How empty does your head have to be to scream at every little thing and almost piss yourself from happiness when watching a mediocre film with the complexity of a circle. THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF SOCIETY.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Good films are still being made, just not in the corrupt, rotten, morally bankrupt den of iniquity that is California

About as empty as to complain about on a Vietnamese snake untying social portal.

This is not a complaint about the movie even though it's related to movies. I'm pointing out how fucking brainwashed people (americans) are and how fucked up peoples priorities are. Imagine not only screaming but also clapping in the cinema. What the fuck?

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>character grabs a magic hammer
>audience literally won’t stop doing primal ape chants
The small and short wakanda chants actually felt more sophisticated than the people around me fucking OO OO AAA AAA’ing over america’s Ass xd grabbing le lightning hammer

These people have no souls. They live out their entire hollow lives in a consumerist hyperreality that literally dictates their fate. They buy their personalities, they buy their identities, they buy their lifestyles, they fucking buy their emotions. If Disney or Apple or Twitter or whatever tells them to be excited, they will be excited by their next product.

Millenials need to drown. What a pathetic generation you are.

Why the fuck are you calling me a millenial?

There was this one in Constantinople where tens of thousands of people died in riots because the wrong chariot won a race.
Society is the same it ever was.

Low IQ non logic decision makers need to be purged in the fourth reich

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Homo sapiens were a mistake.

You have no obligation to follow any law. Legality and morality have no meeting point. Whoever has the most money influences (pays) the lawmakers to make laws in their favor. Justice is an illusion, "right" and "wrong" boils down to popular opinion. As changeable and frivolous as the wind.

Download movies. Steal shit. Damage private property. Cheat on your taxes. Nothing matters, everything was bought and sold a loooooing time ago. And the worst part is, there's no way out of this. You're playing the life game by rules set up by people who have it in their best interest to make you believe there's some kind of justice or higher meaning. Nothing means anything. You work for 60 years then you die. That's it. Any way you can get over on these fucks you should do. It's in your best interest. Christ knows they dont have your best interest at heart in terms of fucking anything

Who gives a shit my guy? Do your own thing, and succeed in life. Stop obsessing with random people.

Im calling the people in the vid millenials. You can kys aswell though.

Well one of things I consider success is being surrounded by people you love. It's hard to find people like that when they're NPCs that can't even think for themselves.

traitorous nigger

>look it up
>it's real
>The ancient Roman and Byzantine empires had well-developed associations, known as demes,[2] which supported the different factions (or teams) under which competitors in certain sporting events took part; this was particularly true of chariot racing. There were initially four major factional teams of chariot racing, differentiated by the colour of the uniform in which they competed; the colours were also worn by their supporters. These were the Blues, the Greens, the Reds, and the Whites, although by the Byzantine era the only teams with any influence were the Blues and Greens. Emperor Justinian I was a supporter of the Blues.

Jesus Christ. It was literally Marvel vs DC but with massive deaths.

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I don't see the issue with it. It's a bunch of people seeing movies they're obviously passionate about. I'm passionate about movies, otherwise I wouldn't be on this board. I mean, I've never been to a movie that was treated as a big public viewing event with audience reactions and shit because I live in fucking rural Germany where we only do this stuff for champions League soccer matches, but, you know, you see a movie you're excited for on Opening Night with a bunch of other people who are excited for it, you presumably had a beer or two, it seems like fun. What's wrong with it?

Remember, user, people shoved slaves into pits to fight to the death for funsies and kept doing it in the middle of a famine and siege

If we were alive back then I'd kill you and not bat an eyelash doing it.

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But you'd be arrested. Romans had this thing called LAW, and you couldn't just go around killing taxpayers.

Any of these “””aesthetic”””” pink photos with glowy bits and epic trad text are probably the cringiest shit I see reposted on a regular basis

Vaporwave, Simpsonswave and Fashwave were a mistake, but its kind of fascinating how this is basically a heavily mutated form of crystalized nostalgia

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This kind of shit is why I don't go to theaters anymore. The last one I went to had people screaming and cheering and even yelling profanities at the film's villain. Bunch of retarded apes.

Same. What is it even supposed to mean?

