Hey are the best shows to watch to understand jewish culture?

Hey are the best shows to watch to understand jewish culture?

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I wish we had a show about the protocols

his kid coulda got killed

A 9/11 documentary

I am Jazz


Seinfeld. Uncle Leo and George’s parents are spot on

Every single Seinfeld episode is about using lying to get out of avoidable trouble that you got into because you were lying. It's about lying as a way of life.
CYE is about negotiating the soace between how you see the world and how everybody else does, which often overlaps the same territory.

Woody Allen's filmography

Watch the woody allen movie Cafe Society to understand how they founded hollywood on nepotism and organized crime
Movie sucks btw but it's inadvertently informative

No, the show was about challenging and examining accepted social norms. The characters in the show are meant to be terrible people. No one’s advertising lying to succeed. Why do you think they got sent to jail in the finale?

Georges father is Catholic, he states at one point that he is a member of the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic organization. He's also Italian so yeah. His mother is most likely Jewish, but it's never outright stated. It's hinted at when she says things like "I refuse to ride in a German car"

The Greatest Story Never Told

There's also An Empire of Their Own, which is a book.

Friday Night Dinner. At least for British Jews.

Black Mirror or Westworld

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what a combination

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