Naked Attraction

Come join us and revel on quintessentially British degenerate television. Starts at 10 bong.

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Other urls found in this thread:

For foreign viewers

I'm ready for my weekly dose of poison

surely nothing can top last weeks

Someone post the mommy webm, thanks.

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Is this the one with the blacks.

Horny christian cancer granny was a special thing to behold

Saw some ep a while ago with Yea Forums
a bisexual petite woman said "you're a bit too curvy for me" when she denied one fat woman.
You can't fucking use curvy as a nice way of saying fat, that's not what the word means.

That cuts out after about 5 minutes and Jews you into paying for it. If you go to the channel 4 stream on there works.

Anyone else getting ready to whip their dick out.

Love a bit of voyerism

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reckon tim would have been a shoe in for this

Never happened to me

I think there's someone with AIDS this week, that should be a laugh.



This show is basically just about women who want to know the guy has a good dick before they date right?

I suppose guys can see if she's just chubby and not straight up fat as well more clearly, but you can usually make that anyway.

this house looks nice

Literally made for BBC.

She was nothing special phyisically but she was such a fucking weirdo banter merchant

Gibe stream pls

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Holy moly. That's my kind of bongette right there. 9/10 would shag.

great fundamentals

ban this moral subversion.

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Based, heathens shall burn, BURN I SAY

>3 people

Is she Japanese?

Hats off to all you lads brave enough to watch Naked Attraction in HD

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>Live in London



>liking cream and stuff from them now
oh boy this show changed, they just looked last I watched



Just think, 10 years from now they'll film the couples fucking afterwards too.

Shagging blokes mostly

this show makes me anxious

How's the behind tho?

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Captain Marvel gone wild

How do Channel 4 justify the spread of HIV?

The aids man thinks hes freddie mercury. Classic.

turns out
little monkey fella

>perfectly fine to have sex with someone who is hiv positive
what did he mean by this

>hiv positive
what the fuck


Gonna skip this one lads

And is HIV positive...

Pozzed in the neghole

Tale as old as time m8. Probably blacks.

That's it, any lads want to form a paramilitary and just destroy whatever we can in this country

>its perfectly fine to have sex with someone who is HIV positive

What the fuck


pozz propaganda, lmao

theres nothing wrong with getting your hole pozzed you fucking bigot

and I would be more than happy to sign up

MADE for Chadson.

based piercing

They already did that. Channel 4 had a show called Real Sex that was fucking bonkers. They had cameras on the cock, the arse, the nipples, and then inside the vagina

Willy mog all of them

>why are you single
I mean, even if he wasn't hiv+, he doesn't look that special

soon lad
after brexit will be prime time for pillagin

>Being so excited over dicks
Gays are weird. But I can see how he got HIV at 19.


NOT interested

nice try, glowworm

>footwank demo

oh no

any big dongers ?

>it's absolutely fine to get your neghole pozzed

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Sorry faggots, the adults are back in charge now. Your retarded fantasy off spastication will never come true.

>gay dicks
holy shit fuck channel 4
i'm going back to babestation

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he looks like a fucking nonce, surprised the lineup isnt just filled with 9 year old boys

Women don't get that excited by a selection of penises?

actually cringed. can't you losers stay on reddit?
you're all subhuman

undermining of moral law.

Awkward when he says "you should try" to a lesbian kek


the Lords are IRL shitposting through the night to block it

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No way dick ring can use condoms, he'd deffo get the AIDS

u mad bro?

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I would actually pay my TV license if it meant based Jeremy Clarkson hosted Naked Attraction

no ass


So who's the best so far?
Green or Blue?

Is this uncensored on public TV for even children to see?

>the adults are back in charge now.

Literally made for gengis dick


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why isnt the one choosing naked too? shouldnt be dishing it without taking it, no pun intended

channel 4 got the rights mate

while the concept is utter cancer, channel 4 had always lost its sanity once it turns 10pm

it's past watershed

When it gets down to the last two he gets naked as well

yes and children are not supposed to watch tv after 9pm

Yes Ameriprude we have nudity on TV here.

