Why do people like this shit? I'm 45 minutes in and it's boring and cheesy as fuck

Why do people like this shit? I'm 45 minutes in and it's boring and cheesy as fuck.

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I liked Jack Green's lighting of the film desu.

>it was a deconstruction of Eastwood's past westerns

Attached: d90.png (644x800, 15K)

It's a boring, pretencious self homage to Eastshit's earlier films. Fuck that old faggot.

it's shit

Because muh deconstruction of the western genre
Turn it off and go watch The Good the Bad and the Ugly

>45 minutes into a movie
>have to take a break to post about it on Yea Forums
Neck yourself zoomer faggot.

It's a very very very very good movie. Anybody who disagrees is 100% false, incorrect, and WRONG. If you don't like this movie there is something wrong with you that will never be corrected forever till the end of time plus infinite.

Case closed. Don't fucking reply to me because I won't even look at a single letter in the reply--I will hide the comment.

>it's boring and cheesy as fuck
Yeah, it's a western, dumbass.

>Why do people like this shit?
I don't know. He just ain't no carpenter.

Have sex

I’ll admit that it’s kinda overrated, but it is far from boring and cheesy

Go dilate, Good Bad and Ugly is best Western

Eastwood as a director is shit.

>You'd be William Munny out of Missouri, killer of women and children?
>That's right. I've killed women and children. I've killed just about everything that walks or crawled at one time or another, and I'm here to kill you.

The last part of the movie was pure keeno
as was English Bob.

....it kind of was

Unforgiven wishes it was Tombstone

watch until the end you absolute retard

Tombstone shits on this.

Tombstone was garbage

The ending was pure kino, but the rest of it was a bit hokey