So we got Dragon Ball Z coming up next.... and then right after that we got a little Cyborg 009 and then later on it's Rurouni Kenshin to send us home....
So we got Dragon Ball Z coming up next...
Other urls found in this thread:
>not posting the original toonami guy
Is Yea Forums's user base that young now or am I just old
I won’t lie, I found the meta-narrative of Tom himself flying through space way more interesting than anything on the actual program. I really dodged the weeb bullet.
followed by a bunch of fags, and after that...the sacred ointment
Yeah, fuck all that, when is Space Ghost Coast to Coast coming on
>he didnt watch cowboy bebop
>outlaw star
etc etc
I'm literally watching YYH now
I remember the first 2, but the rest i've never seen before
I watched during the Wolfs Rain, Gundam Wing and Trigun era
>Wolfs Rain
Talk about a show that took forever to go nowhere, watching one episode a week with next to no progression was torture
Same with Witch Hunter Robin
I don't remember a whole lot about it, something about psychic wolves that tricked people into thinking they were humans?
I had a crush on the main chick, Blue, I think.
There was a scene where she was getting cozy with this guy.. a detective or something? anyway, they started kissing and really going at it, till suddenly she remembered
>Oh fuck, wait, i'm a wolf
Then ran off.
It gave me the most confusing boner i'd ever had in my teenage life
>no Reboot
So glad I found aftermath. Anyone got a self-destructing pastebin or something for other shit like that?
google's image search is getting worse not better and if the Tom is close enough for a Yea Forums thread who cares
It also has one of the most wat endings ever.
>Confront the bad guy
>Epilogue has them in modern setting in the rain pretending not to know one another
Been binging it the last few days, really nostalgic.
Wasn't there some kind of intergalactic virus or alien that ate the original TOM and then the second one took his place?
I also remember that you could vote on expanding the ship.
That, but it also holds up amazingly well. It was great when I was 11, great when I was 20, and now at 28, it's still great. I've just marathoned 20ish episodes.
Yeah. An alien got on board and infected an area of the ship, and then TOM got destroyed when he tried to stop it. So they made 2.0
Considering Moltar was "the original Toonami guy", you can get the fuck out too, zoom
>Hey there Toonami faithful
I haven't watched it in 20+ years, but I can still hear his voice, and it makes my chest hurt a little
same here
Why is this not back on the air?
You tell me.
Njgga it plays every weekend on Adult Swim. They even just play Anime
>late, late nights watching inuyasha
Voice actor for Zorak/Moltar died
Take me back
there's still a bit of time
When TOM got killed by the alien I was fucking traumatized
Didn't the VA for Tom also VA for Spike in Cowboy Bebop?
If so that's fucking kino to introduce your own show coming up
What does Yea Forums think of the current schedule?
Was going to post this
>Considering Moltar was "the original Toonami guy"
user, Im sorry when he was on I was like 5 or somethin and caught him on the edge of space ghost coast to coast
Sadly I'm not American, our Toonami was kinda shit
lacks Vinland Saga and Demon Slayer
best music, memorable characters, greats fights, and you really can tell the staff loved making the show.
Too bad he’s a massive liberal.
Demon Slayer has already been confirmed to come when the dub is ready.
>tfw met him in person a couple weeks before he died
He was such a cool dude, gave me some good tips on how to get into voice acting and said he'd see me at next years' comic con.
I did, actually. Now I'm trying to get the next big one done. No idea what to do after that, though.
who cares
Moltar is the original and best host.
It had a great ending
>main character loses his shit because furfags keep getting in the way and fucking shit up
>gf dies because furfags want to sniff the stupid flower girl
>eventually catch up with the furfags and kill them anyways
>world ends
>come back anyways becuse fuck them
You guys are having a Toonami thread?
What the fuck every time I've tried in the past ten years I just get ignored. I'm done with this god damned website.
Be seeing you.
See ya tomorrow, bud.
I always forget how perfectly edited some of these are, why can AMV's never get to this level of quality?
>tfw a lot of this music is still missing nearly 2 decades later
Toonami was comfy as fuck and was a huge driving force for me getting into Anime in the late 90s and early 2000s. Used to watch all two hours of it everyday after school, and watched the Midnight Run for the uncut shit a lot. I stopped watching around 2003 because I fell out of love with Anime, tried watching it again around 2008 and it was shit. It will never be as good as it was from about 1998 until 2002, those were its golden years.
>being a nostalgiafaggot
Literally stop living in the past.
>being a debbie downer
Literally stop living faggot
The only uncensored show on the Midnight Run was Gundam Wing.
I wish Toonami would go for this aesthetic again, the old ship was so much comfier than the newer one (the total emersion events were kino though).
i fucking love steve blum
i seen og guy
Wasn't there some poll where people voted to keep the current (at the time) Tom, or to kill him off and replace him?
I have a memory of watching Tom sink into lava and then he was rebuilt
that show feels like a dream. I was in probably 3rd grade when it was on
Dragon Testicles z
>Later we got cashen sins followed by deadman wonderland and finally cowboy bebop
Was this the most comfy era?
Too constricted. It had like, four shows and then looped.
His voice is really fantastic, I hope I can train myself to get to his level one day.
Comfiest of the revival was Space Dandy back in 2014, I wish they still played movies during December and ran until 6 AM. I remember the toonami general on Yea Forums was pretty great and I got Toonami Black multiple times.
No assembly required.
TOM died, but there wasn't a poll.
>Toonami Black
You mean gold?
He's Jewish, of course he's liberal.
Oh shit, thanks for the toonami tip senpai. Here's a (you)
Thanks user, no idea why I thought people voted on it lol
My whole life I have been wondering how people could be so cruel
Oh yeah kek
I would go about a half hour or so past that though and watch Sonic Boom with the general before it got autosaged.
This block used to be so comfy, I haven't watched it regularly since they finally re-aired Outlaw Star.
It was garbage that would ruin 15 mins of my childhood every night
>Cool dude
>Lied to you
Also why did they say Lupan instead of Lupin?
>tell us a funny anecdote, marriane
>well there's a cute little story about my teeth...
based af
Because that's how it's pronounced.
>still watch this every single weekend with those threads om Yea Forums
I fucked up somewhere.
>watch all of Bleach over and over again ritualisticly for the last 4 years
You arent fucked up.