Ywn have a ride-or-die Soviet waifu that 100% committed to you to the very end

>ywn have a ride-or-die Soviet waifu that 100% committed to you to the very end
>why even live

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It is 16:20 in Moscow now. Why post Chernobyl?

She killed his child with her selfish actions

>Ywn have russian gf AT ALL

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Half of her storyline is based on the fact that they kept her in the dark as to what was really going on
even in this final scene her face is a complex mix of emotion
>sorrow at the loss of her husband and true love
>confusion as to what actually happened to him
>anger at seeing her husband’s final indignity of being buried in concrete in a metal sarcophagus

You can though, just go there and be white, and don't act like a filthy drunk slav and you're good.

she will just leave me once she get a swedish citizenship

This girls will fit well in hands of mexican cartel.

good read of the scene, user

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How much do you earn?

Why does this character trigger modern women so much?

About 1 550 usd/month, but I only work 4 hours each day at the moment

I think there's a slim chance she would stay with you if you worked more

I'd marry you user haha

because doing nice things for your partner and being committed to them is unironically considered "regressive" to feminists
anything promoting traditional gender roles is offensive to them, it's fucking bizarre
and they wonder why no one wants to marry them

Worth a chance and if it doesn't work out i can always marry instead

just mail order one

See ya husband ;)

She was literally doing it to give her husband comfort and prevent him from dying alone. Meanwhile million of roasties murdered their child today because they found it to be an inconvenience.

How could've she know what would happen?

If she was truly committed, she'd stay the fuck away from my irradiated body and HAVE MY HEALTHY DAUGHTER, thus making sure my DNA survives.

but noooo, it's MUH FEERINGS!!!

She did nothing wrong and the child was fine.

But that girl isn’t slavic

>thinking Russian girl would bite


You're American so you don't know, soviet children were all taught in schools how to survive after nuclear attack in Civil Defence classes. Everyone and their little brother knew at least a little bit about the invisible dangers of radiation. But I get it, she didn't pay much attention.

Did you know that wasn't the actual Chernobyl?

How could I not be aware of the fact when the show is full of anglos speaking with slimy bong accents?

>and the child was fine.
Not great, not terrible.

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She'll leave you when she finds out your name is muhammad.

You can have whores if you show 'em a little bit of money. You will NEVER get a wholesome patriotic Russian GF, she'd never fall for americunt.

It’s like you don’t know Russian girls at all

>and the child was fine.

The daughter IRL died hours after being born.

I was making a joke you retarded brainlet

Jokes are funnier when they’re based off reality my fantasizing tranny friend.

It is reality that sweden has a lot of mudslims

Not as many as the UK or US but sure. It’s also a reality a Russian girl would stick to a Mohammed like glue.

It hurts that you would assume I am an american

Well, you didn't understand my joke then.

I understood your joke. It was simply shit. Deal with it my fantasy wishing friend

You think and act like one.

What was the joke then?


why are you posting on Yea Forums so much recently? can you fuck back off to wherever you came from please?

Wrong, you stupid tripnigger

lol nancyboy squad assemble

because her character had have sex at least once with this 10/10 cutie

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