rate my daughter's tennis attire bros
Rate my daughter's tennis attire bros
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Is Yea Forums the most degenerate imageboard?
>that veins
surely she's camwhoring when her mom is sleeping
all memes aside, 9 years old
just a couple more years and she'll wear that outfit to work
as a professional tennis player?
if you pray hard enough there is an 11.2% chance it will go that way
now that I have your attention, where's wholesomebro/mr keks/the cunnybot? this board direly needs him
>last I heard he was making a new board
same, but that was months ago
holy shit, she's gorgeous
Why is maisie mum such a cunt bros
She's also now looking depressed and rarely smiles, probably because she's American.
Hes ded i killed him for betraying me
Its because of her god i hate that cunt so much
A man may die, chans may rise and fall, but an idea lives on
Her mum*
I'm more of a zhezhe guy but maisie is a cutie indeed
>non lewd skyrim loli companions?
>not buying your daughter BLACKED brand sportswear
That and the anti-pedo stigma of her fans being older men. Russian models otoh seem to enjoy the attention as their is subtle acceptance that men find them sexy. They naturally smile.
there exist other imageboards????
*as there is a subtle acceptance
1, 2 and 3chan retard
itt: cumbrains
The fucking whores
ain't she like 10? girls begin acting like bitches like at 14 or something
not a gamer myself but sounds based to me; cuncuns aren't for lewd
5, 6, 7 and- oh...
Custom sets when?
shes baldin
It's not the girls but the culture. Girls love to be admired. When a girl like Maisie realizes that according to American values, only dangerous, insane men are able to find her attractive, shame sets in. That's the stigma against pedophiles ricocheting at children.
Who whores their kids out like this? Is it for fame and money? I don't understand.
these are all dead and russian botnets retards
fucking bravo, jannies
Girls hit purberty earlier nowadays as young as 8
Teenage angst + rebellion isn't a normal thing. It's intense psychological stress causing anti-social behavior.