Love Kino

Kino's about a woman tenderly and affectionately loving a man?

Virgins need not reply.

Attached: man-lying-woman-lap-couch_23-2148027330.jpg (626x417, 116K)

I am 25 and have never even kissed a girl.


Is it spam to ask for move and tv recommendations on the Television & Film board?
There is hope for you if you choose walk another path my friend.

Women are a waste of time

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Go with the lord bro

>Virgins need not reply.

So men then?

>Virgins need not reply.

that movie with Rogue One-fu and Chekhov

The song playing in the background really made the scene

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>sells garbage products online

same and I'm 29

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I like this meme

>1 year from nu-wizardhood

weak b8

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This is the ONLY good romance movie.
Change my mind.

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Well at that age there are plenty of post-wall women looking for a mate to settle with. Unfortunate you'll likely be getting used goods but it's better than nothing and they have been tamed by the wall.

>implying I want them
I only want 18yo 10/10 Supermodels.

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But they don’t want your obese ass who looks like mass shooter

I could buy one but I'm just too lazy.
prostitution is legal in my country so I might buy one before becoming a wizard

he should be playing with those qt feet


Not even my motorcycle loves me. The front wheel locked up and I got thrown off and pinned down.



What make you incels think you deserve love in the first place?

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I only to suffer

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>Hey guise even tho I'm genetically superior thanks to my skin color all my organs are failing but I'm blaming minorities for some reason
>btw do you think I'm going to heaven?
/pol/tards really lack selfawareness

There's nothing wrong with that user.

Remember that premarital sex is a sin.