"it's been a while since i last checked in on Mister Metokur... Let's see what he's been up to lately."

>"it's been a while since i last checked in on Mister Metokur... Let's see what he's been up to lately."

What the fuck happened??

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-04 at 22.35.44.png (1516x446, 111K)

literally and figuratively whomst've


Who cares. He got boring ages ago.

>dude I'm gonna read kiwifarms threads verbatim and also donations from my spergy underage /pol/ fanbase

how old are you seriously

Someone kept flagging all of his videos so he just said "Fuck it" and put it on another website that allows him to put up riskier content. He said this will allow him to do a tranny episode in the future.

A shekel for a GOOD Goy.

Attached: Glad I could sell.png (661x895, 278K)

Did he get doxxed and extorted again?

He voluntarily deleted everything cause of claims and shit from Matt. He's on bitchute now

He's moving to bitchute I believe. I can't remember if he was copyright striked or youtube took his channel down, but he decided to delete all his vids.

People kept raving about the TGWTG videos, but they were nothing but him reading shit from Yea Forums.


I just realized he doesn't have those on bitchute :(

I noticed it a few days ago, had'nt watched him for months.
I think he got a couple of strikes and decided to just delete everything and put it on another site.

He doesn't even make videos anymore, he just does live streams to rake in those superchat shekels

>Deleted his vids to please the yids

some 40 year old guy with the voice of a 13 year old twisty kid who rambles about gamergate or someone who is popular in the thing he wants to do

seriously, If he wanted to turn his channel into an at channel he would find who is popular and scream at them over a voip program make up some drama and his spergy fans like op would spam the video and give him money

>Tyler Durden just died

Attached: (((Richard))) coin.webm (960x540, 642K)

He moved to bitshute
YouTube was being Jewish and deleted his videos

so err sweetie squad I err totally didn't delete videos to stirr you up it was err youtube

please give me money

YouTube has been agressively censoring political dissent (and assisting the Chinese government in attacking the Hong Kong protesters) and there has been no push back from the government.


Got doxxed, made a video saying he didn't care, then deleted everything and ran off to some shitty no-name streaming site to post videos complaining about Sargon of Whogivesafuck.

Metokur always claimed to be above it all, but he routinely embarrassed himself having slapfights with youtubers. Also called people 'reddit' irl despite being 40, which is so cringeworthy it deserves the rope.

I bet he's balding


You'd have thought doing a video on Spoony would show the perils of being a lazy potato nigger

I thought I was on Yea Forums for a moment

Used to enjoy his shit back in the GG days, but now it's sad

I think it’s funny how his kiwi thread went from making fun of him to his fans joining the site now the thread loves and defends him

You're on /TransVidya/ user

Unfunny faggot

he said his stream was hacked once

he is a gobshite

There was a photo of him that circulated round the time of the doxx and he honestly looked like he had aids. Thin hair, bloated face, grossly obese, whispy non-beard, all very grey and beige and sickly looking.

Truly a youtube alpha pussy slayer.

Gym's dox

Attached: jonah idiotisch 1.jpg (634x945, 184K)

I used to like him, but then I noticed all his videos were just making fun of handicap people.

Mumkey Jones sex tape leaked.

I found it funny wgen he alligned himself with morons like CRP just because they both hated sargoy.

he got his edgelord sweetie squad on terry

most likely what killed him