Was Lucas judged unfairly?

Was Lucas judged unfairly?

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>what is a cliché

I am saying that for nearly 2 decades.

Obi-wan saw Anakin in a new hope though

No, the prequels are still bad. But the new (((Disney))) garbage is so abominable, even these turds look like the Godfather in comparison

Obi Wan’s last words to him were “only a master of evil, Darth”.

No user, he saw Darth Vader

The Prequels are classics. only reddit faggots hate them

You mean Darth, right?

Its been said to death, but the problem was execution. Lucas could spend years building a world, nailing small details, creating parallels. But when it comes to actually putting it on the page it usually just ends up in as 2 people walking down a hallway or sitting on a couch.

Baring the fight scenes of course

Yes. So is JJ and Johnson but I suspect it will be a couple decades before anybody realizes that too

In french they translated his name to Dark Vador. So ridiculous

What were the last words of all those kids he violently murdered?

Attached: younglings.webm (800x600, 2.87M)

This really. NuWars set the bar lower than Lucas ever did.

>JJ and Johnson
lol no
>no story
>bland unlikable characters
>let the past die
>no, don't let it die, please watch our movie

Those first points easily apply to episode 1 and 2 too yet here we are

>Was Lucas judged unfairly?'
No. Doesn't mean the movies are totally unwatchable or anything though.

I anticipate once Rise of the Jedi falls on its face, and people start to retroacitvely review the saga, most people will realise just how shallow and bad it really was.

Woah man, like, I guess those films were actually kino this whole time woooah

probably something like "OH FUCK"

Yes, people harp too much on Jar-Jar and meme complaints like SPACE DINER XD. They never give George enough credit for being experimental with his storytelling and taking his time. They complain that everything is too actiony but also complain that there's too much exposition. They complain that the story is taken too seriously but also nitpick relentlessly and claim it was taken seriously enough. George just wanted to do whatever he wanted and give the fans more Star Wars and didn't think people would have autistic fits over the exact nature of Palpatine's plan or care that much about midichlorians.

Yes, there are legitimate complaints like the pod race being too long and Hayden Christensen's acting in AotC being subpar, but the prequels went a long way in establishing more settings, more factions, and expanding on Star Wars outside of a generic struggle between rebels and a tyrannical empire. We have countless great Star Wars media, better than even the prequels, that owe a huge debt to the PT. Contrast to the sequel trilogy which just adds more planets but does nothing to explain to current power struggle, establish a leading party, etc. It's all just an excuse for more lightsaber fights and for Luke and Leia to do another thing so you can go to the movies and spend money. The PT was built to be the foundation of the larger franchise, the ST just wants to cash-in. Ewoks were blatant toy fuel, but they stood alone in their blatancy. Between four models of Trooper armor never seen outside of Rogue One, Porgs, BB-8, etc. it feels like Disney never stops trying to sell toys.


>Dark Vador
Uhm, racist and sexist much?!

actually the last words that anakin heard from obi was some bullshit about him returning way more powerful than before


the prequels are comfy wonderlands that get better with every viewing. A hallmark of greatness

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No, not really. The movies are really terrible and cringeworthy. You realized that most of what made the original great came from others. Especially the mythological archetypes. Already with the special edition of the original, Lucas really has no sense of wonder. And the mythical aura of the original, pre pre-quel was forever destroyed with an inferior version of the great mysteries. All good it did was expand the EU which was later cut entirely by Jew Wars.

They're a mixed bag of so bad it's funny, and alright film making. I wouldn't say they're good but they're watchable, unlike NuWars.

If Star Wars were released again today, with equivalent effects compared to the time periods, would it have any chance at success? I mean, how many newer IPs really take off these days?
Or is it impossible, and will the jews in movie making always find more success(and shekels) by pushing out remakes, sequels, and prequels to well-established IPs for the brainlets.

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Make Han Solo a black lesbian and its good.

is there a way to get the original trilogy on bluray without George's heavenly cgi touches?

Of the 4 people on that poster, 2 are already Jewish. But that is not enough diversity apparently.

For me it's Steve Obi Wan Ben Larry Kenobi.