Can we now admit these are better than the Disney films?

Can we now admit these are better than the Disney films?

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There was never any doubt.

You always could. Also they were never bad.

The overarching plot was good. The dialogue and acting were extremely shit.

But are you willing to admit they're better than the originals or are you a nostolgiacuck

For you

I honestly like Hayden, I don't think his acting was bad. There's people who genuinely act and talk like Anakin in real life, I think it was just the character itself. As far as Jar Jar and Jake Lloyd though...

>they're better than the originals
Not even Lucas thinks that.

Who was denying it?

Do you honestly believe this though? Episodes 2 and 3 are better than any Disney SW film but Phantom Menace isn't.

The Phantom Menace is leagues above Soi Wars.

how so?

Only the Phantom Menace. The other two are just as bad.

>tfw autistically watched Episode II and III so many times that I thought the mannerisms of the Jedi were normal and started trying to emulate Christensen
To be fair at least there was logic behind that- he got with my waifu being autistic.

Correct answers. Phantom Menace is the best Star Wars movie. Even stacked against the originals. It is the most finished, the most beautiful and the most rich.

>better than disney's diarrhea
that's not a high standard user
nevertheless, epIII is probably my favourite star wars and epI is still shit

No. They had better motivation, and a more logical story (can't believe I'm saying that), but the acting was total shit (don't care whose fault it is) and the use of completely CGI sets constantly was terrible. I think the battles were better, but that's just comparing eye candy to eye candy. I think the Disney movies are just as shitty, just in different ways.

On second thought, you're right. Disney should have at least had a plan and stuck with it. George at least managed that. For all his flaws, he had a story he wanted to tell. He wasn't simply just making movies to meet Disney's quota with no idea where to go.

It also has the most diverse locations with sensible travel times in between them.

It's really just a nice, finished product. They did good work on it. Every location is gorgeous.

They're in the same level
The acting in the prequels is worse than the sequels
The only good ones are the OT

Lol wut

It's more self-contained than TFA and TLJ

Loved ROTS when it came out, clone wars was bad, not sure because of the writing or the cgi. Worth watching was kamino and geonosis scenes.
Phantom manace, the older I am the more I love it. You can't even compare prequels to nuwars, prequels had only 1 bad movie, being the clone wars, but was redeemed with clone wars the series, nuwars has no redemption.

Attack of the Clones is truly horrible. Almost every scene looks fake, it has the cringey, melodramatic romance plotline, the main villain is Count Dooku of all people, and the final battle is just random CGI explosions with no structure or conclusion - the main characters just leave and then the battle ends offscreen. Remember the horde of doofy ass battle droids charging straight forward into a group of Jedi? Can anyone seriously pretend that that was thrilling action? And it has the worst music, too. Across the Stars is decent, but it's not even close to Duel of the Fates.

I understand nostalgia for the prequel era, but II is miserable.

Why do people insist on referring to these fucking fanfiction movies as if they were legitimate Star Wars films? Boggles the mind.

Yeah, II is one of the worst. But Jedi is BY FAR the worst of the Star Wars films. People give it too much credit because it's old. But that movie is boring as shit.

as in prequels as whole or clone wars series?

There never was any doubt. Prequels are SW casual filter.

No... I'm talking about that Disney horseshit. The actual (anti)fanfiction. The prequels are some of the best Star Wars movies.

ah, then be more clear, I thought we went back in time and compared prequels to OT how we're not accepting prequels as SW movies.
I have love and hate relationship with prequels, I was putting of clone wars cause of my age and thinking it was a cash grab but was actually amazed how much it filled the wholes and made my like Anakin, instead what movies made of him. Also orange buttcheeks and obi wan ventress fanfiction

I said fanfiction, didn't I? The prequels are canon.



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after the """failed""" prequels Lucas could still sell Star Wars for billions
I doubt Disney would get as much today

i fear what disney will to the the last season

Sure, but that's partly because The Clone Wars managed to salvage the lore, and partly just because I'm very nostalgic for the time period in which they were released.

Sorry champ. That'll take away from the main films.. you know, the ones no one cares about.. that's why the Obi Wan movie is now a fucking show for a streaming service.

