American Reflexxx

Attached: ALLI-COATES-AND-SIGNE-PIERCE-american-reflexxx.jpg (640x400, 61K)

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I'd have thought that out of all people, Yea Forums would be fans of this flick

artsy kino

don't think I've ever seen anything made by obviously liberal artists that makes black people look as bad as this does

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Stop samefagging OP.

Your thread failed

Sabotage of the nord stream Corporate totalitarianism Hong Kong 2019 Invading afghanistan to restore opioid industry Color revolutions Operation dropshot Puerto rico riots Cia smuggling drugs from latam Black operations in the triple frontier Murder of Patrice Lumumba American companies financing hitler Exporting degenerate identitarianism Gulf of tonkin incident 60 trillion dollars in private and public debt Supporting Idi Amin Dada and Ngô Dình Diem and Suharto and Franco and Salazar Operation condor Trying to steal venezuelan oil Financing Bin Laden and taliban Mossadegh 53 Brazil 64-16 Argentina 76 Greece 67 Haiti 15 Ukraine 04-17 Kyrgyzstan 05 Georgia 03 Mexico 14 Honduras 09 Stolen mexican lands Supporting pedophile paraguayan dictator Paying corrupt jurists and politicians in latin america War on terror Patriot act PRISM Guantanamo bay CIA black site NSA Zbigniew brzezinski Warrantless Wiretapping Julian Assange Halford mackinder Nicholas spykman Eugenics policies Corporate interests Police militarization Incarceration rate False flags Petrodollar warfare Boycotting Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad Ignoring the geneva convention Agent Orange Smuggling drugs from Vietnam in coffins My Lai Massacre Contras Chile 73 CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal occupations Guatemala 54 Cuban missile crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib MKUltra Tuskegee Syphilis experiment Sedition Acts Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya and Yemen and Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippines 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists ICE children in cages One drop rule McGeorge Bundy Lynchings and hangings of blacks and italians Racial segregation Ostracism of slavs and italian and irish immigrants Concentration camps for asians 1924s immigration act Iran Air Flight 655

Wtf my internet shut down???

are these people told to act like that? like what is this, what's going on?

is this a tranny? or just a very tall rather masculine looking woman


this is what young black people that we're being told are the oppressed and the underrepresented are like
based American Reflexxx street crowd member


>based American Reflexxx street crowd member
oh fuck oh fuck im just like them aren't I

>act like a retard in public
>people harass you

color me surprised

the white people weren't acting any better

very true

>myrtle beach SC

niggers and mutts have ruined this country

it's not a tranny.
It's a girl with NYC artist body. i.e. someone who never exercises, drinks too much, does a lot of cocaine, and smokes cigarettes.

it's the worst of both worlds
the naive, banal, privileged "artist"
and the dangerous, primitive, animalistic peasant

what white people

the one who finally knocks her over is white, and so was another girl who was attempting to knock her over before that
but the girls throwing shit at her were black
every person in this thing is a mess except for the two guys who try to help her up

those are not white people

this is now the /youtubekino/ thread of the evening lads

>those are not white people
oh fuck off dipshit

>all the skanks calling the tall blonde woman a man

Whats the female version of mogged?

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SC never recovered after getting btfo in Civil War
thus their future generations are short, due to malnourishment combined with incessant negro problems. so seeing someone over 6' tall is strange to them. if you look closely, many of the onlookers are teenagers. pause at 5:22 to see some hot teens in the background.

It's a real phenomenon. I've only live in coastal cities my entire life. Grew up in San Francisco, moved to NY when I was older. In these big cities you see tall white women everywhere. It's really not unusual to see 5'10" white women (not trannies, actual woman).
My work in construction management takes me all over the country, and when I visit places like the south and the midwest, I'm always astounded at how short everyone is. All the women are 5'2" to 5'5". It's the weirdest shit. So I think for a lot Myrtle Beach vacationers, they're not used to seeing a tall white woman. In their minds, a 5'11" white woman = man. But in reality, it's not too unusual in a big city.


its also funny that the loud public preacher turns out to be a negro

>replies 28
>posters 13
Kill yourself. We all saw this ages ago. Who fucking cares.

