*sniff* Those brave, noble slavers... *sniff*

*sniff* Those brave, noble slavers... *sniff*

Attached: le war of northern memes.jpg (1920x2560, 798K)

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Did you hear they're getting rid of reenactments at Gettysburg?

The civil war wasn't about slavery, and barely any southerners actually owned slaves, especially not soldiers.

Fuck niggers

>T. Seething nigger still complaining about slavery 200 years later
Cry more black boy

I like how after the war, many blacks realized that life as a slave was better than life as a free man and willingly chose to go back and continue working on their master's plantation for free.

Good, it's a period of history better left in the past.

What was it about, then?

states rights

(...to own slaves)

You forgot your picture there user

Attached: 43824D16-615A-47D3-BAF0-69FCD2760706.png (1992x1992, 1.07M)

Gods and Generals was the better movie.

Sadly, it's due to an older demographic of interested people and reenactors. But the bright side is they're not getting rid of it, they're just not doing them annually.



It was explicitly about slavery.

Of course it's not entirely about slavery, nobody actually believes that it's just a meme. It was a cultural clash between the the industrial puritanical North and the agrarian baptist South dating back to the conflicts of the Roundheads and Cavaliers respectively.

>nobody actually believes that it's just a meme
PLENTY of people believe that. It's all well and good to say it was just a war of two differing cultures or whatever, but certain conflicts aren't always inevitable, and it's useful to study the nitty gritties of those conflicts so we properly understand why they started.

>states rights
>(...to own slaves)
More specifically, the right of the states to determine whether or not slavery was legal as the power to make legislation was not specifically granted to the Federal Government under the US Constitution which says that any powers not specifically granted to the Federal Government under the US Constitution belong to the states.
When it became clear that the status quo was soon to end as additional [sure-to-be] free states were to be admitted, which would allow the Congress to pass (illegal!) legislation limiting slavery, the Southern states decided that they didn't want to be part of a Union which would cast off its legal shackles only 70 years after they had been put into place.

the irony is the people that think it's all about slavery are the same retards that believe in systemic racism and whatever other kike bullshit but don't realize that the slavery narrative implies whites fought a civil war over the well being of niggers. Which when put in those terms I'm sure no one with two plus brain cells believes.

Pure kino from beginning to end.
Based Madman Millionaire Ted working the niggers and estronauts into a seething, sputtering shoot.

I never saw the movie, but The Killer Angels is a great book.


rich peeps owned slaves

read moldbug if you want the full story about the civil war


didn't happen


you're gross and pls go

At the height of slavery in America, less than 2% of the population owned slaves.


jeff davis said it was about slavery

>it's useful to study the nitty gritties of those conflicts so we properly understand why they started.

Preachers and black people. Literally.

a lot of people died for that 2%

>a lot of people died for that 2%

And to stop mixing of blacks/whites, and the overall social order, and to stop the disaster that emancipation would surely bring (and did bring later, tho it was after the bigger disaster of the war).

Exactly. People like to dumb it down to just slavery because that's an easy narrative to spin to halfwits.

>we're gonna create a bunch of slave free states so we can beat you in the senate
>noooo wtf stop leaving
>*starts the war of northern aggression*


Yankees were God awful

>Guys, the Civil War was about slavery! You can see it mentioned officially in these few documents about causes for the war!

>Guys, the Iraq War was about weapons of mass destruction! You can see it mentioned officially in these few documents about causes for the war!

Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (800x450, 44K)


Well that depends on your point of view. If, for instance, half the country decides to say "fuck the liberal social order" and they happen to be the more politically powerful block, and are sure to overthrow such, how many milly people do you think would "see the need" to fight it out shortly (after trying to get out of the union to prevent the downfall of their social order, liberal in this case)?

Strangely Americans continue to die for people who only make up 2% of the population.

My ancestors :)

WMD's will be how it is taught in high school and after a generation or two that is how it will be accepted by the general population.

politically maybe but southern soldiers didnt sign up in huge numbers so their version of the 1% could keep owning slaves

Doesn't seem like they're "getting rid of it," just not organizing anything officially anymore because most reenactors are getting old as fuck and the current political climate makes things iffy.
This isn't even taking into account that most of the younger generations don't even care for reenacting.

Sad, but the Civil War is finally passing into myth and legend, something far beyond our recent memory.

Won't be long and there will be a shopping mall/parking lot on the battle field and all that will be left is the stone wall.

constitutional rights

(...to own guns that KILL people)

Literally the American Revolution.
A lot of people died so a few educated, rich, slave owning men wouldn't have to pay their taxes.

>my ancestors killed niggers and y*nkees
Feels good.