Oh i already know its going to be shit

>8 episodes of ahsokawank
>actual CLONES of the CLONE wars only get 4 episodes as it was already half finished
>no obi-wan and anakin arc
>no bounty hunters arc
>no son of dathomir arc
>no sith shrine arc
>ahsoka walking around with 4 tumblr ocs arc instead
>ahsoka the focus of fucking everything
>know fully well they're gonna dyke her
>a new "artstyle" that doesnt fit the previous seasons

Its going to be bad outside of the Bad Batch
And I will sit here and watch to see how far ahsokafags will go to defend it

Memorable characters, different locations and ship & alien designs, and a cohesive story. Disney has none of that.

Honestly Anakin being emotionally stunted and awkward makes sense. Guy came from a traumatic background as a slave and then was put in an order of space wizard monks that encourage unhealthy levels of emotional suppression.

Prequels, shit that they are, are better than TLJ and Solo but not as good as the also shitty TFA and R1.

Hell no.

I'll admit the prequels are better.

I also admit that RotS is the most-overrated prequel movie -- maybe even SW movie.

well we both or all know that under disney nothing can go right.
Don't get me wrong, I love Ashoka and what they did with the character, especially her leaving the academy and the confrontation in Rebels with Vader was done really well, I don't understand the need to add her more unless they can push Anakin deeper into dark side, without addying more agendas and dykes.
Well that's because we were too young to get PT, AOC was shit so it was the first good new SW movie in a while.

I assume that they'll probably end it similarly to the way Genndy's Clone Wars ended, with the battle on Coruscant leading directly into RotS.

There's nothing wrong with Count Dooku.

Filoni has the final say so on any ahsoka stuff
This isnt Disneys doing for once, its his

Asspull of time travel for ahsoka in Rebels S4?
Filonis doing

Pushing ahsoka so fucking much that its already ruined TCW S7?
Filonis doing

Except for his scatological breakfast cereal name.

So it's true, without Lucas, Filoni is just pushing his waifu to the front

I guess people where not really used to autistic people then.

Hayden’s role as Anakin is more believable now that we have autism infused with everything.

Plus if you look at how vader acts in the original trilogy, he acts pretty autistic. Its just harder to see since he put on the mask.

I personally never really bought him as a villain. I don't know if the show goes into his history at all, but going by the movies, he's just sort of...there. He shows up out of nowhere with little to no explanation of his history or motivations, and then is unceremoniously killed off. They hint very briefly at a little bit of internal conflict when he hints at offering up the identity of the Sith controlling the senate, but then drops it as soon as he realizes that Obi-Wan doesn't believe him, and just goes back to being generic Sith man. He also always struck me as seeming too nice.

I’d say only episode 3 is on par with A new hope. Which is probably the worse (but still very good) of the original trilogy.

The Disney movies are pretty bad, so yeah. But the live action shows seem like they could be good (the Mandalorian looks great) and the animated stuff has remained consistently good from the Lucas era through to Disney.

I'm curious as to whether or not we will see Pedro Pascal without his mask in The Mandalorian or not though. Like, I wonder if they're going in an OT Boba Fett or Judge Dredd route where you never see his face or not. That could be cool, but Pedro is a great actor so it would be a bit of a shame too.

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>Jake Lloyd
Dude. He was a kid. What do you want from him? An Oscar worthy performance?

he was evil as he was using CIS to help Sheevs plans if we look at it in only black and white. He doesn't feel corrupted by the dark side as opposed to Sheev and has no hidden agendas instead of really believing that this was really better for the galaxy to unite under Empire, unless I am mistaken and Sheev promised him something different.

I can't wait for these four hundred fucking streaming services to all bomb like the nukes that hit Japan because nobody wants to pay $12,000 a fucking month for nu-cable.

>the use of completely CGI sets constantly

Duku’s backstory was explained in the books and clone wars.

Long Story Short:
>Trained under yoda as a jedi knight
>Became a jedi master
>Trained Quei Gon Jin
> Decide to learn the darkside to see if it can be used for good.
>Get expelled from Jedi order.
>Became a master at both the light and dark sides of the force.
>Became an apprentice of Darth Sideous sometime after Phantom Menace
>Aided in the creation of the Confederation of Independent Systems
>Became a CIS general
>Gets killed By Anakin once sideous had both of them together.