>irish asslet
checks out

I just tuned in and there is fucking cocks everywhere, what the fuck is this OP you fag

Lib-Dem government incoming soon, fags.

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>fucking someone you know has an STD

Nah m8, don't give a fuck how low risk it is these days, I wouldn't be able to get hard around anyone I know is disease ridden

Am bi but NEED gays to be gassed RIGHT NOW

Just like my animes

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He is a footfag and into fucking belly buttons

the hell

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Yeah? You also have muslims raping your women and no weapons to protect yourself. Stay addicted to tits and ass you absolute baboon

Cannot stand these effeminate gays.

>tfw fucked a slampig with a body just like that on Saturday and went flaccid halfway through due to cokedick

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somebody post Annas tits pls

God im not homophobic but gay men grind my gears

did you think he got aids by chance or hwat

Fucking state of this degenerate, hopefully he gets full blown aids

That guy was fun

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wtf when was this episode can't remember it at all

>implying your muttland isn't infested with even more muslims


tbf in the age of internet porn it is probably good kids see what real peoples bodies look compared to what they see on porn


they haven't got a vagina to fuck so they have to make do with whatever other holes are available

>Lib-Dem government incoming soon, fags.

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>lured in by webms of naked women
>waste 20 minutes watching a gay man judge cocks

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Not a homo but this guy is pretty hilarious.

It literally isn't.

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This is the gayest thing I have ever seen and I once sucked a cock

>>implying your muttland isn't infested with even more muslims

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Could be worse lad. The tranny episodes are maximum degenerate

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Man I love it when these threads lure in unsuspecting yanks.

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Have you heard of sex box?

The state of that chest.

One of the early ones I think, it's 1/2 episodes I've seen

Where's her fanny crack?

>muh gunz, need to protek myself from other people with gunz


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Yeah he's decently funny,
degeneracy aside

H-how was it?

But you have blacks raping your women and give them weapons to kill white people with you complete spacker

I'm actually spanish

nice source you newfaggot /pol/mutt

I'll take two.

me on the left

his mum dancing topless.. at least he cant see her disgusting paps

Loved her

delicious hips

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Lib Dem volunteer numbers have quadripled in 6 months.
You won't even see it coming.

I'm a Yank and straight but still think the show is hilarious.

Bob's your uncle!

You better have your TV license.

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>he rejected her

Is blue Jay from the Inbetweeners?

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[citation needed]

Kek looks like Jay from Inbetweeners

thought the exact same thing

wow, Jay from the Inbetweeners is desperate for work isn't he?


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dear lord the woman on the left


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lmao yanks btfo

Just thinking that lmao

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Naked attraction has produced some of the most brutal moggages ever

>Texas has a hairy man contest
>Throwing shade at Trump


You're a clueless wog.

>"Is that blood and discharge? Haha, no problem for me. I think I'll pick her."

how could he get away with it?

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No surprises so far really.
After this it's harder I think.

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Fucks black guys: the body

see: america

>American "banter"

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I'm so sorry for you.

yh and I look like Brad Pitt

LOL wtf is up with this green idiot

>Jared Latte

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Did you take pics?

>This is great for our children to watch! I put it on for me and Reginald while my bull Mohamed takes care of my wife in the other room!

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Based Jay in on it

Lol jared leto and zach effron? he looks like a fucking gopnik manlet

wtf green isn't even attractive lol he looks weird

holy shit that skin is so smooth and soft it would feel great on ur dik

how do the men not get immediately hard

Green is faceblind

>Jared Latte

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Ameriprudes absolutely SEETHING lmao

>Bongs are so degenerate
>Almost every faggot on the faggot round is not English
Like pottery

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>32 years old
Looks 40

Well lads looks like we got a race war on our hands, who you picking?

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Take two aspirin and have a wnak beforehand

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well the black is clearly better looking

green is /fit/ incarnate

Jay and his big cock

Pablo is deffo getting blacked

mutts going absolutely INSANE at the thought of the human body

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holy shit
this is absolutely awful im kinda glad im a third world poor subhuman at least i dont have to endure this anglo garbage

Green looked like darting manlet Gerwyn Price

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>both gays

>that half chub

Jesus he's hairy

Seems insecure

Happy trails are cute! CUTE!

