>"How do I feel about Woody Allen?" Johansson lets the question hang for a moment. After a beat, Johansson makes it clear that she disagrees with many of her peers. "I love Woody," she says. "I believe him, and I would work with him anytime."
>Johansson continues: "I see Woody whenever I can, and I have had a lot of conversations with him about it. I have been very direct with him, and he's very direct with me. He maintains his innocence, and I believe him."
>Johansson is active in women's issues — at the 2018 Women's March on Washington, she called out >James Franco, who had worn a Time's Up pin to the Golden Globes days before the Los Angeles Times ran a story with five women accusing him of sexual misconduct. (Franco denied the allegations.) "How could a person publicly stand by an organization that helps to provide support for victims of sexual assault while privately preying on people who have no power?" she said in the speech. "I want my pin back, by the way."
Is there bigger hypocrites than feminists?
Scarlet Johansson defends fellow Woody Allen
>highest paid actress has retrograde views
based jewess
It's cuz Woody's a chad
She hit the wall and Woody's the worst kind of kike.
>Jew defending fellow Jew
Contemplate my surprise
>b-but not Woody tho he's def innocent, he told me himself
>jew defends a jew despite overwhelming evidence of perversion and abuse
color me surprised
She might as well. She was already cancelled when she dared take away the role of an Asian woman.
How is it retrogade, she has been a #metto and #timesup icon. She's an opportunist cunt. MArvel roles are over and nobody else would hire her. She'd love to make some Woody Allen flick to move on. This is white feminism for you. A greedy cunt with no morals. She's insufferable, I can't stand her bitch voice.
How long do you think you can last inside of Scarlett Johansson bareback?
>actress who commit career suicide earlier this year defends Woody Allen
Jews cover for each other just like blacks do.
>h-he din do nothin, oy vey!
sure maybe he touched some girls but he made allot great movies so give the guy a break
she still gives me a woody
>nuanced views on various people
I done told you she's NPC tier and nobody would believe it.
Why does nu-Yea Forums hate Woody Allen? Midnight in Paris is one of the greatest movies of this decade, Blue Jasmine and Magic in the moonlight are close to it
It's funny cause the Franco allegations are complete bullshit ("I was paid to do a nude scene and now I regret it")
Jew fight for jew
He’s a Jewish pedophile
It’s about the same level as my surprise was at when I heard Tony Blair say that the McCanns were innocent on live TV.
She said #TIMESUP but defended Woody and low key defended Weinstein. She's just another hypocrite.
Do you guys think she had sex with Woody?
this tbqhwyf
I like his movies but he's probably a pedo and definitely a creep.
2 min
you know what I mean
It's not a pedophilia, if both partners (or their parents) consent, and there is nothing wrong with being Jewish
Why must everyone draw on themselves like a teenager's notebook now?
Because da joos. Since you choose whether you're born a christian, paki, nigger or chink.
my goal would be to inseminate her as quickly as possible
Personally I like Woody Allen and feel like stories about him were exaggerated by an ex that hated him along with a kid that liked the mom more than him.
Still hate Scarlet Jo since she’s obviously being opportunistic with how she spoke out about men with even less evidence against them.
Dunno bro
If she believes Woody, why doesn't she believe Franco? Makes no sense at all. The difference is that Franco is nobody to her while Woody Allen can offer her a job.
much better
/tv doesn't watch Woody Allen movies. Who the fuck watches shitty arthouse romance flicks set in NY?
>retrograde views
Anything but "listen and believe" is "retrograde"? lol You "people" are so nuts.
Jews make their bed by how they act not by virtue of their faith
The guy is a pedophile, no surprise there considering every kike is a sexual deviant
If there is any justice in the world, she would become mind broken from all the cogitative dissonance of having done a bunch of casting couch shit while also campaigning all this Twitter hashtag bullshit and shilling Hilary. With her feminist ideals crushed, she should go full bimbo, refill her tits after she got them sucked out, get a bunch of other plastic surgery, and start doing a bunch of shitty movies as excuses to get her new tits out there.