Clone Wars was the only good part. The current season 6, 7, & 8 where written while they where still part of LucasArts but scraped once Disney bought LucasArts.

Rebels was always trash, having well writen tidbits between Vader, Maul, Obi-wan, Asoka, and Thrawn does not compensate for the rest of it being absolute trash.

The backgrounds of most of the sets where real. A real model was made for most of the sets. Then the actors and CGI elements where added on in editing and post production.

Why would I admit something that's untrue?

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Same I never got the hate for Hayden

Actually Dookus story is this

>be jedi master
>train sifo-dyas who has extreme precog powers
>jedi council doesnt like people with extreme precog powers
>Dooku's sister keeps in contact with him
>Dooku then trains Qui-Gon
>Dooku then goes on a mission to Serreno, but stays behind to rule it as it needed a stable ruler, and leaves the jedi as he disliked them
>eventually falls to the dark side
>sheev contacts him
>Dooku recuits Ventress as his apprentice
>Dooku sends Ventress to kill his sister (of which she does)
>cue Attack of The Clones

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It's because of the cringe between him and Padme. But honestly the movies were good enough to just overlook it.

Well DUH

>Padme + Anakin = Luke
>Palme + Anakine = Uke
>Palpe + Alkine = Ke
>Palpatine = OK


>implying ANH isn't best

From a world building perspective yes. however episode 1 and 2 are fucking awful movies through and through writing-wise. Seriously the AotC script is just so so so bad.

The Disney movies are considerably better in that department but at the end of the day they just feel like sterile marvel films so they are hell or a lot less interesting to watch. That on top of the uninspired era, aliens, designs, etc makes for a worse experience.

Hayden did a good job, and I like the guy

>the AotC script is just so so so bad
so you're telling me it's bad

at least the 4 bad batch episodes are literally on youtube in the pre-disney form so we will know if disney tampered with them

this, the prequels were fantastic, only kotor 2 being the best story of all SW, but on the movies, 123 are the best.

I've always seen people say Hayden did good for what he was given.

>the animation stuff has remained consistently good
>half of star wars rebels is unwatchably bad
>star wars resistance is shit and gets canned after 2 seasons.
>star wars balls

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also forces of destiny

No because that's incorrect and TLJ was never that bad a film.

>epIII is probably my favourite star wars
What the fuck happened to Yea Forums?

No tiers, just best to worst:
Return of the Jedi
Star Wars
The Empire Strikes Back
Revenge of the Sith
The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
The Force Awakens
Rogue One
The Last Jedi

It's arguably the darkest film in tbe series, what are you on about?


Hmmm... nah.

I think it's actually the other way round. Jake Lloyd was a decent actor (for a kid) who did exactly what was asked as him. Unfortunately, Lucas has all the subtlety of a sledgehammer and writes kids as schmaltzy moppets. But Jake Lloyd was at least genuinely quite sweet as Anakin.

Hayden got given garbage to work with, but a good actor would have been able to salvage at least something from it. Would you or I have done any better in his situation? No, of course not. But you don't get paid the big bucks as a Hollywood actor to take what's in the script and just repeat it like a robot, and Christensen doesn't have the excuse of being a ten year old.

Adding to that was the fact that Christensen, unlike Jake Lloyd, had absolutely no charisma or screen presence. Everything about him is awkward. The banter he had with Ewan McGreggor was awkward. The love scenes he had with Natalie Portman - even the bits with no dialogue - were awkward (although fair's fair, she wasn't exactly doing her best work either). Especially when he tried to sound angry, he just came off as whiny (which was one of my main complaints with the series).

Can you ever imagine Hayden Christensen intimidating anyone? Really? Can you? That should be the /most/ basic skill you need to play Darth Vader, and the closest Christensen ever got was throwing a tantrum. If you can fuck up a line as simple as 'I hate you', it's not just the script that's the problem.

Dark Star Wars films from darkest to Oreo:
Revenge of the Jedi
Attack of the Clones
The Empire Strikes Back

This became a fact on the day that force awakens came out.