Attached: 1543086376941.png (720x811, 319K)

whoa, kinda like First Amendment
(...to say NIGGER)

Attached: 1567512349241.jpg (941x960, 87K)

I hate how people always take the moral high ground regarding the whole slavery issue, but then immediately take a 180 and blame crime, murder, etc. on blacks and wish they got sent back to Africa.
It's fucking silly.

you're right, the elites declared war to protect their financial interests/power and the good goys signed up to die by the thousands for "muh honor, muh culture, muh patriotism."
Funny how little has changed in ~150 years.

I just don't want blacks around whether they are slaves or free.

your comment is very silly

Well then you and the Founding Fathers have some talking to do...

You're silly, silly.

The North was going through heavy industrialization. It was being paid for by heavy taxation on the Southern states exportation of tobacco and cotton--- both industries that could only be "industrial" at that time due to heavy human labor. This labor source was slavery.

The South's exports of tobacco and cotton and sugar funded the founding of the US. It funded the development of the country. But the US got too dependent on funding its growth not only on these cash heavy exports, but on passing taxes on these industries.

At the time of the Civil War, the US government had decided to tax those products such that every $1 they earned, they'd pat $2 in taxes. That obviously couldn't work, but the Northerners didn't care. They needed the money to industrialize, and they were clawing it out of the richest industries in the country because they had so few people that voted involved with them.

So the Southern states said fuck it, and left the Union. There is no terms in the US constituion that requires the members to stay in it, just that to be a member, you must JOIN it. The southern states felt they had the right to leave, as they were, according to the constitution, still their own soveirn powers.

The North shit their pants. Without the South paying such extreme taxes, they wouldn't be able to easily finish industrializing--- as there was no one else that had money to steal from to fund it.

The North was also in a panic. Most of the food it ate came from the South. Now that the South was its own new nation, there would be taxes and tariffs and other taxes applied by the south to the food going north, meaning starving northern americans. These were documented concerns by President Lincoln, so don't believe the shills when they claim this is all BS.

So, President Lincoln decided that the only way for the US to survive was to go to war, and bring back the breadbasket that kept its majority of citizens from starving to death.

Good riddance. Polluted the environment and destroyed the landscape like nothing else.

If only I could user, if only I could... I'd more likely warn them about jews though.

braver than OP, you limpdicked bastard.
consider this: poor whites, the vast majority of fodder for the confederate war machine, were convinced their only chance of social mobility was owning an enslaved black
not only were they committed to protecting that peculiar institution for their own financial interests, but they were also faced with marauding legions of federal soldiers who plundered their livelihoods
they had no control over preventing the war, but they were burdened with the negative outcomes.
I'd fight and die in that scenario too.





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Also, they'd be able to confiscate all the wealth of the southerners to pay for further industrialization.

Lincoln extended a couple of offers to have the South come back to the union before things got nasty, but he got blown off because he couldn't guarantee they'd cut back on all the taxes that would send every southern business into the poor house if they did business beyond their own state's border.

Lincoln destroyed the actual constitution of the US by waging his war on the south. He destroyed the balance between the states being actual sovereign nations forming a cooperative federation, balancing the power (mostly in favor of the states) to making the states mere territory on the map while the federated government is the supreme, uncontestable source of law and power in the US of A. Further changes to the US have been made to further grow the power of the central government and reduce the power of the local government.

There's a lot of butt hurt Americans on both sides of the issue. The civil war wasn't just about slavery, but slavery dependent industries were at the heart of what the South was trying to save by leaving the union. The reason was because it was the primary revenue stream due to its high export value.

That being said fuck yanks for their big government loving asses and fuck niggers spics Jews and trannys

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Basically, the South wanted to be free of increasing Northern economic and political domination. This would be sympathetic if the South hadn't for decades used every dirty trick in the book to further the slaver cause whenever and wherever they could. And there was really no point in doing so, as chattel slavery was vastly inferior to regular old wage slavery. Muh tradition, though.

Should have just dumped all the slaves back to Africa and ended it there.

>he doesn’t want to kill anybody

Natural Rights jurisprudence and a state's right to not be invaded when free citizens tell the feds to fuck off.
Also slavery

I have trouble seeing how the civil war couldn't have happened. Property rights were an integral idea to the Americsn founding, and if as a citizen you have a sentient being which is considered property in one state, but then is not property and is as free and equal as any other citizen in another state, that is a massive barrier to any kind of political, economic, social, and legal integration of the country. The whole of American politics from the 1820s through the civil war was bound up in this question. The closest thing we've had to it recently was the gay marriage issue, where certain states legally acknowledgeded it and others didn't, and even that didn't pose nearly as many of the same emotions and quandaries as slavery did.


>the South was responsible for the slave trade