John Boyega

Is he the modern era Denzel?

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No he’s a nice guy

Denzel isn't utterly repulsive to look at

No charisma and arrogant. Bye.

Unlike your mom.

if denzel was a charisma void with child bearing hips and no acting talent then sure

Denzel has an actor son.

He'd make a good Harambe.

Go back to /pol/.


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Your mom.

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Have a job.

Move star: women want to fuck you and men want to be you.
No woman I know wants to fuck John Boyega. Any anons out there want to be him?
That’s what I thought.

attack the block is kino.

lmfao based

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>only known as le star wars meme character
>modern era Denzel
hollywood really is fucked

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Isaac and Boyega are the most lusted after actors in NuWars

Could you even imagine Boyega in a Training Day reboot lmao

imagine the smell

Denzel is handsome and not a fag, so no. Different markets.