Revenge of the Jedi was the better title.

RotJ was the working title for Return of the Jedi wasn't it?

AOTC is garbage.

TPM and ROTS are fun.

Yeah and it also went out as that in France and Germany. Lucas felt that Jedi don't take revenge, which made sense. THEY GET JUSTICE

This is correct and crimson saber pilled.


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I still think the Plinkett reviews are great comedy, they just totally miss the mark as actual criticism.

>I killed them, and I'd do it again, I'd destroy the sand people and their shitty planet

Jesus, Lucas

The prequels were a perfect space opera, and you cannot convince me otherwise.

Why would I try to convince you otherwise when you're completely right?

It was a different time

what are you, 5?

>they just totally miss the mark as actual criticism.
>haven't been debunked in 10 years despite the 1000 dollar prequel autist bounty

Gonna watch The Phantom Menace and get comfy.

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Great argument

They're both shit. I find The Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith more enjoyable than any of Disney's Star Wars, though.

I'm glad you have such good taste
The Phantom Menace is the most comfy SW movie have fun user

In other words, you answer "yes" to OP's question.

he played pretty convincing child soldier rised by space mujahedins
idk why ppl hated him so much

nigger, the holiday special is better than the disney films.

What's there to admit? The movies are more fun in general, they look and feel and sound like Star Wars, people are able to delve deep into the story put forth in the movies and in the media and content in produced, even to this day. Its memeable, jokable, has cool spaxeships, scenes, music, locales, battles, battlefields, droids; everything. They were just great. Yes, the films have their imperfections, but there is no such things as perfect movies. I and several others can't even begin to put into words the good the movies and their messages have brought to my life.

They were good then, they're good now, and seeing where the franchise is going and how they regard the fandom that put it where it is, they will be good forever.

Fuck the Mouse.

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Finding something more enjoyable doesn't mean I think it's better. I find Shel Silverstein more enjoyable to read than Hart Crane. I think the prequels and the Disney movies are more or less on par as far as quality. I think they even share some of the same problems. The prequels just appeal slightly more to my tastes. I still think they're both shit.

What do I need an argument for? The prequels are shit and your taste is shit.

>Return is better than Empire
>The Phantom Menace is better than The Last Jedi
I really want zoomers to die.

Absolutely not. The objective list is as follows nigger:

>The Empire Strikes Back
>Revenge of the Sith
>A New Hope
>The Phantom Menace
>Return of the Jedi
>Attack of the Clones
>The Last Jedi
>The Force Awakens

I didn't bother ranking the other two because they are literally spinoffs and thus different "franchises". But for argument's sake Rogue One would probably place above TLJ and Solo would place last.

Regardless of what your personal feelings etc are on the subject, this is the most objective listing of best-worst Star Wars movies.

This is the most based and true ranking lists

The ST is fan fiction at best!

They aren't, and you out yourself as a newfag everytime you share this dumb opinion.

you out yourself as a shill everytime you post.

Lol, that narrative is over, mouse shill. The ST is so bad it makes the prequels look amazing and there's nothing you can do about it.

Based and truthpilled

None of the Prequels or Neu-Wars will ever make you feel this way.

Also - bonus - Episode 1 racer is on Steam and GoG

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>A New Hope
>The Empire Strikes Back
>Return of the Jedi
>Revenge of the Sith
>Rogue One
>The Phantom Menace
>Attack of the Clones
>The Force Awakens
>The Last Jedi

My two cents.

That argument doesn’t work since it’s the PT fans that are saying it. They’re the ones who think TPM or AOTC represent the best of Star Wars.

OT > PT >>> ST

But the main point is PT >>> ST. There are people in this thread that prefer the OT and some that prefer the PT.

>Revenge of the sith below return of the jedi
>nu-wars above anything done by Lucas
Yeah, no.
Nostalgia fag, people growing up with the prequels feel the same about revenge of the sith.

The prequels are fucking awful. I know that's difficult for you to see since you were still in diapers when they released, but that doesn't excuse your constant fanatical shitposting.

