>user, good to see you! By yourself as usual.
>You here to see the new Jokerkino?
>Wait, where are you going?
User, good to see you! By yourself as usual
Other urls found in this thread:
Hi Garett, just trying to pass through, thanks
yeah nice steal from the other thread, very original
Hi there Robert, I'm just going to the bathroom
Why do you ask?
>Wait, where are you going?
Robert, look, you seem like an okay guy. Go smoke a cigarette and come back in a few minutes. You'll understand later.
I unironically believe one of you spergs will shoot up the Joker premiere at your local theatre.
Shut the fuck up and lurk more newfag.
Nowhere man. Just, just take a bathroom break and don’t come out until I say honk
not me hahaha
Welcome to Yea Forums
you're complaining about stealing images now? in 2019? Yea Forums has been repeating the same 10 threads and images ad nauseam for a decade. OC is so rare now it comes once every month or so at this point.
Whenever people thotpost I like to edit an emaciated version of myself into the picture acting as the thot's tongue slave. Just a hobby
Hey guys I work at a theater, so if I call you a big guy can you not shoot me
I am going to make at least one roastie pay.
>I work at a theater
honestly, he'd be doing you a favor by killing you, wagecuck
i made some memes about the true story of pro wrestler Kevin Nash (aka Diesel) getting raped after a show in 1992 and shared them on Yea Forums before sharing on Yea Forums last year
Why would a violent incel shoot people at a supposedly pro-incel movie? Why wouldn't they go to something that women would be at to shoot them?
Post OC.
Pic related took me 4 minutes.
made this 2 days ago
I’m watching IT chapter 2 tomorrow by myself what is the protocol here? Will they let me in at all?
But by working there I get to watch movie so for free