I dated a really hairy girl in college and then had her get a Brazilian. It was nice but a little hair is the way to go.

Jay is all about the cocks lmao

afro, his face is prettier
not a fan of the beards either

lol not even half as hairy as me

apparently the set is kept really cold
also the fact that there are dozens of people watching you might be off putting

I haven't watched the video but I can't wrap my head around what the absolute fuck is going on in that image.


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>we now return to bunda hour, here on third world television

it's from season one, maybe episode 5? He's a DJ with a stupid name if that helps

Is there a separate show where we get to see them shag?

I liked the episode where this black girl called sophie I think it was made comments about the guys dick being too small and how she wanted a bigger willy
I also liked the episode where the host took out a ruler to measure the guys dicks and made a bit of a joke about the guy with a 4 inch one

>mutts going absolutely INSANE at the thought of the human body

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What is the episode number, or direct link if you would be so kind, so daddy can see those milkies undulate?

>20 min
>no tits
>only deformed dicks
Fuck you OP

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>also the fact that there are dozens of people watching you might be off putting
That would get me even harder.

Can tell it was that awkward af teeth compliment. can tell weslwy is a high maintenance diva

Cannot imagine having a cock in my mouth/arse

>Nice knob mate

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>picking jay over wesley
not even gay and I have better taste than this faggot

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This was the first surprise imo.
Maybe if he felt like Pink guy was out of his league and blue was closer.

You wrote this, so clearly you did.

Jay's got a nice big looking cock no homo haha

>being a dicklet

Meanwhile the male version of her is a kissless virgin that cries himself to sleep every night. webms with the male version naked in them would be met with universal disgust wherever it was posted.

The fact that this has all these people lusting out just shows how fucking desperate modern men are.

Stop being full of Hateâ„¢, bigot.

fucking ew

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If I'm behind that screen and I know a milf and some other girl are looking at and discussing my dick, I'm gonna be diamonds

Enjoy your AIDS, feggits

Mate blue had a bigger knob and this is a bent round, it doesnt take much thought

>being a shower and not a grower

Awe they look cute together.

>This channel is not available in your region yet.

Right doesn't look to bad for their age group but its no contest. Left is the definition of fine wine.

in the couch interview after the date the other guy said he also contracted hiv but it was a coincidence

Post that tranny from last week

finally were getting women after this one

I can kind of imagine myself sucking a cock, but never cock up the arse

I wasn't gonna jerk off today but now...

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NHS is going to be funding some medication for Jay real soon.

>just shows how fucking desperate modern men are.
Not really. It just shows that most men don't care, and have never cared, about body "perfection". That's women shit. That's literally how women establish pecking orders and assert superiority. Women don't dress up for men, men most of the time don't care. Women dress up for other women.


Wait wiat wait. The one in the middle is a regular on /fa/ what the fuck. Goes by telnyashkabro or something.

why would anyone want shit on their benis

They're not 16 years old like you

>we kissed a bit and went to sleep
So in actuality they noshed some poppers and were elbow deep in each other all night

tbf theres nothing gay about a brojob

Just two mates helping eachother out

I bet they all had it. Nobody wants to willingly date someone with HIV, no matter how easily manageable it is now

>Constant obsession with cucking
>Beta mutts this scared of another man's penis

She ended up with a pajeet.

>My penis is like four inches soft but seven hard.

I like not having large flaccid cock to get in the way. I'm sure it's a cool party trick but it'd get annoying after awhile.

>their are ladies posting in this thread right now


Does anybody have that webm of that nig literally fisting that lad at pride out in the open, its so degenerate its comical

That girl in the vodafone advert is a proper qt phwoar

Don't think so m8. Aside from me at weekends

>their are ladies posting in this thread right now

Your British slang is funny.