>kids really think shitting on the prequels is done by "shills"

This is 100% based and correct

George Lucas is the creator of SW, and anything he didn't give the OK is not SW.

at least they actually felt like Star Wars.

>we're doing the whole "I don't know how canon works" meme

>The Empire Strikes Back
>A New Hope
>Return of the Jedi
The rest do not matter.

It's fucking embarrassing. They don't even realize that shouting "shill" over and over again while foaming at the mouth is just further proof that they started browsing this site in 2014 at the absolute earliest. Then they have the audacity to act like this is their home. I miss the days when we actually told newfags to lurk moar or fuck off. They've been shitting up every board on this site for years now with impunity.

>we're pretending like Lucas film wasn't the original creators of SW

Better, but still not good.


You glow like the fucking sun

That wasn't the point of my post you absolute retard. The point is that he doesn't have a say anymore.

No. He should of been manly like Spartacus.

Why is it hard for zoomers to accept that the prequels are genuinely bad and real people have been mocking them since before they were born?

So you're going to miss the whole point of what I'm saying to pretend what you are saying has a point?

>people growing up with the prequels feel the same about revenge of the sith.

They're bad because they arent what nostalgia fags wanted them too be.
Tell me how you know what they feel?

swap the last jedi and the force awakens

He gave the OK by way of selling it, which is about the same amount of oversight he gave the various EU stories over the years that he didn't consider canon or relevant to his vision.

Because I grew up with ROTS. ‘Nostalgia fag’ is not an argument.

your point was that canon doesn't count if it doesn't involve George, which has always been retarded.
>they are only bad because they weren't what fans expected
imagine believe this, imagine coming here, already getting mocked for your faggot opinions and then still having the confidence to post that the prequels are only bad "in your mind bro".

>They're bad because they arent what nostalgia fags wanted them too be.
You could level the same argument about the Disney stuff -- and many of its defenders do. It's a stupid argument to make.

What a surprise, newfags don't have any response to being called out except shitty memes. Kill yourselves.

also meant for

Kek have sex


Obnoxious PT fans and mouse shills talk the exact same way. How many times did they try to deflect criticism by “you’re just saying it’s bad because it’s now what nostalgia babies wanted it to be!”

Finally some sense in this thread.

Lucas is an idea man but a terrible writer and director. He needs help with those aspects.
Alec Guinness wouldn’t do the first Star Wars movie unless the writing was corrected, and it later was when Lucas brought in other writers.

Lucas always signed off EU material, and the best involved him.
Disney shit was based off nostalgia,examples, TFA, and Rogue One. TLJ was the only production to go off script and still sucked.

With far worse writing and directing.

>the romance scenes were bad
>the comedic relief was bad
What else?


>Lucas always signed off EU material
He still considered it irrelevant to his vision. It was a self-sustaining toy box he lended to creators to play with; outside of branding Lucas didn't care about the EU whatsoever and considered it separate from what he was doing. It was as non-canon to Lucas as the ST is.
>Disney shit was based off nostalgia
What's your point? ST fans still responded with the usual appeals to nostalgia when the movies were met with backlash, especially TLJ. You're both reading from the same dipshit script.

as others said, there were more real sets in the prequels than in the Disney Movies, and a lot of model work
jedi temple is real set work (library, council and briefing room), all the interiors are real and so on. geonosis is a miniature, coruscant is mostly miniature work and mustafar as well

he's a neo-feudalist and jedi-royalty.
he honestly Believes in the jedi cause which makes him a good guy to some, he just realizes that palpatine WILL destroy the jedi and tries to insert himself into palpys plans.

They were a fun mediocre. Attack of the clones is poo though and only John Williams music gets me through a rewatch. Episode 1/3 still work

When was this ever questioned?

cant Believe you hate on anakin finding his mom, killing tusken and the obi detective story

>>The Phantom Menace is better than The Last Jedi
How is it not?
Also both these movies are zoomer movies, with tpm also being a millennial movie.

>zoomer is blinded by nostalgia into liking the prequels
>calls everyone else nostalgic for preferring quality movies

Yet most of it is very good, bar the palpatine clones. He obviously gave a shit about his vision until everyone started shitting on it.

