Will there ever be an Apocalypse Now/Platoon tier film about the war on terror?

Will there ever be an Apocalypse Now/Platoon tier film about the war on terror?

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No, because not enough people actually care. The reason Vietnam is so infamous is because so many people were drafted into it against their will. Desert is also just a plain less interesting environment than jungle, let's just admit that.

>the war on terror
lol do you call it like that ?

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it's the easiest catch-all term for
"The US's continual fuck up in the middle east and why you don't fund and train local extremists to get rid of the local extremists you funded and trained to get rid of the local extremists you funded and trained to get rid of the local extremists you funded and trained to get rid of the local extremists you funded and trained to get rid of the local extremists you funded and trained to get rid of the local extremists you funded and trained to get rid of the local extremists you funded and trained to get rid of the local extremists you funded and trained to get rid of the local extremists you funded and trained to get rid of the local extremists you funded and trained to get rid of the local extremists you funded and trained."


After 9/11 all the "thank you for your service" troop worship started and it essentially became impossible to portray U.S. soldiers in film as anything but morally upright action heroes.

Even a just-okay adventure film like Three Kings made a few years earlier couldn't have been made now, because it portrayed soldiers as morally ambivalent.

Only good desert kino would be WW2 north Africa.

Generation Kill is probably it.

In the same way Apocalypse Now was an indictment of the entire essence of the Vietnam war from the top brass to the GI, nope. Best we get are smaller scale movies like or Vice
To many bootlickers and apologists would come out of the woodworks to kill it. The DISRESPECTING MUH TROOPS crowd would leap on it so goddamn fast. Like I said, Vice for example would be the closest you could get because it goes after an administration and on top of that an individual.
But focusing broadly on the US Military an the as an institution, the intelligence agencies, and the individial atrocities of soldiers as Apocalypse Now did... hell naw. The climate is not okay for that now in Hollywood now that we're in the era of "thank you for your service."

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What was 9/11? To the U.S.?

You do know Jarhead was about the first Gulf War, not the second?

be careful what you ask for

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Will the "era of thank you for your service," ever change?

Not a movie but there is Generation Kill.
The only exception is when its made by marines for marines.


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Restrepo was alright. IIRC had alot of people questioning why they were on some desolate mountain getting pot shot'd at by jihadis.

All the Boomers have to die.

Hey did you know last month right around the time of the multiple mass shootings in America there was a wedding in Afghanistan that a suicide bomber killed 100+ people, and a few days later another suicide bomber killed 35+ people, and just the other day another suicide bomber killed another 75+ people. Did you know?

But I came out of the movie completely agreeing with Marlon Brando.

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You mean War On Oil?

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You kidding? That helicopter scene was so awesome I wish I could do that.

I don't get it. Sorry, explain...

They have incels in afghanistan too?

Something bad happened, perpetrated by people acting in the name of a religion fraught with extremism and spiteful scripture.
These people were mocked and painted as an enemy.
Then suddenly, around the same time they started getting even more violent and things started getting even worse, it became verboten to criticize them. Even as the numbers of rape victims and violent crimes in any country taking in their so called "refugees" skyrocketed.
Also, 9/11 is like a private joke.
In public, you must act like it was a serious and unsuspicious event, but in private most americans would joke about it and find the circumstances surrounding it to be suspect.
To do so publicly could easily be social suicide.
Then there's all the terrible things that have been done with it and the events that followed as an excuse.
So in summary, 5000~ of our citizens died and our country got split personality disorder and became overbearing and too controlling.

It seems you used the wrong pic, FTFY

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fucking ESL monkey


No that is impossible, Muslims are the most peaceful people there are. Their religion is one of peace, prosperity, kindness and freedom. /pol/ is basically funding anti-Muslim rhetoric for their own gain. 9/11 wasn't done by REAL Muslims, the Barcelona attacks weren't done by REAL Muslims, The IS periodic Europe Attacks weren't done by REAL Muslims. Muslims are peaceful and are not capable of violence, therefore all movies with "bad" (doesn't exist) Muslims are fraudulent and false.

There’s a few good ones. This , Three Kings, Zero Dark Thirty, Black Hawk Down

>Apocalypse Now/Platoon tier

No and that's a good thing. I'm tired of Hollywood war movie cliches. 'War, man. It's bad, man. The horror. Look how depressed and deep I am, maaan. Thousand yard stare, maaan. PTSD this, PTSD that. Waaar.'

We need a new Generation Kill series. Bros shooting up shit.

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There are more than enough stories about the hell of this war, you just have to read books. Pic related is pretty good. The baseball bit reminds me of the surfing scene in Apocalypse Now. There's also Operation Scooby where they shoot dogs that are eating corpses.

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kys ESL

It's ongoing/indefinite. So don't count on anything besides jingoist hero worship for the next 10-20 years.

When making these films the production companies inevitably have to borrow equipment like heavy vehicles and weapons from the US military authorities. This means that the military film commission gets to strongarm the producers and edit the screenplay to their will in order to glorify the US army. As such many war films are hesitant or restrained in showing war in a bad light as this might harm the country's war interests in the public view. For apocalypse now Capolla hired military equipment from the Phillipine army so had artistic freedom

What do anons think about Over There?