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post her wife


Mine goes from 3'' to 6.5''

Got a nice bit of girth though so it's not so bad

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wtf when did they cancel Deal or No Deal, did edmonds finally get outed for being a nonce

ha ha yes "ladies"
with dicks

>it literally is a fucking black guy

Can you possibly get even more degenerate? FFS. Fucking bongs!


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Absolute fucking state of Leon.

Like 5 years ago

It actually shows how shallow modern women are

>a rapper from Burnley
Jesus Christ

>Meanwhile the male version of her is a kissless virgin that cries himself to sleep every night.
No, the male version of her would be a somewhat chubby guy that's decent looking and but has definite room for improvement. There's a lot of males and females that fall in that range and the main thing they are usually lacking is confidence and style to really stand out.

It was a tired format that got strung out for about a decade. I'm surprised it lasted more than about a year.

>Two cherry picked pictures prove something!
You're both retards.

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>Meanwhile the male version of her is a kissless virgin that cries himself to sleep every night. webms with the male version naked in them would be met with universal disgust wherever it was posted
Because men and women have different evolutionary roles, you dumb piece of shit. So what makes men attractive, would make women unattractive, and vice versa. A physically attractive man is strong, tall, and able to fight and intimidate others. An attractive woman is soft, chubby, big chested, and with feminine traits that make her a good mother. If this bothers you, maybe you should try getting into shape, you fat tub of lard.
>The fact that this has all these people lusting out just shows how fucking desperate modern men are.
"Modern men" you absolute retard. Men have wanted thicc women since the fucking stone age. Literal fertility goddesses have been worshipped with her exact figure. She is made to be wifed, and if you aren't attracted to her, you might literally be gay. I suspect it it due to the higher estrogen levels you likely have, due to your also veing overweight. Fat pos

Looks like a pound shop Post Malone

Wait, you're a lady on the weekend?

I wonder if many grillz actually browse Yea Forums. I met a QT on /soc/ who asked which boards I visit. When I told her Yea Forums she laughed and said it was full of autists.

Then I found out she went to Yea Forums and /cgl/ and ghosted her weeb ass.

biggest meme ever

not soon enough, every episode was a sob story and the fucks didnt just straight up pick the boxes because everyone had a meaning like their sister's dog's second born puppy's date of birth

Reminder that vaginas are gross

>no whales
>no negroes
Could be a good round

this guy will have a huge cock

>I tell girls I have an 8 inch tongue
>I don't, but it's still fine

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>Some Chad gets to pick from a choice of cunny

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>More than doubles in size.

Based, cheers mate.

pink has nice shiny legs

hello incel


You can go a long way just by being super confident but not too arrogant.

>im quite pro meat
lmao this guy is funny ngl

Really? Look at Leon. Leon gets pusy. He's 27, a rapper (code for unemployed) and he's got that hair, but he gets pusy.


He mentioned he used to be a butcher and the vegetarian covered up her vagina in disgust

>this is liberalisms final form
>Great Britain fought WW2 for this

>tongues never tire
Bullshit literally just prived that bitch wrong.

Green is gross

>My eyes are enjoying themselves
>Mmm great vagina
>I like a vagina that has x
>I excel at oral sex
What kind of person has this kind of weird confidence? It's like those thirsty indians asking for open bobs. How can he get away with this?

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Blue looks based with her hairy pussy, painted nails and shaking her hips.

Fuck you, it's thick legs.
Legs on their own aren't curvy, the curves need to be in relation to other parts of the body.


Just dont be an incel shut in bro

literaly 9 but that chest is lacking. still would waifu

Her fanny looks vile, like a bird whos had a kid


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should have gotten rid of green

lol manlet

dodged a bullet there though

Underrated and I'm not even a bong.

Dodged a bullet there

But user asked about the adults.

If I went on this show, my first demand for the female line-up would be NO TATTOOS

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wtf this guy is like 5'5
also red is incredible

UK anons what the fuck

Why is this primetime on a major network

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Wow, those are ten depressing titties

The bigger concern for me is that she looks like she would kill herself if she doesn't get picked.

