What's next for Millie Bobby Brown?

What's next for Millie Bobby Brown?

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She sort of looks like a young Celine Dion maybe she could play her in a biopic

Looks like Diane Feinstein to me

Turning 41 next year by the looks of it?


A lot of awards.

why do they let children talk at the UN?

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Because the UN is a useless joke and they know it, so they gave the biggest child actor in the world a meaningless title and some meaningless words to read off of a script, all so the kids who follow her on instagram will think the UN is still relevant.

They let Wonder Woman be an ambassador of a fake island for the movie

how is this bitch 15? she looks 36

being killed and replaced by a better functioning clone

She only looks old because she's trying to look old in that picture. She put on her big girl suit and her big girl glasses and styled her hair like a big girl so the super important UN people will take her seriously.
Otherwise she just looks like an average 15 year old.

Getting her pussy pounded by cavill’s dick

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>tfw ywn be millie
feels bad

Lisa Ann biopic.



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Makeup is a little garish and overdone, but it always is on red carpets.
Still looks pretty though.

based delusional waifuist

She's the next Susan Sarandon.
She looked like a granny in her 30s.

i wanna marry that granny

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Is it possible to fix the UN or should we destroy it and make version 3?

Granny kino

>ugly kid grows into an ugly adult

who the fuck cares

Probably trying to clean Drake's semen out from her pussy

Is she ready for child birth haha

Starring in Godzilla vs. Kong, and winning further acclaim for her superb acting talent.

i dont know why but i predict her career will dwindle a bit and she will turn turbo sjw to boost her social status, either bumping her career up and doubling down on her sjwness brie larson style or going full psycho rose mcgowan style and quadrupling down on her sjwness

i hope not. so far shes very cute and charming and id hate to see her throw that all way by getting stupidly political


she's being brainwashed, happens to a lot of people in that industry. Its easy to do because they're constantly taking on fictional personas for their jobs and absorbing themselves in creating a fictional world. She's being brainwashed to think she is an adult by taking on this role/persona.

Millie Bobby Brown is the best actress of her age in Hollywood.


Without a doubt

I thought this was Nancy Pelosi for a second.

Why do people bully Millie so much? She's a good kid, and doesn't deserve it.



they need a voice of common sense

I keep thinking Carrie Fisher or Sandra Bullock.

from what I've seen, Yea Forums seems to really like her, I don't see many people hating on her here other than shitting on Godzilla, which wasn't her fault

Just this thread looks pretty split to me.

well stick around, I've seen many autists post her 30+ times in one thread just fawning all over her

not a footfag, but since she had their feet completely naked, would have expected the camera focusing on them a LOT more


They had Anita Sarkesian and Zoe Quinn talk to them about cyberbullying, misogyny, and the patriarchy. They'll let anyone talk just to waste time and spend money jerking off about bullshit. It's all the UN knows what to to do.

I'd bet my left nut that's just one guy.
Can't say Yea Forums really likes her when really it's just one waifufag.

Looks like she's going the way of Emma Watson.

really? i thought the cameraman kept zooming in on her feet a suspicious amount of times

at least she's now hotter than what emma ever was

weren't these threads forbidden on Yea Forums like a month ago?
remember you got a "posting on an off-topic thread" ban and everything

Becoming the 5th member of. AOC's "squad"


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hope that's a young girls party fighting to eliminate the ridiculous age of consent laws.

well one of them is a hardcore sharia muslim so... possibly?

I honesty dont think any iteration of the UN is ever going to be successful. Too much divide among countries and culture

Not even the best child actor in that Netflix show lmao

Who's better?

A breakdown in her 30s, brought on by drugs and the casting couch.

>fix the UN

1. Dismantle the security council. All resolutions are democratically voted on by all member nations - where no nation has any veto powers.

2. Transfer control of 80% of US armed forces to the UN, including all nuclear weapons.

3. All the problems in the world are fixed.

>the UN is now the new US, just as annoying but even more incompetent
Wow great idea.

This bitch is ugly

She looks like your typical feminist (((UN))) tool. Why do they all look the same?

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she's not even that attractive
why do i want so bad to fuck her in that politician costume?

She's going to play Zoe Quinn in the movie adaption.

Destroy it and replace it with absolutely nothing.

not fat enough, millie actually has a nice figure. she'd have to gain atleast 60lbs for the role. ATLEAST.

She looks wrong with hair desu
Hair doesn't suit her

>Why does a front for an international child trafficking ring have children in it?

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as long as she's hairless down there, haircut doesn't really matter

She does look better with short hair. Very few girls can say that, but she can.

based schizo

Aeon of Horus. It's also similar to agonistic buffering, using children to make you or your beliefs seem better.

I like her on ST.
