This is scorsese's best. You may not like it, but this is peak crime kino.
This is scorsese's best. You may not like it, but this is peak crime kino
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>ranking the departed over goodfellas
Don't get me wrong, The Departed is a VERY good film,
But even forgetting that it's a scene by scene remake of Infernal Affairs,
It's just a good cop movie. Not much more.
But Goodfellas has some of the most colourful characters ever scene in film, never mind crime films, and it all still feels entirely plausible, maybe even more so than The Departed which has a more muted tone.
the elevator scene is great but the rest of movie is incoherent.
It's not incoherent, maybe you were too busy shitposting on Yea Forums and looking at porn, or you're an idiot.
leo carried this film
fuck he was so good looking now he looks like jack nicholson, stop partying all the time leo
lol no best in the 20th century maybe
Contrarian long-form video essays are just autist clickbait. Look at how many of the video commenters have anime avatars.
> Ripping off a far better movie and americanizing it
It's shit because it's not HongKong kino and the original was better.
>t. Infernal Affairs (2002)
>implying Andy Lau and Tony Leung playing cops and robbers was kino
>the elevator scene is great but the rest of movie is incoherent.
That because you only watched the elevator scene and that "review" vid. Try actually watching the entire movie and not letting yt reviewers tell you what to think, you fucking zoomer.
>offensive borderline homosexual subplot
The Departed is a heterosexual bro movie where Leo fucks the hot therapist and idiot Ameribros STILL find a reason to be angry because two men made eye contact for a moment too long
the script is fine but the guy who edited the movie butchered it and took out many key moments, like why nicholson would trust the new guy over his old members. matt damon's arc is also poorly written, it misses the point of infernal affairs. just watch the video i linked
when martin sheen's character gets dropped off the roof and leo spots him and now realises he's totally alone and still has to bluff it, that was great.
the film itself is pretty mediocre though.
No. The editing is shit and they play that Boston song like five fucking times.
>just watch the 40 minute essay I linked
>three minutes in
>"offensive homosexual plotline"
I'll admit I chalked Nicholson's motives down to like, him being an emotive unhinged retard, which I never did with Internal Affairs, but it doesn't stop it from being a very good film.
>t. man who prefers Goodfellas
>goodfellas has some of the most colorful characters ever scene[sic] in film
This may be true, but does that make it the better film? The last 30 minutes become an absolute slough once you're familiar with the proceedings. The Departed has a much more satisfying conclusion, CGI mouse and all.
>when martin sheen's character gets dropped off the roof and leo spots him and now realises he's totally alone and still has to bluff it, that was great.
That was utter fucking shit compared to the original, leo looks angry, not devastated. Fucking state of Yea Forums.
this isn't worth your time.
When anybody who works for him could be undercover, who do you trust?
Maybe he didn't trust Billy the most, but Bill was of great service to him, appeared fairly trustworthy, and perhaps most importantly, Bill buttered him up. That whole scene at the restaurant between the two of them was genius, Billy threw off the scent by appealing to Frank's ego.
>heavy lies the crown
If Billy wasn't so intelligent and cunning none of what happened would have been possible.
>tfw live in Boston.
This film is KINO
the guy isnt an sjw, but i can quickly summarize his points if you dont want to watch it. he mostly points out how the movie never establishes any sense of time. events take place out of order and the movie cuts between events that are actually years apart without any explaination. he also points out several asspulls and contrivances. why would dicaprio run out of the office instead of pretending not to notice the letter until his record is restored? why does nicholson suspect the guys who worked with him for years and committed murder for him and not the new guy, who was officially just in police school? how did matt damon get away with killing several people in the elevator sequence? theres also some other stuff, the different parties get unexplained information, we never know how they figure out there is a mole so we very often miss out on the cat and mouse game.
he also points out how several character arcs miss the point of infernal affairs. matt damon never wants to come clean and leave his life of crime in the departed, so him killing nicholson is devoid of motivation and is just cowardice and self-preservation. him being killed in the end also misses the point. in infernal affairs, his punishment is having to live with having a good and honest man's blood on his hands.
This or The Town in your personal record book?
i haven't seen the original
he looks terrified
The Departed is centered around character design and not precision of the plot. In that sense the film is like Ruskin's definition of gothic style
>Love of Change
>Love of Nature
>Disturbed imagination
> Obstinacy
>Redundance or generosity
You can add frankness of speech and dis-compassionate idealism, which is probably why Scorsese let Wahlberg win.
>no sense of time
Why is this inherently a problem?
>why would he run out of the office
He was furious, and obviously distrustful of the entire department, for obvious, obvious reasons.
>why would nicholson suspect the guys who worked for him
He suspected EVERYBODY.
>how did matt damon get away
High ranking, sociopathic police officer.
>two men made eye contact for a moment too long
What scene? I don't remember that.
he looked like a scared child. then he used fake anger to mask it. it was brilliant
>i haven't seen the original
You should, it's HK Kino.
It's my favorite movie and the last movie that made me go "wow' and had me hooked within the first couple of minutes. Which is sad because I saw it for the first time in 2007.
Goodfellas is Scorsese's best. Fact. I love the departed though.
>the city is full of criminals like a rat infested shit hole
>a rat runs across a balcony at the end
Really, Scorsese? That's the best you could do?
>he also points out how several character arcs miss the point of infernal affairs
It's not a remake you fucking retard. It's based on, but not a word for word translation/remake. Jesus fucking christ.