>he dun goofed
by amazon

Absolutely tragic set of tits

>It took literally 30 minutes to think of this

damn he got rid of the one with the only decent boobs

Not bad at all desu

Oh my days she actually just said she was shorter than she actually is to make him look like shit didnt she

chad move



Theyre all hideous

She looked like she was melting lmao

Sad tits tonight

The arrogance of these women

>Not a single pair of big milkers

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WOAG he must be like 5 ft 6. He cant get that many girls. Confident manlet

My typa girl

>the seething yankoid is here again

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either fat or hadnt worked off a preggo tummy but it wasnt said

lol he cant rap for shit



Fuck, he's worse than Africa guy

2 weeks in a row and the only decent pair of tits I've seen was on that old god botherer

I love being the only Americunt in the thread with all my Britbong cousins and their hilarious slang.

all the girls right now

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blue is still top tier

All those dissapointing boobs.
3D women suck

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Fucking tits like spaniels ears this lot.

I like blue's little titties

>the melting bong is here again

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shit rap

Pink have the best tits, this guy is a retard.

And shes also a meth addict

>he was quite short
lmao RIP

face like a slapped arse this one

>The absolute state of our nations tits

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>bacterial veginosis

Yeah they sure know their audience

Sooooooo, am I the only one who gets fucking rock hard from the interior views of sex?
OK, that's fine.

>hairy pusy

he lost the best tits immediately

>looks like that but still requires a 6 foot chad

Good luck love hah

Face WRECKED, Leon dodging bullets like the matrix over here
>I like over 6 ft guys
Yeah good luck love, after a naggin of something strong maybe

why is this degeneracy on /teevee/ ?


>over 6'5 and I like them to be muscular
>When she looks like a fucking crackhead

Women are something else

>my guys need to be 6ft+ and muscular
damn even gremlin girls have high standards rip

he already bombed it hard by eliminating pink first

that girl was seething lmao

This is Deal or no Deal mate.

A bloke stands around talking rubbish, and we wait to see which box he opens.

>first add is about vaginal infections

what is the process to get on this show? ive been naked on camera a bunch. used to have a pornhub channel with my ex gf. is it hard to get selected? can i just visit england for a couple weeks and get on the show

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Green had a nice ass.
Blue or fake tits is probably the best one left now. Thighs on blue looked good.

I think red might've been the best one of them all.

Lads anybody know some good episode numbers to watch?

Might watch some of the older ones after

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>i prefer ripped guys over 6 feet tall

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They tell you how to apply at the end of the episode

I have never seen a naked girl in real life

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'Cause we're not all uptight, prudish, fucks-wife-once-a-month, boomers like you GRANDPA

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What? Those fake tits are the worst I've ever seen. Rather blues no tits.

Sorry, you don't have the correct TV licence, you can't apply.

>I think red might've been the best one of them all.
mean pink, the one that disappeared first.


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I'm usually not a titty guy but blur's little boobies are sad. My 13 year old little sister is tied with her.

I'd take blue. Tits are small but at least they're a decent shape. Hate fake tits and pancakes.

>I recognize that gay blowjob!

>face like a slapped arse
Fucking LOL'd at this. I love these short, sharp english nastyisms. How the fuck do you fags come out with them?
I had an english friend once who came out with "face like a bulldog chewing a wasp" straight to the girls face. I thought it was fucking great, I laughed for literally 10 minutes.

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>implying she couldn't get it
The free market has let us down

You guys understand that most women prefer short men, right?

ilhan omar is unironically peng though

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Dont worry lad Naked Attraction is here to put you off naked women for the rest of your life

>Burger King ad instantly followed by Weight Watchers

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Link to pornhub mate.

Why not?

Why are women all bittwr seethers? all this body positivity bollox has shit all to do with feminism or discrimination. its that women are SEETHERS and cant take a hit. Bitches.

For sure.
We're just memeing here buddy.

>Good luck lovemind

hahahaahaha cope harder manlet

they sure gave him a dire herd

I once said that something would make me go bananas and I ended up having a long conversation with a yank about it. He was weird.

red and orange and blue are nice

It's one step below straight up porn. Like, matching naked people to have sex. Prostitution.

