access blood born
I never liked this story, even when I came across it when I was younger. I can't put all my thoughts concisely, but I get annoyed when authors casually lay out a path to godhood. I think it's kind of arrogant.
That pretty much describes the entire channel
well for one a decent amount of dickings will also be painful and then you will experience every single torture method ever used or will be used, no amount of fucking can make up for having to experience what it was like for a peasant to experience a viking spread eagle.
Report: the insemination of human females with blood. the children produced appear normal in all respects except for the glassiness of their eyes. it is believed the process produces normal human beings that lack nothing but their souls.
I'm subscribed. And I saw this on my feed, but some instinct told me to skip this video. I don't know what the story is that everyone is talking about. But all I know is that the thumbnail and title told me that this video was going to be one of their most pretentious videos ever.
I missed this nigga like you wouldn't believe
Fuck the egg
cloud atlas did it better
i want so hard a game about nuking cities and continents
See now this is what I'm talking about.
That's how I read this story. Unless you're a narcissist it's incredibly depressing to think you're everyone and God is just there to deliver the same your guide speech billions of times so you one day get to have his job. I remember a girl I dated thought it was awesome and asked her" so how high were you when you read this?" She was shocked I knew. So my conclusion is you have to be self centered and or highly intoxicated to enjoy this. Like most new age garbage.
fuck of we created you we are your God fucking retarded machine..
>I'm Hitler
It's cool Hitler man. You only put yourself in the oven. So you could learn to become God. Even though you get mind wiped every time and therefore the knowledge is all in one info dump you could've skipped to. And as God you'll just give a PowerPoint billions of times some new asshole. For seemingly no reason. It's definitely not hell... Hitler!
Because being kind to others is simply being mind to yourself. Because we are all one. Do you really think the point of the story was an explanation of how one attains godhood?
You are typing this not experiencing all of that not thinking all of life is literally hell. So in the story, it is not.
>Getting upset by a story basically telling you not to be a cunt to anyone
Quickest way to tell if someone is a cunt
Its a short story they did not write using their animation. Not very pretentious
>Hitler put himself into the oven millions of times
That is the point. The becoming God part is just the framing of the story to establish why inflicting harm is a universal bad
A single long life is better than a bunch of shitty ones, that god is a retard.
>a dumb story about empathy
>all this schizoposting
never change Yea Forums
I'm of the exact opposite mind. Good times make men weak, you need the bad with the good so that you can contextualize the good and understand when things are not so bad. They can be overwhelming at times, but the experiences we go through make us stronger, smarter, and worthier beings.
Is this what Alex Jones meant when he spoke about level 7?
>Dude, I even am that evil dude that for some reason is the most hated individual in human history even though other dictators killed way more people, can't have anything to do with the people he allegedly killed and the the fact that everything I consume that has replaced by religion and spirituality is produced by these people, man that sucks
>popular thing bad
I'm very triggered by this little inconsequential video.
go back
Mentally ill
Getting close
>have to be reborn back into a society again
>includes animal societies and hierarchies
i really hope it's nothing in the end and just eternal rest, even if heaven was real that would just be another society. But based on how the world is based on recycle and re-usage being reborn again might just be a thing, and depending on the planet your on you will probably always be reborn on the same planet because of life energy or some shit.
>The becoming God part is just the framing of the story
Not that guy, but that's my grievance with it. Even if you're casually dropping it in, you're now elevating the importance of your claim, and opening it up to criticism. If I claim that it's important to be technologically literate, you'd probably agree. If I gave a story about the path to extreme wealth being founded on your understanding of modern technology, you'd probably raise an eyebrow, and wonder why I glossed over so many other factors that contribute to success. Especially if I said that as someone who wasn't wealthy, or barely more knowledgeable than the average Joe about tech.
The egg doesn't have a bad moral, but it's not that profound or deep.
>get to experience all the torment and pain ever existed in human history
Antinatalists SEETHING
I made up for it this time though (me)
watch snowpiercer
That was literally the end goal
I'm (You) and you're me and my past life's self
That's like saying the point of the boy who cried wolf is learning how to not get eaten by wolves.
don't do petty shit to others