Why 'Merrily We Roll Along' Will Take 20 Years to Film


>Why 'Merrily We Roll Along' Will Take 20 Years to Film
>Richard Linklater is topping his 'Boyhood' production span with his adaptation of the 1981 musical flop turned cult favorite.

>20 years to film a movie

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waht if he dies

>12 years filming
>ZERO awards

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>g-guys it took 20 years to film!

Who is this sexy chinese man?

Rin Nakai

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Gimmicky stunt movies deserve nothing.

I think what it didn't get was an Oscar or something.

dumb gimmick.


Nice picture kumbrain

just imagine how snug

>post unrelated pic with a topic
God I hate 4channel

absolutely BTFO

Linklater is 60. He's gonna die before it's done.

They forgot to teach the kid how to act

I said
WHO is this semen demon?!!!!!!

Rin nakai. MMA fighter

>make a movie called adulthood. We follow this man from his retirement thru his debilitating stroke and end it with his death

thank you
as soon as I finish to fap to this thai trap I switch to this thicc hoe

I’d love to have my head crushed between her thighs

scrap that
she's actually ugly lmao
have all female MMA fighters such odd body proportions?!

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Just googled her, she's legit ugly. Get better taste

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>the man was Ethan Hawk

>"get better taste!!"
>post manbeast
my 40yo fat bf is more fem than this thing...

I seriously doubt it

Attached: are you afraid of strong women anon?.jpg (500x625, 42K)

Why are you dating a LITERAL basedboy?


sweetie, you have as much body dismorphia than her

Yeah I’m afraid of ‘her’ having a massive cock

20 years of production costs...


Man, are you retarded? They're filming a scene or two every few years? It's gonna be much less expensive than summer blockbusters. The long filming time is so the actors can naturally age.

Based Asian brapper!

In 20 years a cast member or the director are bound to pass

In fairness, Birdman was also pretentious garbage

Boyhood was millennial kino. Our generation's Forest Gump

Didn't Arquette win Supporting Actress?

I think he just means the guy who spent his whole childhood acting in one movie and got to co-star in The Circle afterwards for his trouble

It was a mediocre coming of age story whose only claim to fame was the gimmick of filming the child actors growing up.

did you really except some random jap to be pretty? much less an mma fighter? The legit only mma fighter that actually looked good was Gina Carano