Harry Potter getting fucked in the ass

Harry Potter getting fucked in the ass

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Unironically a really hot scene.
Dane DeHaan is the top btw.

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Canonically this is what Rowling would have wanted if she could re-write the series today.
>not even fucking joking.
>it would have been Dumbledore teaching him the ways of the wand.

I love furry otter twunks so much.


This too gay

HAHAHAHA why would you agree to this shit

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>tfw bi dude
>tfw never been with a dude

Fucking disgusting

He pretty much only goes for risque indie films after Harry Potter because he wants to be a distinguished actor

user don't wait, don't let your younger years pass you by.
I'm 28 and will cherish the sex I had with other guys in HS for the rest of my life.
H*teros like to meme that AIDS is the killer gay disease but the real killer is aging.

this is know remember how many times harry fucked hermimi=00000

=he's a poofter

ron got that sweet sweet ass that's why you don't have video of him getting buggered

"Not enough I can still see that Harry Potter on your face you must torture yourself more"

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>the real killer is aging.
which is why fags breed through pedophilia

Maybe you wouldn't look so rough at 28 if you hadn't done all that gay shit

You just know that J.K. Rowling thought about something like this while writing about Harry and Ron. How much it turned her on is another question.

No, I pissed my life and looks away because of depression/alcoholism/not taking care of myself - has nothing to do with gay sex I had in the past

Why is he failing spectacularly while /ourboy/ Robert Pattinson is kino after kino?

Because despite everyone making fun of him for being that faggy Twilight guy, he's actually incredibly handsome

You sound like you fucked up but at least you got to bone hot teenaged boys. I didn't get that. But I have my shit together at least.

Unironically too short

Because Rob can actually act

How did you have sex with guys in HS? If you're 28 now then Grindr wouldn't have been around at the time.

People have been fucking for millions of years. You think cavemen had hookup apps?

Talking and hanging out in person user, lol.
Former Drama Club faggot.

man Bob Einstein isn't looking too good

I was just surprised cause usually guys aren't openly gay/bi in high school so it would be hard to set that up without an app.

Harry Potter and the Prostate of Fire

Harry Potter and the Bare-Back Prince

Rob is hot and can act. Harry potter is just a dork

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This movie was great but it was about writers and no one on this board can fucking read so of course y'all hate it

Anyone losing their anal virginity would be writhing in pain.

I loved the movie too user. Based.

I don't see how Dan's acting is inferior to Rob

Horns and this really showed his range. Rob is boring

the fuck is this shit



>getting fucked in the ass to virtue signal
why do liberal """men""" do this?

>it was about faggots and no one on this board has been fucked in the ass so of course y'all hate it


So gay it’s straight

At least 30% of this board has been fucked in the ass.

...and that's a good thing! Here's why:

Damn that's hot as fuck

>It's real

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marty get rickle

it's a deep fake r-right

Their wife's bull tells them to. Sort of like parents in the old days telling the kids to go play outside for a while.

Yo dude, that's kinda gay

So he chooses to only star in garbage? Imagine all those teenage girls who were his fans back in the day, witnessing him throw his career away.

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Do you people fantasize about black cock fucking white women 24/7?
Why even bring that up un an unrelated thread?

What a world we live in.

It's incredible how far some men fall...

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Y'know, IMHO, men filming scenes like these is a clear cut sign of repressed homosexual urges.

I'd rather see Frodo getting stuffed than harry

How the fuck can anyone be gay, seriously, even if you were gay how do you not become straight out of disgust and repulsion and sheer horror.

Here’s what the guy Daniel Radcliffe played actually looked like

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What are Harry's heterosexual dating prospects after this?

Protip you can't just stick it in rawdog, it aint like a pussy bro

Was he the bottom?

user, no one said anything about black cock.
you ok user?

Yeah but he was probably in High school in 2011 and not the 90s


Actually this is exactly what they wanted to watch him do.
They aren't normal girls- harry potter fans are fujos

>ways of the wand
my sides



This is my childhood dream come true.

wait so Rowling was correct after all, he is gay

Radcliffe plays a farting corpse in Swiss Army Man. I don't think even craziest fangirls are into that.

If you aren't gay what is there to feel disgust or repulsion or sheer horror about? Its like seeing a fat girl but she fades out of your view. No reason to think more about it.

>im going to be the next james bond
no he doesnt.

Name one actor that is distinguished, that also stars in a movie being fucked in the ass

If he is straight it will be a really fucking weird career choice. he would have been far better off living on Broadway for a few years or something.
>it would have literally been less gay


You're not missing anything, homosex is just the world's oldest viral meme, literally. If you've had real sex, gay is a downgrade in every way. Anyone who says otherwise is doing a cope over his inability to have normal relations with a woman.

epic /pol/ meme

Good job Dane! You look good with some mass on you!