Funny how that really is my first comment in this thread. You failed again to spot samefagging. Time to kill yourself, failure.

i agree. also factor in higher rates of interbreeding with native americans in the southern states, so southerner mutts are shorter...within the next 10-20 years we'll see the same in states bordering mexico. typical mexican-mixed mutt or even light skinned spic is shorter than 5'10...

blacks are actually quite short on average, especially in poor states, but the tall ones stick out so you get some sort of optical illusion of thinking they are mostly tall. the black females in this video are mostly short and/or fat.

>We all saw this ages ago. Who fucking cares.
why the fuck are you here then? you literally do not have to be in this thread.

why did she shove her?

alacritous synopsis?

white bitch in a mirror-faced mask walks around the Myrtle Beach boardwalk, a bunch of guys hit on her, a bunch of girls think she's a tranny, black teenagers follow her around throwing stuff at her, a fat white woman knocks her over, end of story
it's mostly black teens yelling at a white woman for having a mask on

skip to 7:58 some black guy just groaped some random black girl

she did it after the blonde went after the girl that tried to trip her. maybe they are related. you can see the pusher running up to try and head her off, then when the blonde turns around, the women gets her from behind.

tranny or no, this kind of degenerate behaviour in public is not okay, they literally say shes wearing stripper clothes

that said, in an ideal world she should get a fine for that and nothing more, i hope the people who decided to physically assult her get caught because they were dumb enough to do it on camera, both the blonde chick that smacked her dick and the fat one that pushed her to the ground

also interesting way to show how transphobic nogs can be

>get a fine for wearing a mini skirt

land of the free

cringe mongoloid is being a little bitch mongoloid.

its called flirting, virgin

not for the clothes, for the indecent exposure
theres many kids around and shes flashing her ass crack and doing sexualised actions such as rubbing her ass, crotch and breasts which are clearly, by nature of this video, for provocation

there should be a fine for that
no jail time
no getting assulted
but there should be a fine

annoying editing

>theres many kids around

nigger it's clearly a late night bar scene crowd not disneyland. go outside on a weekend for once

putting the mask on is more painful that taking it off

>for having a mask on
i think it's more to do sex stuff. although i dont agree with them abusing her, she is being provocative and the animal instincts of all those people got set off, arousal, jealousy, etc. the mask made it easier for them to dehumanize her though. she would have been raped and stoned to death in some countries.

we got a rape apologist over here


I'm sorry grabbing a random girl's breast while passing by her in a crowd is not flirting it's sexual assault just look at the differences in their facial expressions.

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Thanks for bumping the thread, retard.

Don't kinkshame me asshole.

the video shows what happens when a roastie goes out in public to get attention for her little youtube "social experiment viral vid". the twist ending is beautiful in that it is unexpected but 100% logical. the fat cow who ends up pushing her to the ground looks like the mother of the much younger daughter who was running around trying to touch her since early in the evening. the daughter tries to trip her one last time. when the fake-blonde roastie turns around and starts to make an intimidating move in the direction of the younger daughter, the fatass mother retaliates by shoving her from behind.

it's surprising in that you would expect the black young men to do more sexual shit, but i think they were aware they they could get caught and arrested, since they were also aware of the camerawoman filming. so arguably all the bad behavior towards the roastie came from her fellow women. there was one drunk white guy who takes her by the waist, and asks for a picture, but in general the men are more well-behaved because they know they would face consequences.

going beyond race, the video is most damaging in what it reveals of women and young black girls.

>Don't kinkshame me
lol, in a perfect world you'd be dead, asshole

she wasn't dressed any more skimpily than some of the other girls around there, it's because of the mask
if one of the other skanky girls around there had a camera pointed at her, she would've done the same kind of slutty stuff, probably, but no one would've tried beating her up over it

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except that in the video she smiled, nice cherry picking though. i was under the impression that they knew each other and he tapped her on the arm to get he attention.

i was 7pm in a popular tourist spot

if you bring your kinks out in public infront of my kids, your the asshole

he touched her arm incel

dude no.people don't fuck with people just for wearing a mask.