TLJ is the only disneywars that goes off kilter and is probably the worst received SW film because it was so far from SW that the even the most hardcore fanbase thought it was shit. It wasn't SW, it was just shit.

The comedy in ROTS wasn’t too bad tbqh

>how is it not?
TPH is a slow plodding nightmare with no sense or structure to it and introduces Jar Jar
>both of these are zoomer movies
lol no, a zoomer is a teenager, NOW...I don't know if you've looked at a calendar lately, but no zoomer was alive almost 20 years ago to see the prequel films in theaters.

it was no more near obnoxious as the previous movies. Somehow.

Zoomers are from 1995-2015, the oldest are 24 years old, a fair amount almost certainly grew up with the prequels.

>TPH is a slow plodding nightmare with no sense or structure to it and introduces Jar Jar
and tlj isn't?
>but no zoomer was alive almost 20 years ago to see the prequel films in theaters.
but they most certainly grew up on them.

TPH at least had decent action scenes throughout . 8 has shit plot and even worse action scenes.

>and tlj isn't?
No, TLJ has literally never been that bad. This board is full of exaggerating autists from the worst fandom in the world.


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>it's boiled down to "at least some of the action scenes were cool"
Fuck off retard.


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TLJ has a worse story and pace than any SW film. The characters are shit, the story is shit, the sub plot is shit, and it only makes the "empire" is an infinitely resourced enemy while reducing the rebellion to 12 people even though they will obviously win in the end.

>completely ruins Vader’s character by making him an arrogant bitch who became evil because his teachers were meanie faces and he had a dream his wife died while shitting out a kid
No, they weren’t good. The world building was great but the overall execution was fucking shit. At least in the Disney films the actors actually act.

>it's bad because it's shit because it's bad
look, I know you were underage and I know that TLJ didn't follow your own personal Luke headcanon and that's why 80 percent of you fags hate it but structurally, it is not a bad movie and it's not even remotely close to the dogshit levels of how not to make a movie that is the Prequels.

It just isn't, so you should learn to either cope with that or make better arguments that aren't just you regurgitating E;R talking points from edgy teenagers.

If you want to talk about horrible pacing then look no further than AOTC. It might be the worst paced movie I’ve ever seen. It feels like it won’t ever end.

>Plus if you look at how vader acts in the original trilogy, he acts pretty autistic.

I don't know about autistic but he's definitely kind of a corn ball. Not in a bad way, mind you, it feels like a part of his character. That's why I'm not bothered by his portrayal in RO. I can actually see Vader telling someone not to choke on their aspirations.

no force awakens is the worst ever

I dont know what "E:R" is and it isnt a bad movie, visually, the rest of it is shit though. How is it good structurally when the b plot makes no sense?

They always have been.

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Not that user, but I think Hayden did a good job. Look at his face during the fight scene on Mustafar, the control room before they get out on the lava. That's a big part of what I mean. I think he's a really good Vader in that movie, and his Anakin is pretty chad in the opening too.

AOTC is a bad film, filled with too much "romance" and too many plots and is too long. It is probably the weakest SW film made by Lucas. Yet it still manages to understand the story.

It makes "no sense" only because you were programmed to think you need to hate it by this retardo board.

My opinion on the prequels hasn't changed since I first watched them.
I like them

yet its filled with more memorable scenes and more entertainment than the new trilogyx100

Hayden talks like Vader in ROTS

TLJ is a mess of a movie. I don't care about comparing it to the prequels either way, but TLJ is a clumsy ineffective mess.

Use actual words to describe why then, not "it bad, it mess, it shit", actually produce a real criticism you personally have.

Wrong. Botching Luke's character is only one of its problems. It's shit from beginning to end.

Wasn't the 3 Sith villains (Darth Maul, Dooku, Grievous) meant to be like the personification of different qualities of Darth Vader? They're kinda one dimensional extremes but that's the point. Maul was the sinister menace, Dooku was regal, and Grievous was almost all robot.

>Botching Luke's character

The fan cut without jar jar and english speaking aliens is actually pretty good.

