What ever happened to this fucker?

What ever happened to this fucker?

Attached: justin_long.jpg (349x524, 30K)

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he feeds


Got turned into a Walrus.

Is he that blue haired queer from that gay ass show

Attached: E6FDE5D6-048F-4FE0-9C97-8DA1B58F8731.jpg (1920x1080, 212K)

getting kino blowjobs

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I hate this board

you'd think those blowjob pictures with amanda seyfried would have revitalized his career but nope

Dr. Lexus!

Very clearly not but hope you enjoyed that minute of your life being gone forever to share this

How big is that like 7 inches?


it looks bigger than mine and im 6.7"

he's around 6, there's another pic where you can see it better in relation to amanda's hand, and she's small

You know people measure their penis length flaccid, right? Did you think it was erect? That's like measuring your bicep while you flex or your chest while taking a deep breath!

Are leaked dick pics really career suicide?

I unironically don't remember anything this dude was in

I showed my boss my dick and got a raise


I get it

Was Mac vs PC his best role?

Jeepers Creepers and Die Hard with a Vengeance


who was worse between him and seth green?

That leaked sex tape of Screech from Saved by the Bell saved his career.

I now know why I didn't

Well, he had no career to save at the time. The opposite happened here.

If I looked like the guy from the OP I'd fucking document that bitch sucking my cock too.

>bro my dick is 8 inches flaccid and 13 hard haha


6 inches flaccid like the average human male...


He was always going to have a short shelf life. Playing the same character, an unlikeable goofy dork, got old quickly. He had no range.

His only major social contribution was the pics he took of his googly eyes gf sucking his dick on the kayak.

W-why does he have his phone with him surfing? Isn't he afraid he'll drop it in the ocean? What a minute, why is he getting his dick sucked on a surfboard anyway?

Me on the right.

Galaxy quest

Not true

no they don't and no it isn't the same

you don't stick your dick in a pussy when it's soft

I'm 3 inches soft but 8.5 inches erect

He voices the older son on F is for Family.

>named Justin Long
>has a short shelf life

7-8 max


all this fucking dicksize talk and no one posting theirs. Bunch of fucking dicklet liars

All you did was show yourself to be autistic. Why would you willingly embarrass yourself? You didn't have to do that.

What ever happened to this fucker?

Attached: breckin.jpg (682x1024, 94K)

He's laying low in case he gets metoo'd by those preteens from when he was briefly famous.

Zack and Miri Make a Porno


garfield ruined him

Garfield was my 9/11.

You telling me he don’t look like a gay blue haired version of Justin long?

a lot...

Let me preface this with a girl I was banging took me to a Detroit Tigers game and then a gay bar next to her house after.

I literally sat next to this dude at the bar. I didn't even acknowledge him and didn't see him fagging out. But after he left, the bartender mentioned he comes to that gay bar all the time.



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Doesn't mean a damn thing. Straight peeps go to lgbt bars all the time.

Forgot to mention when I went outside to take a piss, I saw him in the alley blowing a dude.

>He voices the older son on F is for Family
Hardly prestigious gig. The guys practically living paycheck to paycheck now. Considering what he was appearing in 12-15 years ago, it's gotta be a hard fall for him.

Hi Justin!

Hey OP, found him! He's a 4channer now. Based!

Hollywood executives realized that while he looks straight up jewish, he's not. Goy begone!


Haha he fell for the 4 inches is average meme

Poor man's nerdy and untalented Adam Driver.
I liked him though.

what a crack up of a movie

Looks weird, most likely gay

Shit actor, hope he'll die in a plane crash



It definitely sent him to hell
He lost access to all the comedies and kids friendly movies

Is that Spenny?

Getting sucked off by a woman is the new gay apparently

i enjoyed him in comet

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i always loved him, he was fun

Glad someone remembers this.

Ummm what?

Attached: diehard4.png (531x266, 156K)

He ruined that movie for me more than the unbelievable fighter jets versus truck scene. There is no way she would have had him as her bf. Tooally unbelievable

>somewhere early 2000s
>saw creeper jeepers 2 randomly
>saw this guy making cameo
>saw cj1 randomly
I imagined he had wincest with the sis