>he invites you over for movie night and takes 20 minutes fiddling with with his Azus laptop to download a movie rather than just pulling up Netflix or Hulu on his tv >mansplains about how it’s better somehow
Do guys not realize how dorky and cheap this makes them look?
Yes I have had multiple different ladies over to watch a movie or show at my apartment. Rewatched got with one.
Gavin Hughes
Why would i need to explain shit? What kind of anal bitch cares about 'how' you launch a movie.
Jayden Long
The true test of love is watching Master & Commander on the first date, if she pulls through it she is the one
Ethan Nelson
I always make a point of doing that when I bring home a twink. It lets them see what a good potential provider I am.
Tyler Reed
>bringing back a girl with an unnatural hair color You deserved this fate
Angel Gomez
Based and twinkpilled
Cameron Rogers
If she has to pull through it you can fuck and forget.
Brayden Baker
I can't imagine not having Netflix. I just can't fathom it. It costs £8 a month for Christ sake; how fucking poor do you need to be?
Aiden Gonzalez
The movie is already downloaded and the setup ready and it only takes a few seconds to start. She won't even notice it. I also have an artsy video store around the corner and sometimes it's part of the date to go there together and rent some old classy movie.
Ian Butler
I stopped paying for netflix because it doesnt have the films i want to watch whenever I go to check
Pretty good way to weed out the roasties who you shouldn't waste your time on to be fair.
Cooper Davis
Old bait, but it turned up a fresh crop of newfags
Levi Peterson
Brayden Reed
based but redpilled
William Harris
Fucking gets me everytime
Noah Allen
Shut up whore.
Matthew Hill
Dating pro-tip: while the movie is downloading is a great time to finger blast her. Bitches love getting finger-blasted.
Asher Martin
Top zozzle
Tyler Brown
Only poorfags do this and is cringy as hell to see them bringing out their laptop with a bunch of tangled cords instead of having a smart tv with subscriptions apps like any normal person should have in this current year.
Nicholas Davis
Ok creeper
Gabriel Green
>What is DRM
Dominic Ramirez
actually i have a HT setup and a bluray collection and a projector to watch my kinos. And no, roasties aren't invited
I think it’s funny how you spiteful bigots believe that these worn out phrases will make us seethe, when your own life is a 24/7 seethefest about how you’ll never get laid.
No top with that kek? You must feel threatened to type out more words
James Thompson
Netflix is Jewish scam. They’re pushing absolute trash, blacked and never have anything of quality on it. Why would I pay for this shit? There are better alternatives to have kino ready to steam. But imagine being so poor and gay as to not own all the kino movies and shows lmao
Chase Allen
Lmao at u killing yourself in less than 3 years time
Jack Hernandez
ha they do tho if ur cool and tall like me
Gabriel Watson
That pic is freaky, on my phone (yeah, fuck off) it looks like her teeth are visible, but full res version looks normal.
Luke Long
get a chromecast/appletv/amazon and then use plex. it looks sexier than netflix anyways.