I have a feeling this will go down in history the ultimate summary/deconstruction of the 2010s zeitgeist to cap off the decade.
A lot of themes at play here in the realm of incels, the loss of male identity. increasing white male violence, and the decay of "traditional", conservative, society that men still yearn for (to be a provider for a family) but can no longer achieve as a mainstream idea.
>society that men still yearn for (to be a provider for a family)
Fuck that.
Nolan Jackson
How do we deal with the female question? I think Islam is the only way reasonable way forward.
Benjamin Williams
The advancement of sexbots will ultimately make the entire female gender lose it's power so every female will actually have to be a decent person and partner if they want to be with a man, because otherwise you will be able to easily get prime Ana De Armas 3000 sexbot pussy any time you want without any hassle of dealing with a woman.
Jack Reed
Just be Chad, works for me.
Matthew Edwards
>could you introduce me as Joe Kerr wtf that's identity theft, surely
Brandon Roberts
Wasn't too long ago we had jihadists murdering 50+ people with trucks. It seems to have been overshadowed by the tyranny of white males.
Jason Wood
Don’t forget about Brie Larson Times Square concert on new years eve.
And the ones interested in it are still emotional children.
Juan Mitchell
Past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing.
Kevin King
Islam would be actually kinda neat, if you cut off all that crap about worshiping discount jahwe and some ancient pedo warlord.
Bentley Brown
How are people getting incel kino from the trailer? It looks like it's about an mentally ill person becoming a supervillain. Not a self pitying loser complaining about shit in his room
Eli Martin
incels are mentally ill. its not rocket science
Wyatt Hughes
For you
Matthew Morales
They'd rather believe they're dark societal outcasts rather than pudgy retards complaining about blacks in a video game and compulsively masturbating
Ayden Baker
Because for entitled metropolitan roasties, the everyday man that doesn't like the shitty superficial society that they habit is a incel, and any type of dissent against the status quo must be a fruit of his inceldom.
Why are you cunts taking meme lingo seriously? Incel just meant someone butt ugly who can't get laid, like a 5'4 Indian. What's with all this talk about it? For fucks sake. It gives me heart failure to unironically read that word anywhere.
Dylan Young
You have to be a complete brainlet to criticize the medium of the message. It's literally like old people yelling at younger generations about how their literature/music/films/etc. were better and more mature because they're afraid of change.
Robert Sanders
You think that's what the director is gunning for lol
Ian Ramirez
An incels terror group would just be called INCEL. It already sounds like an evil organization if you emphasize the "cel." I'll let others decide what it stands for.
Ian Cook
It doesn't matter what he's gunning for. The fact remains that if you criticize the medium without examining the message, then you're a shit for brains. Literally judging a book by it's cover.
Joseph Thomas
Yeah for an outdated whore who cannot settle after her clocks start ticking
Jacob Thompson
Pleanty of guys date college students.
Hudson Howard
According to futurama that will lead to civilization destroying itself. Females will not improve unless you force them too.
Owen Scott
Jason Butler
I just want to see this succeed so filmmakers can stop trying to copy Marvel's formula and do superhero films that can actually be watched for people older than 12. The last superhero movies I've enjoyed were the Raimi films and from then until now with the exception of maybe the first 2 Nolan's Batman films, everything sucks.
William Wood
you want.....more superhero movies. jesus christ
Jonathan Ross
>According to futurama that will lead to civilization destroying itself What civilization?
Jaxon Rodriguez
Explain the R-rating then
Christian Foster
Prove it
Henry Edwards
Not really, no. The superhero brand makes at least 500 million just by virtue of being a superhero movie. But what I want is the future superhero movies to stop using the Marvel formula. That's it. If you really have expectations of capeshit ending, then good luck.
Hunter Perez
Doesn't matter if the media says it's an incel movie
Mason Brooks
Like it or not, BUT capeshit is mainstream now. Wishing it evolve from Marvel is okay
Samuel Long
This does seem to be how the left views things. Dehumanizing the widespread dissent against globalism and feminism in order to justify their disgusting tyranny.
Ethan Campbell
>ostracized man going on a killing spree Sounds pretty incelesque to me.
Brody Green
>I'll let others decide what it stands for Celibate emasculated losers?
Sebastian Wright
Hello dear plebbitor
Nolan Smith
No it's not. It references Batman by name and that's it. Joker doesn't do anything supernatural.
Owen Gutierrez
I choose to believe that Russian and Slavic girls are white simply because I want to breed with them.
John Baker
Jaxon Sullivan
>to be a provider for a family oh yeah, raising his wife's son