More movies like this?

More movies like this?
I mean 2001 in whole not just the "omg we're gonna jupiter" whatever shit the pilots were on a mission for.
the sense that we're on earth is impressive even though I know we're not.

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I hear Solaris is similar but more soulful.
But I haven't seen anything like 2001

>inb4 the mentally ill kubrick hater starts posting his entire folder

>inb4 that retard that loves Tarkovsky starts posting all Tarkovsky's "critiques" he wrote to other people, some complaining about Kubrick but all of them reading like Tarkovsky was a little bitch jealous of everyone else's success

>Solaris more soulful than 2001

Attached: ideas_meeting.jpg (768x921, 87K)

>Solaris is more soulful
>Main characters finds redemption from his father instead of grow up from the suicide of his wife
lmao based Tarko

That's what I hear I don't know if it's true

English isn't your first language, is it?

Solaris is good, but it doesn't feel anything like 2001 at all.


Attached: Sad_3.jpg (1920x1080, 116K)

2010>2001 fight me

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It's good but doesn't have the same feel


neger zuig mijn lul homo flikker

Imo 2001 felt like it could've been 2 or 3 movies,not as a series but completely separate movies telling completely separate stories.

Go fuck yourself, Peter. You're a talentless hack.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture is interesting to watch because it does try to be like 2001 in quite a few segments. Despite being made 10 years before ST:TMP, the visual effects in 2001 still look better.

2001 is loud noises the movie.

Beyond the black rainbow has a similar vibe.

Interstellar is probably the closest to it in all aspects.

Tree of Life you dumb motherfuckers

Yeah that ones nice.

Checked and based. I can't believe I didn't say that since it's my 2nd favourite film