I don't fucking scream and clap for something that isn't making a difference in the actual world in some improtant way. It's a fucking movie and an average one at that. It's fucking annoying. Imagine paying to see a movie and then not only are you bothered and distracted with noise, you actually can't even experience the movie fully because you can't even hear it. Truly inspiring material for shooting up a cinema.

Thanks for the input you stupid fucking nigger. Fucking autist focusing on what fucking filter was focused on a fucking meme instead of realizing the message of the meme is relevant to the discussion fucking end youself.

Luckily I'm not (((american))) so I don't have to suffer through this shit. At worst in my case there is someone eating a bag of chips or talking a little too much.

>upset about an ironic usage of a cutsie word
Looks like someone’s a widdle upsetti spaghetti, huh sweaty :33c?

Last time I saw this happen was when I went to the theater and Amerikkkans were literally clapping and hollering when a trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens started playing

Yeah because whats goin on ITT is totally meaningful.

Why are you still here then?

Since you’re so smug and critical of murrcans, i must ask, what nationality are you?

>making myself a target
But alright, have a go.

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Jewish hands typed this.

Why on you on Yea Forums/nel if youre looking for meaningful discussion. Any interesting discussions get derailed with have sex, tranny, incell, seethe, rentfree etc. This place is a shit hole consisting of retards baiting baiting retards.

>Cr*atian Ustashe

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Nah I actually like croats
You guys pump out lots of good soccer players
I was expecting a brit or mexican

Yes all Croats are usašas and all Serbs are četniks. Good one.
>I was expecting a brit
I can see why. They're pretentious cunts and think they're better than everyone. FUCK THEM.

I like the term "bugmen" for these people.

This is why society is similar to a torture device, people who set up these laws never followed those laws. Look how much corruption there is in the government, how many innocent people they slaughter because they're liberating countries for their oil. It's purely disgusting and there was never a democracy only a plutocracy. It's simple matter of who has the most money in this society.

90% of millenial "males" are "bugmen"

Looks like Fight Club is still relevant

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Gen Y, millennials and zoomers are the only ones Ive seen obsess over Marvel

Not very popular but if you like fight club you'll like this.

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I'll check it out

society has more than just white men

this is clearly a race issue. because only white men do this

Not only white men but mostly white men. Because we get attacked for basically doing anything so we retreat to our imaginary world because the real world hates us and is trying to destroy us.

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Yes, everybody who speaks English is a 'Brit'. Grow up. They might not be better than everyone, but they're better than scum like you. Jewish hands typed your post. Top yourself.

films like that are films made by people who want to normalise the truth so people accept it. all it is.

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This guy societies

Brits are liberal nigger lovers. Fuck you. You're gonna fuck yourselves anyway. Place full of subhumans.. Even the whites there have shit genes.

>uhh im not jewish im white
these people who want to uniquely labelled make me sick. I'd argue racism agaisnt white people has been accepted. It's perfectly fine to make a white person feel bad for being white (something they have no control over) but yet it's frowned upon to do the exact same to a person of color. Why should I feel ashamed of being white?

who do you think populated most white countries?

So? Other people's genes got better. Yours didn't. What matters is now, not the past.

>fucking scream and clap for something that isn't making a difference in the actual world
holy shit you sound insufferable

If anyone wants to reads this, it's a good read. Pseudosciense but it's logical.

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Lemme guess, you're a fatass american. Yeah what great genes you must have.

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i truly thought Americanos clapping at films was a meme until my brother described seeing Endgame on a visit there

I absolutely have horrible genes. However I'm not american as I stated previously in this thread. I am a Croat. Your average Croat is a chad in America and Britain.. Average height 6ft.

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Seriously fucking impossible to go to any event in the USA and enjoy the entertainment without having some ape screaming the entire time.

Some shitty poor USSR country. Nah most of your USSR countries have short ass people averaging around 5'6.

Society honestly needs a reset. Another World War. Preferably this time the good guys win.


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Are you implying Adolf Hitler was a good guy?

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pretty much

I saw End Game with my gf and the only fucking guy who was making these reactions in the whole theater sat right beside me. He even clapped at the end of the movie it's was so obnoxious. He and his parents were talking the entire time too and I just wanted the movie to end, it was a horrible experience.

It's all they know. Attention seeking and trying to fit in. Pathetic culture.

