Do you know this movie?

Attached: a-bunda-e-o-choro.jpg (290x290, 48K)

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What's the context?


dude stole chocolate... 3 times.
security guards from the place literally tortured him for it.

do security guards really take their job that seriously?

Based security guard

depends on your skin color

yeah i do

Its just a prank bro

Guards are black too, retarded.
You can see on the video

Filho da puta
Não cem com essa merda de genocídio negro aqui não.
Dois pardos metendo o chicote em outro pardo

Ahh é.. pardo de schrodinger

they are blacks but they are also guards. the one takin a beat is just black

How about he doesn't fucking steal next time


Two niggers whipping another nigger

looks like you don't understand how power works

yeah their boss will whip them if they fail their duty
it is a whip pyramid

85% of brazilians are niggers

Always will be nigger whipping niggers

I mean, gettin whipped is pretty bad but chocolate is pretty good... I don't know

Yeah I'd get whipped for chocolate

actually only 30% of brazilians are black

depends on the chocolate

>actually only 30% of brazilians are black

85% of brazilians have more than 30% of african and native blood

If you have nigger blood, you´re a nigger

Save amazonia

>Save amazonia

there are a lot of italians, germans and japanese in brazil. also libanese.
pls go study history and geography

>there are a lot of italians, germans and japanese in brazil. also libanese.

They are a minority
85% are mixed niggers with portuguese surnames


Attached: 1562106720731.gif (260x229, 1.98M)

"According to Pena, Schlesinger, Monasterio, Giorgio Mortara and other academics, less than 16% of brazilian population has recent european ancestrality and less than 14% are 100% ethnically europeans. They live basically in Sao Paulo and the South"

Brazil has received less immigrants than Argentina, that has a population 5 times smaller

You are probably a nigger with nigger blood in denial

I was gonna post the video of Mexican border patrol agents spanking a guys bare ass with a 2x4, but I can't find it. shit.

t. Mixed Nigger


Dropped what?
The guy was born in Germany, he is not brazilian, your mixed monkey

"White brazilians"

Attached: 1512776544575.jpg (413x379, 17K)

sorry, I was memeing to try to fit in :(
the implication was that he's jewish and therefore flubbing the data for some nefarious purpose.

More that they take their ability to abuse their power seriously.

I'm white and I'm also from Brazil.

"White brazilians"

Look like a bunch of mongrels straight from Tunisia or some gypsy camp in Europe

Attached: 51H4GVt1hxL._SY355_.jpg (355x355, 22K)

Your "whites" are a bunch of mixed niggers who look like a bunch of mongrels from northern Africa or some gypsy camp

Attached: 1512776544575.jpg (400x400, 37K)

Haha, good one. You're a pretty funny guy user, lmao

There are white people in Brazil.
Pinkish skin and light eyes
But they are 10% of population
Rest are a bunch of mongrels

seething 3rd worlder

This girl is brazilian
But she is between less than 3% of people in Brazil

Attached: 61348110_1992731334165726_1161714473161350827_n.jpg (640x640, 92K)

>"According to Pena, Schlesinger, Monasterio, Giorgio Mortara and other academics, less than 16% of brazilian population has recent european ancestrality and less than 14% are 100% ethnically europeans. They live basically in Sao Paulo and the South"
"According to Pena, Schlesinger, Monasterio, Giorgio Mortara and other academics, less than 16% of brazilian population has recent european ancestrality and less than 14% are 100% ethnically europeans. They live basically in Sao Paulo and the South"

>light eyes
Blue, green, grey? No? Not white, sorry. Keep striving to be white though, it is was al races should strive towards even if they fall short.

if brown people all looked like this i'd have no problem at all
but they don't

She is the cousin of one of the brazilians who attend in int

They are rich

We need to increase our numbers. Not to preserve our race, but so that we can bleach humanity and make our species a beautiful one. Non-whites should support both increased white birthrates AND race-mixing.

>if brown people all looked
I don't give a shit how they look, it's how they act. Which is terrible and destructive. If they didn't act that way, I wouldn't mind them at all.

imagine buying a bag of onions that has this guys ass blood on it


Her family owns the biggest amusement park in Latin America

Security guards are all wannabe cops so yeah.


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Well that's just stupid because wops acted much the same way. Spics had civilizations before. They will assimilate just fine after a few generations.

t. italian dago

Italians had the genetic benefit of being mostly white (before they were raped by the Moors they were 100% white). Mexicans do not have this genetic advantage. I'm Germanic by the way.

Again, they had civilizations. They are essentially asians. Maybe they are not AS smart as east asians, but they are perfectly capable of civilization. You are way overblowing this non-problem.

What's the best chocolate of this generation?

I've always enjoyed Butterfingers, Nestle Crunch and 3 Musketeers the most.

Brazil is a nation of literal apes.

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This picture was taken in Portugal

I woudn't mind if they looked like this.

Attached: 1565298657423.jpg (1080x1080, 262K)

Grupo de Amigos de Santo Antonio is from Portugal, amerimonkey


the movie in the pic is acctually pretty good, in case anyone wondering.
he loves bunda and can't conect emotionally to people, like many of us

what movie

>nigress ends up looking decently passable
>still tattoos her stupid face
women are a meme

yeah i know this movie. it's called my worthless life living in this fucking 3rd world hell

>be portuguese
>get the pope to split what soon became Brazil
>jungle turns the slaves into literal chimps
>raise one in the homeland
>le portuguese munkey

Drained - 2006

Attached: cheiro-do-ralo2.jpg (750x500, 74K)

thanks for sharing alberto

Attached: manel.png (1000x973, 905K)

I love Brazil
como posso conseguir uma desses bros

Attached: DtM6oRWXgAEU9ic.jpg (1536x2048, 565K)

Like Sérgio Buarque de Holanda from Raízes do Brasil, drawing attention to the fact that, already in Portugal, the miscegenation involving the poorer white population (the “low people”) and the black slaves imported from Africa was common.

Sabotage of the nord stream Corporate totalitarianism Hong Kong 2019 Invading afghanistan to restore opioid industry Color revolutions Operation dropshot Puerto rico riots Cia smuggling drugs from latam Black operations in the triple frontier Murder of Patrice Lumumba American companies financing hitler Exporting degenerate identitarianism Gulf of tonkin incident 60 trillion dollars in private and public debt Supporting Idi Amin Dada and Ngô Dình Diem and Suharto and Franco and Salazar Operation condor Trying to steal venezuelan oil Financing Bin Laden and taliban Mossadegh 53 Brazil 64-16 Argentina 76 Greece 67 Haiti 15 Ukraine 04-17 Kyrgyzstan 05 Georgia 03 Mexico 14 Honduras 09 Stolen mexican lands Supporting pedophile paraguayan dictator Paying corrupt jurists and politicians in latin america War on terror Patriot act PRISM Guantanamo bay CIA black site NSA Zbigniew brzezinski Warrantless Wiretapping Julian Assange Halford mackinder Nicholas spykman Eugenics policies Corporate interests Police militarization Incarceration rate False flags Petrodollar warfare Boycotting Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad Ignoring the geneva convention Agent Orange Smuggling drugs from Vietnam in coffins My Lai Massacre Contras Chile 73 CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal occupations Guatemala 54 Cuban missile crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib MKUltra Tuskegee Syphilis experiment Sedition Acts Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya and Yemen and Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippines 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists ICE children in cages One drop rule McGeorge Bundy Lynchings and hangings of blacks and italians Racial segregation Ostracism of slavs and italian and irish immigrants Concentration camps for asians 1924s immigration act Iran Air Flight 655