What did you guys think about this movie? Will it be a cult classic in awhile?

What did you guys think about this movie? Will it be a cult classic in awhile?

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The piano guy was spoopy.

the overcrowded streaming market has basically guaranteed that there won't be any more cult classic movies because there's no fucking opportunity for these movies to become one to begin with

I don't know about cult classic but I enjoyed it. I didn't know it was a neo-noir going in but saw it on Yea Forums and decided to try it. Garfield did a good job and the story was fun and engaging

It wasn't as good as Inherent Vice which in turn wasn't as good as the book it's based on. But it's still alright.

It’s a Pynchonesque masterpiece with a hint of Lynchian and a tiny touch of Kubrickian.

Girls have some kind of underwater thing don't they

they just get off on being drowned

The movie was dumped on VOD and Prime video unceremoniously so I doubt many will see it. Great film though.

Amazon refuses to promote anything other than the boys

What’s everyone’s interpretation of it?

It was a really great homage to a Hitchcock thriller and I don't think anyone has decoded any of the messages hidden in the film yet, like the names of the three dolls or the bathroom stall graffiti.

I thought it was pretty good

I think the moral of the movie is

Gas the Rich, Class War now.

Saw it last week. Loved it. Felt like a movie that was unabashedly in love with the simple joy of crafting a movie.

It's really a shame. What's even worse, I can't find a proper Blu-Ray release. It's either some ugly ass shit, but at least with English subtitles or some less ugly shit, but with only German subtitles. Someone needs to finally release it, because there's still a market for it I think.

It was a terrible movie that I don’t understand how it got green lit

They released a bluray for it

Millennials can't get laid because boomers are literally buying women and burying them underground.

I know you're joking but Garfield sleeps with 2 women and could've had more

Kurt Cobain is a souless puppet that's being fed lines and music by some creepy songwriter. Just like eveyone else in the industry.

>That song was not written on distorted guitar...

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it's really not far fetched. few artists today write their own songs. Isn't some Swdeish guy the writer of several huge pop songs from the last 20 years?

White people be crazy
Bitches be crazy

>Your art, your writing, your culture, is the shell of another man's ambitions, ambitions beyond what you will ever understand.

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is this movie an accurate representation of the art scene in LA? Looks weird and scary

It Follows was successful and they gave the director a fat check to do what he liked.

How does Eminem fit into this.

It was incredibly kino Except the phone conversation at the end