Everything else in your post is literally explained in the dialogue between characters, and your retarded shit like "so him killing nicholson is devoid of motivation and is just cowardice and self-preservation" are absolutely retarded arguments. Like wow good job, you solved the fucking mystery of why matt damon killed nicholson. So the fuck what if that didn't line up with the motiviations of a character FROM AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT MOVIE.
Like holy shit.
Gone Baby Gone is the true Boston kino
I won't go too far into Ruskin's beliefs but he associates the Greek nature with the Arabs, Persians and Chinese. It opts for continuity and duration. It's less colourful but more inclined to polish its outward forms. So you get far better plots in Asian filmmaking, something near to a great poem but you also find more despair in their work.
>Why is this inherently a problem?
mostly because its confusing and kills the flow. it also misleads the viewer, we think dicaprio is only in prison for a few weeks or months based on the short cutaway when he was actually supposed to be there for a lot longer. his quest to join jacks gang is also supposed to be more slow and gradual in the script but the movie rushes through it so we never get the sense of how much dicaprio is sacrificing for this job and why he would need a psychiatrist etc. thats just one example.
>He was furious, and obviously distrustful of the entire department, for obvious, obvious reasons.
except the whole deparment wasnt rotten, it was just a single mole. and he just figured out who it was.
>He suspected EVERYBODY.
we never get to know that jack knew dicaprio's father in the movie, so his unexplained soft spot seems contrived. we never know why he doesnt just immediately get rid of the new guy when he realizes he has a mole.
>High ranking, sociopathic police officer.
doesnt explain the bizarre crime scene, some people even question him slightly but the movie just side-steps the whole issue because they cant figure out a good cover story for him.
The original is best
because matt damon doesnt have anything to do in this movie. he is completely static, his "arc" doesnt have a point and neither the overall movie because it rejects the point of the original without really substituting it.
Goodfellas is his best
The Departed feels robotic and impersonal in its pacing, like a Nolan film. Goodfellas and even TWOWS are better Scorsese films.
>muh original
what part of "not a direct remake" and "based on" did you not fucking understand. jesus christ. If your biggest gripe about The Departed is "It's no Infernal Affairs" then go watch Infernal Affairs again and shut the fuck up.
The Departed always bored me.
The only interesting character is Nicholson's and he overracts to Hell and back.
>This is scorsese's best
Infernal Affairs was better
Being "based on it" makes it fair game for comparison. You know this, this is why you're so triggered.
Nothing happens, when you think about it. Nicholson was an informant. The whole operation on all sides was a waste of time and changed nothing except result in some “wow! shocking!” deaths.
listen here you stupid nigger, infernal affairs isnt a masterpiece but it least has a story to tell and a purpose unlike the departed which had a confused script to begin with and was even more mangled in the editing. its still an entertaining and good movie but its doesnt even reach the heights of the original and absolutely not the heights of scorsese's actual classics
the elevator scene was the worst with le subvert and kill protaganist
of course it's a remake you dumb nigger
>But even forgetting that it's a scene by scene remake of Infernal Affairs,
But it isn't. I like both movies but TD is different enough to give it an entirely different character than IA.
>thinking the zoomers are the heroes
Dignam is the lead.
It's not confusing at all if you have an iq above 80.
>mostly because it's confusing
if you need everything spoon-fed, maybe
>one bad apple
You're still not getting it. To be in the shoes of queenan, or Costigan, or sullivan, or especially Costello, is to not trust ANYBODY. Even if it was only Sullivan, he was at the top of the department. Do you have any idea what institutional corruption is?
>never got to know that Jack knew dicaprio's father
Yes we do, this is referenced two separate times by different characters. Costello and Costigan speak to each other about him directly during Billy's "confessional".
>doesn't explain the bizarre crime scene
Sullivan concocted as best a story he could. Who is left to question him, chief Ellerby (Alec Baldwin)? Ellerby was a results oriented man like Sullivan appeared to be. A high ranking officer concocts a good enough story, his peers and subordinates roll with it. Just like with Jimmy Pappas.
Think, man.
the script isnt confusing, its confused, as in the writers dont really know what to do with it.
Casino is better than all of his other filmography
>if you need everything spoon-fed, maybe
some scenes genuinely seem out of order. they apparently already knew they had a mole but then they find out they have a mole once again. movies shouldnt be needlessly confusing due to incompetence. a meme movie like primer is confusing but i wouldnt fault the movie for it because its actually intentional.
>Even if it was only Sullivan, he was at the top of the department. Do you have any idea what institutional corruption is?
he had no reason to fear him until he informed matt damon that he knew he was the mole by running away, if he had sat down, nothing wouldve happened. not to mention that that letter is contrived as fuck in the first place
>Yes we do, this is referenced two separate times by different characters. Costello and Costigan speak to each other about him directly during Billy's "confessional".
ok, my mistake. but they cut the scene where they explain the significance of it, which is important as he doesnt come across as sentimental
>A high ranking officer concocts a good enough story, his peers and subordinates roll with it. Just like with Jimmy Pappas.
the story wasnt good enough is the point, i think a standard investigation was more than warranted as a cop died on the scene under some really mysterious circumstances and bullet angles.
I like both equally for different reasons. I think Goodfellas is probably an objectively better film though. I like Marty in general, I've only not seen Boxcar Bertha, Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, and Kundun. So I may be biased