Prequels movies are bad
Vidya, EU and TV shows saved the Prequel era

They take an evac pod from a ship being persued by a huge military, that gets ignored by them for some reason, to go to a planet that doesnt get them anywhere other than in prison. When their story involved with the main story it turns out that the "mcgufiinin" character wasn't what they wanted him to be. He was just deus ex machina. He then turns them into the empire, but they escape anyway because why not? They return to the mainship because fuck he empire, they cant do shit. Then also escape the "not" hoth planet because they spent so much time building their characters for no reason.


>Star Wars
>Phantom Menace
>Rogue 1

>Force Awakens
>Last Straw

When we're stuck in the 2010's watching nothing but bottom of the barrel capeshit, prequels start to look like kino

Hayden acted how Lucas wanted him to

It's like blaming Pattinson for Twilight's cringiness.

They should have george lucas make the ideas and disney execute

Pretty sure 90% of Star Wars fans would agree with this OP

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Fuck you OP

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Literally the only good thing about Ahsoka was that she was a scantily clad loli. Adult Ahsoka a shit.

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Luke's despondency relies on contrivances and an implicit need for the audience to just go with it without question (what took Luke so long to investigate Kylo? Did he and Leia become absolute dullards?), and the movie's half-hearted attempt at an explanation is an incoherent emphasis of the metastory instead of what's relevant to the characters. Luke bought into the supposed hype of "mighty Skywalker blood." Yeah, sure. The namesake he's referring to here was a murderous cyborg monster man. Surely the memory of his father would have made him more cautious, not less? You know, the way Vader's example is what brought Luke back from falling to dark impulses in RotJ? Luke even mentions Darth Vader as a reason for ending the Jedi in his melodramatic spiel later! A change of heart is one thing, but this is just Luke bending to the whims of what Rian Johnson selectively wanted to use for the story. It doesn't actually work as meaningful development or contradiction. I get it, removing Luke from the story in TFA put TLJ in a tricky spot. It still doesn't work.

The Rey/Kylo relationship isn't poorly handled, but Rey herself is still a void where a character should be. Despite the driving theme of the story being learning from failure, the story doesn't actually demonstrate Rey learning anything meaningful at all. Her time with Luke doesn't culminate in anything. Luke is proven right when Kylo turns out to double-down on his creepiness after killing Snoke, but Rey doesn't suffer any particular loss from this and still manages to swoop in and enthusiastically rescue everyone. There's no resonance.

And I haven't even touched on the waste of time the B-plot is or how grating the humor is because I don't have to and I barely even care. The very center of the movie is a fucking mess.

The Last Jedi is the only good Nu-Wars movie.

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Is that a fucking laser slingshot??

it looked awful and the show was awful.

>what's better? shit or piss?

piss, so OP is correct

who's copypasta is this? Nothing was wrong with Luke's character, nothing Rian does with him is out of character. He was never "muh epic space wizard guru", he was an impulsive kid who learned to be a man. Of course he'd get triggered to shit over Kylo and try to end the Jedi, look at the things he's been through.

None of this is really a criticism, you're just nitpicking Luke a lot.

Episode 1 is great and I've always loved it. Probably because it was the first star wars I saw in a theater.

Parts of Rebels were pretty bad, but the same was true of TCW too. Rebels has a lot of the same issues TCW did, but without the budget and scope to make up for it.

>They take an evac pod from a ship being persued by a huge military, that gets ignored by them for some reason
which is explained.
>He was just deus ex machina
I'm not sure you know what that means. Star Wars is filled with deus ex machina though, all the way back to Hope.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say with this.

>, the story doesn't actually demonstrate Rey learning anything meaningful at all
Do you faggots even watch these movies or just say one sentence blurbs you heard?

>who's copypasta is this?
I wrote it, you dull twit, because I was asked to substantiate what I meant when I called the movie a mess. So I did.
>"muh epic space wizard guru"
Good thing I never implied he was or that's what I wanted from the movie in my post then, huh? I don't care about your strawmen because you can't analyze a movie well enough to counter what I actually take issue with.
Feel free to supply your take then. The movie did not land a resonant conclusion with Rey at all.

t. nostalgic zoomer

>Prove me wrong.
You aren't. But I think TPM is the best prequel partly because of the way it leaves Anakin's arc implied. AotC and especially RotS often felt like the outlines were desperately railroading Anakin to each necessary beat of the story. It does make RotS more focused, though.

