Recomend drug kino

recomend drug kino

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good time

Waking life while on four tabs of 25i nbome is about as good as it gets

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Half Baked.

Get addicted to weed. Not speed.

I'm so fucking ugly. I'm short and ugly.

I hate myself so much. I hate being me.

Nobody has ever loved me. Nobody will ever love me.

I know my life will end in suicide.

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Alcohol is a drug.

Australia is a drug, too

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whats the name of that last movie?

In Vanda’s Room

based christiane f poster

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Any happy drug kinos. In all drug movies the 1st half is great then in the 2nd half they make all this bad stuff happen


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there aren't too many downer weed flicks

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based. easily their best, it's so bleak and depressing. great actress

>not doing both

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this movie belongs on that chart

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Ass to ass!!
That shit traumatized me

I watched return of the jedi while fucked up on mushrooms. One of the best movie watching experiences ever

just take some steroids

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Not every forbidden intoxicant is a drug.

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Natural Born Killers

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