>I just got owned in an arguments so I'm just gonna flat out deny the fact that Croats are, in fact, superior.
Pathetic response. You're one search away from seeing how tall your average Croat is. And we're getting taller so the fact that it says 5ft11in is probably false now. Most people I see on when walking down the street are just over 6ft. Also did I mention we have big dicks as well? Don't believe me? Look up many studies done on it. Bend over so I can put my 7x5.9 inch c o c k in ur ass.

It does. It's not wonder that being a nazi is becoming more popular. (((they))) are ruining this world and we need to fight back.

man, i get society has a lot of problems but killing 6 million people because you got rejected from art school isnt the way to go

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>6 million people
I thought it was 6 trillion?

Yeah so are most people here over 6 feet. In matter of fact, they average between 6'4. Englishmen are very tall people, 6 foot is tall for you so that says a lot.

it was 6 bazillion. Also to make you feel bad for liking hitler.

>my height is your height plus infinity

>6 foot is tall for you so that says a lot.
I did say I have shit genes and what you said means nothing. You just repeated my words and said nothing.

Well if you can pull random statistics out of your ass so can I. You're probably some mong inbred anyway. Not hard to believe since you're living in a third world country.

What a stupid caption on that image. Who would you be asking questions to? The whole point is to consume the media, or dont. At no point is asking questions involved. You have no say in how the media is made. If you dont like it dont watch it, fucking autists.

>Well if you can pull random statistics out of your ass so can I.
Listen, retard. Have you ever heard of Google? DuckDuckGO? Bing? Can you fucking read? You do realize you can fact check a lot of stuff? Right? You have got to be baiting because I refuse to believe you're that stupid.

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oi oi, whos genes are u calling inferior you commie wanka. lemme guess u call your mammy sister too.

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Call me what ever you like but you're still a mong inbred from a third world country. At least my genes are clean inbred.
>using the internet to fact check
stop being retarded


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>Uses internet to fact check
>lists 3 shitty browsers that use your webcam to watch you masturbate and tracks you
yeah what ever you see you sneaky jew.

Will the climax of Endgame ever be surpassed in Cinema for the next decade? I rewatched the Avengers assemble scene again on youtube 10 minutes ago and cried and bump-fisted the air just like I did the first time.
Seriously it´s every damn hero and character I´ve cared about for the past decade coming together with kickass music telling me everything will be fine now, I felt like a kid cheering for Goku to save the day once again. But it wasn´t just awesome, it was stupidly big and full of named characters, I still can´t wrap my head about it being real.
I can´t imagine another movie doing an hyper war scene climax
It’s the happiest I’ve been since my wedding honestly. And I’m a really happy dude. There’s just something about the music, the build up, everything is just perfection. It’s the culmination of childhood dreams and adult expectations put into a single moment. I literally get ready eyed just thinking about it. A very special moment in my life for sure.
Cap finally saying "Avengers, assemble" got a reaction from my theater not unlike all of the heroes on screen. People fucking cheered and came up out of their seats with fists raised and clapped and I'm tearing up just thinking about it. I am so grateful to Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios for building this cinematic universe and knocking it out of the fucking park in my lifetime.

I'm sad the Infinity Saga is over, but I'm so happy about the journey.

>using the internet to fact check
Oh so what do you suggest? To perform a study on every single thing in existance so I can know everything first hand and be sure that I'm not being lied to? Very practical user.

>cried and bump-fisted the air just like I did the first time
Yeah stopped reading there. Go shove onions up your ass.

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Create values and live by them. What you describe will not result in anything positive for you. Ironic when said in conjunction with the first sentence but you need God.

you're even more brainwashed because you spend all day watching and discussing that shit.

Yes. as we all know God won't ever forgive someone for dislking vapowave. It says so in the Bible.

The question is should you consume media? Is media trying to indoctrinate you?

hi there
nisam sam tu lol

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What? Based? Based on what?

At least in hell there's rock and roll, and ain't no jesus christ

This is a particularly bad one.

There is no obligation but doing bad things should make you feel bad if you have a properly developed brain
Why would you do things that make you feel bad?

>Rose emoji
>Hates jews
Is it happening??

They've always existed, only difference is now corporations mastered their technique in getting the masses to eat whatever shit they put out. Breads and circuses to keep the masses docile.


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>waah waah why are people having fun onions.jpg
get a life bucko

I'm pretty certain it's one faggot that makes 90% of them you see on this site.

>complexity of a circle

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