As an old man, yeah

Gay guys might say the same thing about straightness.

you wouldn't get the appeal of it if you weren't gay



The horizontal mambo with other guys can be fun if you're into it.

What, no one saw Kill My Darlings?

>willingly get gay fucked in the ass for the entire world to see
>acting sure is serious business and this is how actors prove it
Same shit with women feeling the pressure to get naked on screen all the time I guess. But worse.

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Based Kerouacposter

He probably didn't actually do it. It's likely simulated.

Not as tender as Steve Buscemi getting made love in the ass

Well, I'm hard.
Now what.

Nice butts!

now THIS is cinema

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>ywn be pulled in by chad

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you mean this
and he was one of society's biggest hacks

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Wheres the rest?

Harry Potter getting fucked in the ass would be a more compelling plotline than having to sit through one of the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

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>finally get to see Dane passionately fuck another man
>it's the ugly manlet Radcliffe
Bittersweet feeling

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Aren't men at least better at blowies?

ok, i'm having a boner

Get sucked by one and find out you faggot

Is this what he's resorting to to be relevant?

why are wh*te "people" so ugly

It's not a meme, but whatever helps you cope I guess

Christ reminds me of my first time

Not even hook up apps make sense. I just don't understand how anyone even gets to the point of taking their clothes off around eachother. That stuff private and embarrassing

is it gay if I like women, but secretly want to try anal sex at least once in my lifetime?

It's a "Harry goes back in time to hang out with young Dumbledore and gets more than he bargained for" episode

Yup. Youre a bisexual, user. Straights and faggots will literally hate you because you can do both whenever you feel like it.
Go forth and prank the world.

Harry Potter and the Pozzed Neghole

he's an actor
it's a movie

Gays are disgusting

Just be attractive enough that someone wants to take your clothes off for you. I can understand sex but I don't understand ugly people sex.

Harry noooo

bruh thats kinda gay

But how does that happen. "hey I'm just gonna take your clothing off lmao that cool"? If anyone tried that to me id stop them


You would know faggot

That's what alcohol is for, just get drunk and decide that you're ready to go with it even if it seems crazy


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hang yourself degenerate

you're not gay if you're just curious. if you go ahead and try, however, you're officially a faggot.

I don't drink anymore. I haven't really drank socially since highschool

You realise at least half the 'faggots' on this board are actually femanons that don't want anyone knowing they're female, right?

No they really fucked. Radcliffe took a creampie for the scene too.

What's funny?

I think that's optimistic

When I used to drink it was almost always an advantage socially. Got some awkward rumors started a few times but at least I feel like I lived a little.

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Kinda, though I wish it was more obvious that they were faggots (in the retard way, not just in the gay way). Look at some footage of them on Youtube, Kerouac really is the only acceptable guy, though Burroughs also wrote amazing shit. GInsberg was a fucking hack though.

I choose to believe this.

What? It's a statement, there's no optimism or pessimism in it. Maybe you mean an under/overestimation?

>m-mom i said it again

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>Yer a poofter, Harry

man-on-man love will never not be repulsive

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Not as memorable as Leonardo making sweet love to Paul Verlaine's ass

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Can someone make a edit on the top saying lord of the rings fans and harry potter fans on the queer?

imagine watching this in a cinema
what the fuck is wrong with people

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If your digits end in 3, 6 or 9 you have been fucked in the ass.


I should not have seen that, nope. definitely should not have seen that.

don't listen to the other two
if you want to try anal with a woman, you are straight

Kill yourself aids ridden faggot

interesting take

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nice acting

Damn this nigga actually gay

Reminder that Dane actually browses Yea Forums
What were you thinking, faggot? You literally went from playing the Green Goblin (and failing that) to being the only bad part about an otherwise great sci-fi movie, and now fucking Harry Potter in the ass
What happened bro? Blink twice if the Hollywood oligarchs made you do this to repay them for tanking Valerian and Spiderman

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Say what you will about Tumblr, but their vagina unity when it comes to wanting to see OC of Harry get fucked by Draco rivals our dick unity.

That's some high quality art.


but what if I want to try anal from the receiving end?


Fuck off redditor

isn't this guy a pedo though?

still straight :)

Hire some dominatrix to fuck you with a strap-on. It's not gay if it's a girl dick.

would you do this scene for a million dollars?

Women are mutants and psychos. Forging a relationship with that is forming textbook Stockholm Syndrome with a terminal illness. Plus, bitches are boring in bed and dominating them is milquetoast-level easymode.

>he's being all shy and self conscious
>forgets about it and relaxes as the instinct takes over
Hot. Fags irl are all so jaded. Pretty sure most of us don't even enjoy sex at this point, let alone care about what our partners think.