TCW was no where near as bad as rebels was. In any department.

fast and cool prequel ls combat >>> boring and slow original ls combat

Reviving Darth Maul was easily as stupid as anything in Rebels.

Attack of the Clones is still worse than Rogue One

TCW made such a good story out of the revival of darth maul that it was carried into rebels. Just for ratings from the viewers. Also time travel is fucking retarded.

>TCW made such a good story out of the revival of darth maul
It didn't. At least I don't think it was enough to justify bringing him back.
>time travel
I actually forgot about that, so nevermind. The entire climax and ending of Rebels is awful and worse than anything in TCW, so I stand corrected.


95 is millennial


What is it about stories that have the balls to portray a characters entire life being shit on all the time because of the kids?

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The lines are absolute shit but the "romantic moments" are also mostly shit because the whole thing is predicated on it being the wrong way around. Lucas is a better writer when it comes to setting up and salvaging payoffs than people give him credit for, but he botched the prequels by having the Anakin-Padme romance be Anakin developing terminal oneitis for Padme the second his balls dropped and literally the minute he laid eyes on her.
2 should have been all about HIM being seduced rather than him earnestly putting the moves on her, because it explains his internal conflict of loyalties better and adds depth to his character.

As it was made he's just extremely horny for one woman in particular from a single digit age, and lets this derail his whole life and the fate of the galaxy.
It's particularly weak as well because Padme's character makes little sense as a result of the roles being backwards. Personality wise her character is light-hearted and optimistic as opposed to dark and brooding Anakin, yet he's the one playing with his food at the dinner table to get into her pants. And there's zero reason for her to be conflicted about reciprocating his overt seduction attempts, because she more or less said she wanted to and the main obstacle was her job, when that's fairly ridiculous on the face of it. The only job in the way is Anakin's, and even then it's mostly a matter of whether they would be open and accept the (mild) consequences or do it covertly and risk shame.

So instead of a tragic romance and fall from grace, it's an extremely horny man and fairly horny woman choose to conspire against the law of the religious order and government they respectively work for, rather than quit their high-profile jobs. Keeping it a secret would be excusable as well if the context for Anakin wanting to remain a Jedi while having a wife was that he wanted to contribute to the clone wars. Before Geonosis it makes no sense.


There's a fan edit that makes the romance believable.(Hal9000 FanEdit) Star Wars Episode II: The Approaching Storm. The key element was reinstating a deleted scene where Anakin and Padme visit her family. Her mommy and sister tease her about him and she denies being interested but is caught leering at him.

10/10, actually mad.

Its not complete dogshit despite your belief to the contrary.

The Anakin Padme romance never made sense, which is too bad because the Leia Han romance in the OT felt very natural. Lucas et al were likely aware of the very very circa 2000 trend of vaguely coming of age movies and tv with handsome, gentle-yet-brooding sadboys who have an attractive girl in their lives but struggle to be intimate with her, the kind of movies starring young Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal. The girl might be a little older than him, he's a sophomore in hs, she's a senior, or he's about to graduate hs and she's in her second or third year of university. However, this was not an appropriate model for Anakin Skywalker, because unlike those proto-emo characters, Anakin doesn't have any kind of personal breakthrough, growth, or mature relationship, he becomes evil, degrades into a violent killer, and is burned alive to become a machine, the enforcer for an oppressive galactic conquest.

But Lucas and the others involved had no other ideas on how to make the Anakin-Padme relationship happen, and it needed to happen because it's where Luke and Leia come from. So they awkwardly cribbed from what was in the zeitgeist at the time. I don't know what would have been better, but at the very least something along the lines of Han-Leia would have been more believable and less awkward.

Filoni has complete control over the final TCW season unlike Rebels and is working with most of the original TCW writers unlike Rebels. Also lmao at Resistance being "finished" after just two seasons when you KNOW it was supposed to be longer.

This, Darth Maul, Young obi and the dude from Taken...


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I hate the prequels and I'll freely admit that.

The sequels feel so hollow comparison