>if you bring your kinks out in public infront of my kids, your the asshole
i was agreeing

there's a lot to "unpack" and study in this video, which will surely be included in university coursework if it isn't already.

my analysis? simple:
women and girls were much more barbaric, because they felt threatened by a potentially hotter woman. this is especially true of short and fat women. there were some really hot white teens who just kept looking in amazement.
the men, even though they were interested or aroused, were much more civil and even cared for the roastie after she was knocked down.

what can we learn from this, as basement-dwelling incels? also very simple: if you ever go out into a large crowd, be as vigilant of women as you are of NIGGERS, because women can be just as bad or worse than blacks.

The director of this film tried to say something, but really said nothing cos the narrative wasnt there. Women, niggers, mutts were the assholes. She even tried to downplay that tattooed white kid for tryin to help out, saying how he sisnt do enough when its clear hes tryin not to touch her too much.

not surprising that even when shown video evidence, or in the case of the director and her actress, direct experience, these shitlib feminist-type cunts will always paint white men as the absolute worst.

the video shows full proof that in this particular instance, it was women who were the most aggressive slut-shamers and the most transphobic. the redneck white guys mainly just wanted a photo. the blacks were filming on their smartphones for potential WOOORLDSTAR, twitter, instagram.

after thinking about it, i feel no sympathy for the roastie or the woman filming her friend. most likely they are globalist-supporting feminist types who believe they will both marry rich betabux husbands in the end.

>saying how he didnt do enough
bitch you put yourself in that situation lol

>American Reflexxx is a short film documenting a social experiment that took place in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Director Alli Coates captured performance artist Signe Pierce as she strutted down a busy oceanside street in stripper garb and a reflective mask. The pair agreed not to communicate until the experiment was completed, but never anticipated the horror that would unfold in under an hour.

>The result is a heart wrenching technicolor spectacle that raises questions about gender perception, mob mentality, and violence in America.

Attached: Signe Pierce.jpg (2000x2400, 284K)


>gender perception, mob mentality, and violence in America
>filmed in South Carolina
>all niggers except that first redneck

>violence in America.
yeah it's an american problem

half of them are white
and only the whites committed acts of violence

>these shitlib feminist-type cunts will always paint white men as the absolute worst.
Reminds me of that UK case where some fashion designer thot and her kid got their shit kicked in by confirmed illegal Arab on a train, and two white guys who were there just picked themselves up and left.
She later wrote an article for Dailymail where she was shitting on those two for dozen paragraphs while, no joke, saying how we need to help people like the one who attacked her.

the video disagrees with you

wtf, good shit

thx user

yeah i remember that


Internalized whiteness stemming from violent colonial past comrade. Educate yourself.

Women aren't white people.

This illustrates a harsh but very important truth about life
You are what other people perceive you as not how you perceive yourself

That woman who made the catcalling video where basically all the guys who catcalled her were black.

the director herself at 1:35 she mentions the kid. fuckin braindead idiot,

iirc she was also wearing skin-tight pants and walking in a way that made her ass cheeks bounce, thus the attention she was getting from ass-loving blacks and latinos.

the fake-blonde in american reflexxx looked like a tranny to me (and the onlookers) partly because of her fake dyed hair and strange body type (small, slight-saggy tits, not very curvy waist).