Only saw it when I was in highschool, and I recall getting really in to it during a time when I really didn't watch much TV at all.

They’re called terrorist cells

Only a very small minority in the Middle East adhere to the Islamic teachings that Saladin followed. Saladin just like Ataturk was this rare, wise and peaceful ISLAMIC leader that would spit on ISIS, Hezbollah, Al Qaida, Boko Haram and any terrorist Islamic group that would hurt people of another religion, way of living, or culture. Sadly the absolute majority living in Western Europe believe in more violent and deceptive teachings of the Islam. It is why Muslims are the greatest danger to Western Europe at this point in time.

Yes but the rub is incels on those countries believe they are getting 70 virgins in the afterlife

Trash. Watch GK instead. Unless you like teen drama.

nah they've got goats and cousins for that

How do you tell from the "good" M.E. text from the bad/"fake" (i.e. people lying that they served in the military)? How do you know this wasn't written by some jew who never went in the front lines?

American Sniper.
Personally, I still believe 9/11 was done in a deal to rank up the oil prices. This is also the reason why U.S does not want to do anything that let's Venezuela and Iran move oil, oil is simply put, not as rentable as it used to be, there is more production than consumption and the distribution is artificially manipulated.

If every nation capable of producing oil would simply do so, the global economy would be in serious shit.

man I thought black hawk down was pretty sick

It's a scene from kingdom of heaven
this place is about movies, you should watch it
director's cut only
it'll spoil the film and meme meaning to just explain

I just meant the emotion behind the scene, if it's not historically accurate that is okay, it was an answer to a question

>literally too stupid to understand the final scene of GK

>There's also Operation Scooby where they shoot dogs that are eating corpses.
This is somehow the plot of Shooting Dogs, but it takes place in Rwanda.

I did actually

I'd also add Hurt Locker - it was a focused story but I liked it.

12 strong is deeply underrated as a film.

battle for haditha
Watched a rental dvd copy with a best mate back in the day. Ended up being a humanity fuck yeah film

I bet you're the kind of smoove brain who thinks the first half of full metal jacket is good and the second half is bad

They need to show the military for what it is nowadays welfare for ignorant whites and minorities

Who needs a film when Generation Kill exists?

You realize in real life Saladin enslaved most of the Christians in Jerusalem after the Crusader were allowed to leave? He was a great leader but don't act like he's some kind of pussy pacifist that would cry that Hezbollah and ISIS are trying to defend their land.

combat obscura

This is coming out, and it even has Skarsgard in it.


Generation Kill is better than both and came out all the way back in 2008. Movies on this war came out basically comtemporarily to the war. It wasn't "alright this is ok to profit off of now and use for entertainment." They just went in.

certamente sim

3/2 sta did nothing wrong!

War on terror isn't crazy enough. Vietnam just had a sort of utter madness about it.
War on terror is just boring. Some guys sitting in a fucking desert waiting for rag head joe to pop out.

funny how you can have orders to shoot and kill someone and then retrieve their corpse for god-knows-what but to piss on them after they're dead is so fucking dishonorable as to warrant about a dozen guys having their careers killed. usmc leadership is such a joke.

Not the war on terror retard.
Great film though


The war in Vietnam did nothing to benefit Israel, in fact it took potential resources away from them. Hence why it's okay to openly lie about the Vietnam War like Apocalypse Now/Platoon did. The War on Terror on the other hand is a war orchestrated by Israel for Israel so until Israel deems it no longer to their benefit there will be no Hollywood propaganda against the war like we did with Vietnam.

> The reason Vietnam is so infamous is because so many people were drafted into it against their will.
That's not the reason as the vast majority of those serving in vietnam were volunteers, and the few conscripts were given rear line duty anyways. The point of the draft wasn't to send conscripts to vietnam, it was to send conscripts to Europe to replace the troops who were being redeployed from there to Vietnam. WW2 also had a draft which actually put millions of people in danger against their will, but you see nothing but positive depictions of that war.

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Children of Men

all the cam footage

war machine


>it was in the desert so it must have been about terrorists

What is the best cam footage out there?

plenty of good stuff, look up FUNKER530 if it's still any good. haven't watched much since ISIS died down

Don't put Platoon in the same sentence with Apocalypse Now, it's not in the same league, and it sure as hell ain't that good of a movie.

>implying the desert isn't pure kino

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So everyone had ptsd?

Americans are bloodthirsty fucks and if you ever said thank you for you service or served you'll rot in hell for all eternity

This, plus gen x and beyond are really boring generations utilizing boring weapon systems. No one wants to watch a movie about a fat purple haired millenial chairforce member sitting in a drone chair for 8 hours firing smart missiles at bright white blobs.

The blonde trailer park chick was sexy but it was a cheesy show.

A war for oil would have been just as justifiable imo considering how much American depend on gasoline.