You're a talker. Talkers make me thirsty... And hungry. Think I'll take two chickens

>You're a talker. Talkers make me thirsty... And hungry. Think I'll take two chickens.

What the fuck was his problem?

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He was hongry

Maario Naharis

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Why didn't the guy he played "stop stabbing yourself!" with just drop knife before he started getting murdered?

How drunk are you, user?

I'll have two fried chickens and a coke.

cherry cock zero

This isn't a KFC, you daft cunt. This is Burger King.

literally embarrassing

Your dick is embarrassing.

it really isn't though

Not what your sister said.

I have two brothers user, I think you got pranked

>everyone itt

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who are you quoting

Too easy. Take this (You) and just stop.

you're an embarrassment to the crown

You're an embarrassment to human consciousness.

all this scorn because you humiliated yourself with this garbage joke

He's a talker

I was setting up a punchline for some other shitposting user. I'm sorry you're a humourless faggot who doesn't understand jokes.

literally embarrassing

By all means, based retard, tell us how you would have followed it up.

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Check your autism. You're definitely on the spectrum.

He wanted to ingest food.

you're just making it look worse

It don't be like it does but it do.

do you smell toast user?

Is this you setting up a punchline for yourself?

I just want to know if you have a brain injury or not

Well if I have a brain injury you must be certified retarded given how much I'm mogging you right now.

The autism is strong here

even more embarrassing, user

he was hungry and thirsty, and he was wearing his plot armour so he didnt give a shit

chicken were a lot smaller back then, MAYBE like 1, 1 and a half pounds

In the book he's badly injured in this fight and never seen or heard of again. Assumed dead.