Sexual harassment at 7:49
>black on black crime

you are the one who missed the point.
yeah she mentions the kid but then brushes it off in a disgusted way saying he didn't even help her up, as if it was his DUTY to DO SOMETHING.

then she talks about RAPE CULTURE. typical pink-haired feminist bitch.

so artistic

Attached: mirror.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

these people always talk about how things ought to be, "people should be able to do what they what they want..." which really shows that they don't fully comprehend reality, and they are complete surprised when they are confronted with something that "should not be happening"

they think america is so bad, yet they would have their heads chopped off in some other place. they really have it so good that they literally believe they should be able to do anything they want with absolutely no consequences. if a mountain lion attacked them they would be thinking "wtf, this is america, it's 2019, this should not be fucking happening to me"

Try to tell me that if a guy did this he wouldn't be arrested within a span of about 5 minutes.
Go ahead just try.

I jerked it so many times to this vid. That's not the same chick tho right?

The guy in blue's face fucking killed me.

Also, why is this happening?

>Also, why is this happening?
atheism. liberalism. feminism.


Jesus Christ even their hands are already fat.

Entartete Kunst
when women want to make an artistic or political statement they have to do something sexual. look up the counter-yellow-vest protesters in france for recent example. naked sluts covered in paint and wearing red jackets or some shit.

it's quite rare to find female painters or serious photographers these days. there are a few but not many. even female pianists feel a need to flaunt their tits and tight asses. i'm no prude but i think sluts should stay in porn and not try to make artistic or political work.

>Draw as much attention to yourself as possible
>whoooooooa people are paying ttention to me

>Also, why is this happening?

They won't be happy till they see 2 gay guys fucking eachother up the ass in the middle of the road without anyone judging them for it.

No one cared who she was until she put on the mask

so true. and at the same time they want everyone to look past that and take them seriously, even though they are fully aware of using their sexuality to boost interest.

Milo moire

Not the same.

Oh my kek, that is the funniest shit I have read this year. Her being jewish is just a cherry on top.
This should be mandatory reading for every white-knighting faggot.

I'd do it, prolly make her squirt as well.

>I'd do it, prolly make her squirt as well.

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yeah u real mad, you wish you had my skill.

people think that liberalism like that is progress, but in reality its a return to a primitive lawless state. true progress was what people consider primitive and backwards today, such as stoning these people to death, now that was progress, because those people understood on a fundamental level that society cannot function long term in a morally lawless environment.

>I have no idea about the art world but parrot shit from /pol/! haha, I'm intellectual! xD
lmao, a brainlet who doesn't even have the basic skills to check out instagram whether there are good female contemporary artists.

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I prefer left desu

fucking g*rmans should have gotten nuked


Attached: mirror2.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

don't challenge the circlejerk, you'll just be met with the same tired go-to insults as always

Imagine if the roles were reversed

Jesus, put the fucking mask back on.

Yeah definitely. First npc reply of someone who doesn't even belong to this site.

She's basically and IRL have sex poster.

Blacks make up 16% of the population yet were over 50% of that tranny’s harassers.

wow imagine if the person wearing the mirror box was 12!

Name 5 good contemporary female artists then.

>someone who doesn't even belong to this site

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That's funny.

honestly great fucking tits

Kati Heck
Sabine Moritz

Not famous but good:
Sarah Letovsky
Claire Tabouret
Amy Bravo

You should educate yourself you fucking piece of shit.

Attached: Who's interrupting my spanking sessions.jpg (582x873, 119K)

Link has been saved to cumbrain.txt thank you user

kek. shouldn't you be smearing period blood on your walls or something?

>that aggression
Tough week at work?

Of course passive aggressive comments like yours were to be expected. I hear the same shit from dumb cunts from work who solely react on the act of their oestrogen.

Great arguments guys

Fuuuuuuck oooooooooofffffffff

I think you've legit autism, calm down, start interacting with your coworkers more and stop obsessing that the entire world is out there to get you.

it's funny how mad you are. it really bothers you that people dont approve of your shit taste doesn't it.

Idiocy bothers me, yes.