Yet another sign of the fall of the west

It's not primetime, it starts at 10pm. In UK thats the timeslot for masturbators, stoned teenagers and night shifters waking up.

Also channel 4 is a major channel, but it's the weird channel that does 'cool, edgy' stuff. Not that naked people are cool or edgy, but then you clearly need to have sex.


Blue yellow red orange

He's committed, every series we've had over the years he comes here and loses his temper. The fucking thick nigger.

OK blue is deffo the best

I saw my 20yo cousin when I was 6. First and only time. I later asked her why she had hair down there, and she laughed at me

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Oh christ red, what the fuck

>Oranges face when she realised how mogged she was

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only orange looks like a non tranny

the fuck thats my cousin yellow

Did he fill in "MASSIVE jaws" on his preferences form or something?

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post her facebook

no point explaining it, yanks are sexually repressed religions nutcases they wont understand

ooh, blue is crazy, did you see the glance when he was looking at red

Blue, then probably red, even though she looks like a cheap Turkish hooker.

I'd wreck blue, or at least attempt to

fuck off nigger

For me, it's blue

literally onlu blue is half decent but flat as fuck. red old. yellow big nose pancake tits. orange sharon osbourne but actually looks like shed have decent personality.

>stop copying us REEEE
lol yanks

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>she's a bit quiet
they're not allowed to speak yet you fucking numpty

There is nothing wrong with nudity. You have cumbrain syndrome. Pls become an hero.

I'm not a yank. But yes, yanks are fucked up.

Ok blue wins

Pretty sure they used up all the attractive women in the UK in the first season

Blue is properly giving red the evil eye lmao

I think Orange is the best fit for her, but not the hottest one.

i told you blue was best from the start

He said he was a family man, why are they throwing these barren slags at him

I would ravage orange

I need to see their arses before I can fully decide tbqh

that mouth is disgusting

>He picked the Tranny

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39? And the fucking rest, lying cow

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Its outrageous how often people say this


Minge is weird

Of course the best looking one is foreign

fuck i can't handle this cringe


Does this drip know any other words?

ngl this guy is a semi hero

surprisingly good

>I'm very good eat pusy
Nah fuck it I love Leon even if he is an unreasonably cocky jobless lout

pancake ass

inb4 this guy has a massive cock


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Lads do they have this show in other countries? Would love to see what this show is like in Russia or Poland where there are no fatties

>26 year old chef from Canterbury
>aka Reheats shit up in the microwave at Wetherspoons

Bets on the size of his cock lads? Thinking it's a big one

He's like 4' tall so it'll look huge anyway

BBC incoming lads

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There's a German version apparently

lol blue really likes him

hes gonna pick orange. blue is FAR too tall and annoying af

Will he pick the model he has chemistry with or the fat bartender?

Blue knew she won two rounds ago


tbf he is fitter than both of them

Blue is crazy and out of his league, he'll have great sex for a month and possibly get stabbed after talking too much on the phone with some whore(actually his mother).

Orange he can build something with.

I'm a dude and have hips like this. Fuck my life

yes the dutch have it plus a number of others

Should I get a fancy bird chest tattoo

inb4 they shag on the first date and then she doesn't show up for the interview

>matching naked people to have sex
That's how you and the rest of us got here though. Happened since the dawn of time

Are you a muscular black man with a big dick?

they are going to fuck their brains out

>I think it's the confidence
>and the lack of being a fat bitch

this show never works out, just proves relationships based on looks alone dont work

are tattoos just conversation starters?


The biggest proof of that is that there are no fat male underwear models

Cracking arse on blue too


That's the Arizona look

>this isn't even peak degeneracy
>we have at least 50 more years of acceleration

strap in lads

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are you a fat bird with low self esteem?


he's gonna smash on the 1st date and not call her back

i like blue

Nah clearly British

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>train to catch
They usually get hotels

Exactly, whens big dazza gna get his shot at a h&m advert

She's proper friendzoning him lmao