I wonder what its like having those kinds of involuntary empathy responses to strangers being retarded

I agree with this, except I've had put it that people perceive what you actually are, instead of what you think you are

>user ask for 5 good contemporary female artists
>gets called "fucking piece of shit"
So Asperger?

whoever made this thread must have a really beautiful dick that I want to mate w

Attached: 66(2).jpg (800x446, 75K)

>Idiocy bothers me, yes.
then it must be a bother to be you

>stale /pol/fags who parrot the same shit narrative everytime ask for things to be proven only to come back with stupid replies and were proleptically called fag
>pol fags cry victim anyway
Yeah, what a horror to be called out in advance.

>accusing me of being a /pol/fag even though I like OP's video
>not because of the sheer autism of the anons here trying to hard to impress strangers online
Try harder.

Do you think such harassment would happen if that artist were to perform in big cities such as LA or NY? I've a feeling they cherry their performance in shithole just to get a reaction.

First time I saw this video was on /pol/ funnily enough

Maybe you should go back. That video was posted here and on Yea Forums many years ago, tourist.

Impress with what? Naming five random artists?

ah bloo bloo

>esl attempting to communicate
Why are you even on this site?

>being proud of being tribal about boards on a Tibetan Panflute Appreciation site
The absolute state

To troll butthurt /pol/fags like you

meant for

Who hurt you user?


according to the director they weren't even trying to get a response like that at all and she chose that location because she used to go there as a kid

what did she mean by this?

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nice try /pol/fag

Will she die if she takes off the mask?

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>parroting meme phrases because he's a legit retard


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>SP: A lot of people leave the film feeling dejected and disgusted with humanity, and that’s not what I want them to take away. We want people to leave this film feeling inspired by the opportunity to challenge adversity and to use their voices to stand up for what’s right. Being fearless in voicing your convictions against injustice is how change happens.
jesus christ, people never learn

I don't believe that statement, if she's familiar with that place she should know that she'll get that kind of reaction doing her performance.

Again, try harder.

He's not actually wrong. Their art usually revolves, somehow, around pussies, periods, period blood, and tits. They all seem to think it makes some sort of statement. They really just come off as vapid whores obsessed with their cunts with nothing of real substance to present. Just "MYYYY PUSSYYYY" and we're supposed to clap for it.

Not as bad as not being able to get a point across and not being able to list five fucking random artists. Maybe if you come across as genuinely interested next time, then people would reply to you in an alright manner and would stop talking to you like they were talking to a mentally handicapped midget.

>parroting meme shit from /pol/
Try to get out of your filter bubble and educate on topics before posting inane phrases you caught up from alt-kikes.

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>he thinks I was that user and not because of the sheer autism of trying to impress random strangers online
Go ahead, share something else of value you know.

Attached: Autism.png (393x178, 29K)

You are so mad that you are wildly slinging non-sequitur insults completely willy-nilly. You're a sad fella with no stance or ideas. Keep feeding the pussy art. It suits you.

>>parroting meme shit from /pol/
saying this sort of thing is just an attempt to circumvent any sort of argument. you literally can't engage, so you run away while simultaneously acting like you are above it all. you don't even recognize how small you are

I bet if you do that exact same thing in Europe you get no other reaction than maybe some "refugees" getting gropy. You'll get nothing from the natives.

>Maybe if you come across as genuinely interested next time
>stop obsessing that the entire world is out there to get you
It's very much related to your situation.

>edjurkate yerselpppph
Are you just pretending to be a huge faggot?

>pol advocates that there is no good female artists and all their art revolves around degenerate shit or 'my pussy'
It's just factually wrong and idiotic to say. If you can't see that, then you are already lost in ideology.

Not even sure why you keep coming back if you just empty messages.

So tell me about your relationship with art, are you educated? Is it your hobby? Can you even name three different artists?


Because I find it amusing that autistic people like you try so hard to impress strangers online and if he can't get his message across, he throws a fit.

I'm neither trying to impress anyone here nor throwing a fit.

You're so rattled that you can't even type in complete sentences. This is becoming more and more fun to watch.

Say something else!

You blew my mind.

Are you sure? Go back to your posts above, read them again, slowly.

You want to see something that isn't there. Listing a couple of things is just basic skills.

>you can't criticize my beloved pussy art unless you got edumacation
It doesn't take fancy schooling to know when something is horseshit, hymie.

Period blood.
Yours is running

Humans are trash.

So you literally know nothing about art, about the scene, about artists, but you think your opinion holds any kind of weight because you've self-taught yourself on Yea Forums from cherry-picked examples? I know the IQ here is probably lower than average but surely you can't be this fucking blind to your own hubris?

The whites were acting like apes, it was a white bitch that attacked her

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Me on the left

Fuck sneed.

That idiotic macro doesn't negate the fact that you need a tampon, now does it?

Attached: lol 7+.jpg (632x477, 50K)

>he thinks it's just about listing his favorite artists and not throwing fits in every post
Yeah you've the interests in your field but you really need to develop your social skills.

forgot to attach pic

Attached: i told my parents.png (500x505, 129K)

damn shes sexy I would have stuck my dick in that box

>muh baginas
>muh periodical blood
>muh bare ass

Good job. Good fucking job.

is that how slug babby formed

I haven't been to MB in ages. They really threw out all the family stuff and focused solely on partying. It is as trashy as it seems.

That's a lot of supposition leaking out of your bony fingers. I didn't answer you because I am not your monkey. However, you hop and shriek and piss on cue because you're my monkey.

Whatever you want to think to make yourself feel like you, your taste in art, your "scene" aren't all contrived, unoriginal, and you idolizing pussy art made by tight-twatted bluehairs and mincing little fey boys makes you feel like you have something over on somebody, I'm not gonna steal the tiny amount of confidence you're able to scrounge up.

>a literal kid
Meanwhile is this you

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What a stale NPC reply.

lmao, what a drivel. Did you copy that from someone else who refuted you yesterday or something? The other user is right, you have no idea about the field and your opinion boils down to a wet fart in the wind.

jesus fucking christ rofl


Nice retort. Keep idolizing glorified degenerates and insipid no-talents who are only known by the 10 people they blew to come to their "art" show at the pier. You contribute nothing, except being one more drop of rancid pussy juice standing at the trough of a group of literal nobodies who think they're somebody. It's funnier the more I think about it. You little dick scab.

Can you name me five artist you like?

>he expects a retort to a post that is essentially "me smart u dumb lol" after being called out

1. Go
2. Fuck
3. Your
4. Own
5. Face

>called out
That's what you little mealy-mouth faggots call your flaccid, sorry-assed comebacks? What are you, 10?

>hehee I'm a troll but terrible at it hehehe xD 1!!11

Attached: taught to love.jpg (612x612, 89K)

holy shit, you got btfo, dude

they smear cum on each other's translucent penis fans while hanging entangled from a thread of thick slime, inseminating one another lovingly

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stop posting any time

Woah, such art...

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this is what it looks like when a person has gone as far as they can go and have nothing meaningful to say. pathetic

>attacking children because you can't deal with anything larger or more mature than a child
As expected of a left-leaning individual.

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your point?

why the white man didn't try to save the stronk woman?

she a qt.

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Wait is that a reflection on the plastic or do they have a face built over the pussy?

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it's a face on the pussy and it's art

yea she looks ok but her body is in ruin

yeah, butshe was acting frivolously WHILE wearing a mask
that made it easier to identify her as an object and not as a person

I think the other girls thought that somehow by putting on that mask she was putting herself above them
and that's the thing they really freaked out over

>hanging of blacks and Italians

>How can you say my cooking is shit? Are you a chef?

>Tall woman with large feet wears mask
>not assuming its a tranny in 2019

Why are Americans such violent disgusting animals

>inb4 niggers

it was a white woman who pushed him/her over

who lives in a black city, lol

so it's not a tranny?

europeans eat old paintings?

>draw anime tiddies
>work on abs

This guy seems to have life figured out.

so white people are never at fault for their own actions because black people exist, got it


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most nazis were trannies tho so how does that make sense?

idiot, if you fill an environment with one type of people, those in the minority will behave more like those who are the majority, it's called adaptation
it's why successful black people act "white", because those are the majority they have to integrate with
white people who do well in black communities are usually the fucking scum of the earth

pretty kino, when 100% of media is shoving this idea that everyone loves and accepts trannys and blacks and whites hate each other, both blacks and whites unite together to bash on one is pretty hilarious

literally looks like she would do interracial porn but it would be the most boring, artsy video ever, with some shitty message about how black lives matter. kinda like that mattress girl porn video

Really, user? You think MOST Nazis were trannies? Why, because it was considered a meme to take funny photographs of men in dresses in the 30's and so from that you've deduced that MOST Nazis in Nazis Germany were trannies?
You sound like a kike

>so it's not a tranny?
Couldnt figure out so looked at her old pics, def a grill, no tuck here.
Shes just tall, tall people are less curvy.

Top Cope. White knighting for some gutter white trash bitch you don't even know. People in general are trash, stop trying to act like whites are simultaneously superior yet inferior at the same time. You brainlet racists never make sense, it's always some stupid double talk.

God, how do you live with niggers in the same city....
I cant imagine how fucking shit it is.

>tall, blonde faceless woman getting abused by crowd of people
I have the biggest boner of my life from this shit holy fuck
I hope it's not a tranny

Attached: 1567099519975.webm (640x480, 545K)

its 2019 i would also assume that's a man behind the mask

What are you guys even arguing about?

thats a man right?

This editing made me shut that shit off after 10 fucking seconds
also it's obviously a man
whats the point of this useless shit

Why didn't anyone reach for her asshole in an attempt to wipe that content expression off of her face?



whiteknighting, are you fucking insane??
>People in general are trash
yes, and that includes you and that includes me
you need to go kill yourself

Fucking annoying with all of that retarded editing

>being tranny as an excuse to act like an immature attentionwhore
How is this even a question of unfair treatment of trannies?

So comments are being removed and users are getting banned in this thread. That's implicit endorsement of this type of OP if they're not gonna clean it up but go in to it and remove the posts they don't like (for free).

Think about that the next time you remove some arbitrary video for being off topic, because this sure as fuck is if anything is.

you mean a thread about a short film on the television/film board?

If you want to try and shroud this in some flimsy definition of art then so is literally every other video on youtube. Oh wow a mirror it reflects society, incredibly profound if your brain stopped developing at the age of 12.

this has nothing to do with art, it's a short film, this is Yea Forums

By that logic we should be able to talk about porn films.

I agree

>lmao, a brainlet who doesn't even have the basic skills to check out instagram whether there are good female contemporary artists.
>check out instagram

Spotted the redditor.

The only positive thing I can take from this is the people at the end that recognise that pushing her took it a little too far.
"Grow up!"
"Take off the mask!" "Ya'll thats embarrassing."

That one guy at the end was the only one who actually cared enough to see if she was ok..
That's the kind of guy I want to be.

arthoes be mad itt

Attached: chill-out-bro.jpg (780x598, 158K)

I've been to Myrtle Beach yet I din't remember seeing that many black people there. I guess my family just avoided those areas of the city.
It was a pretty unremarkable place anyway. It's a tourist trap filled with traffic and humnaoids in the summer. Maybe Dorian will cleanse it.

>blacks chimp out
>white women slut shame

hilarious and redpilled

I don't get why are they all so interested in her, nobody in europe gives two shits about performers like that

people from South Carolina = dangerously stupid, especially if black

>it's the jews fault most nazis were trannies


>her dick

she’s not actually a tranny lmao
better quality

Based, indecent whores like that should be publicly shamed, tarred and feathered.

>showing minorities commiting violence in a liberal arts project
shut up, you racist

lmao, the fat goblina that runs by and splashes her

only post gooteks if you killed his rose online

You're such a horrible cunt.

>No self control over how many colours to use.

I know, it's weird as fuck.

>all these niggers chimping out
holy fuck

That's why it's called AMERICAN Reflexx, honey.