And then the sex tape.
I do.
Radio Days is my favourite movie. Not even joking.
I did
>a woman having moral dilemmas
That's not how they function. They have no problem convincing themselves they are in the right.
imagine hollywood convincing the goyim this chubber jewish is attractive
I would smash her anus like the fist of an angry god.
>hurr durr women bad men good abloobloo
Spotted the iNPCel
10 years ago maybe 30 seconds. Nowadays I'd probably pass out before cumming.
>jew defends jew
wow i'm shocked
Wtf I love third wave feminism and hate toxic masculinity
Incels rise up and white knight!
Isn’t this what you incels want whites to do? What’s the problem? Your own rules don’t apply to everyone else?
plz fuckin die already
Fucking this. Mindbroken ditzy bimbo ScarJo would be God-tier.
Have sex
For the Ghost? That was stupid, the people complaing had obviously never seen anything about it prior because the the character is white as fuck, like many Jap characters.
Bullshit. He was caught texting a 15 year old English girl, trying to get her to come to his hotel. He knew how old she was.
That was a prank bro
>because the the character is white as fuck
Let me guess, you watched the dub and think Major Kusanagi is a white name like a mongoloid.
Absolute patrician
Gas all kikes
As far as i remmeber she was 17. Big deal. He didn't force her.
Their families are probably in the same ritualistic child murdering sect.
Scarjo BTFO by Based tranny
there is nothing more believable than male nip scientists putting a japanese woman's brain into a waitu piggu body that they can jerk off to
7 minutes at least
If she had a massive booty different story
In the movie they made the scientist a white french woman, so it kinda invalidates itself
You can make good things and be an unlikable person.
To a less extreme extent, look at invader zim and jhonen
i would give her my fertile seed and keep fucking until my cock falls off, or im being dragged away
SJW shit is not about ideals, it's cynical ass kissing and clique bullshit through and through. More at eleven
Burn all incels
Hannah and Her Sisters and uh what was it Crimes and Misdemeanors. I loved Melinda & Melinda. Thought Moonlight in Paris was just okay. Vicky Christina Barcelona was one of my favourites but it didn't have enough of the art world. Blue Jasmine was awful.
I don't care what you guys say, I would still have sex with her.
based and pedopilled
scarjo is just feeling cheeky because she is going to be the good guy in a nazi movie
Based pro-pedo Black Widow
5 minutes tops
Hollywood defending its own, nothing new. They're all pedos and creeps out there.
>How could a person publicly stand by an organization that helps to provide support for victims of sexual assault while privately preying on people who have no power?
Jesus Christ, these people are fucking dumb
A jew defending a jew, who'da thunk?
I would put my penis in her vagina and then move it back and forth repeatedly if you know what I mean
please be respectful
5 minutes. Prime I would ejaculate immediately after putting my penus within a 2 feet radius of her pusy.
lmao at your life
What is that picture of Emma Thompson doing there?
Look st this goy... Jewish women don’t get casting couched.
Isn't he fucking his daughter?
>I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man.
>I’ve never understood why. Have you met him?
>Oh, yes. I can hardly bear to talk to him. He has the Chaplin disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge.
>He’s not arrogant; he’s shy.
>He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.
>implying Japanese men like white “women”
what is this from? wood btfo
Lunches With Orson
Woody Allen openly groomed his daughter to be his fuck slave. This is public knowledge.
He molested the other one too. Mr Allen has a type and it’s daughters
Pretty sure he's referring to how Major not only looks like a white person like most anime characters, or how GitS has numerous characters that are japanese and look as such while Major doesn't at all.
Technically he's fucking the adopted daughter of his former wife.
what white girl do you know with naturally purple hair? it’s a god damn cartoon you retard
She's no doubt been to pedo parties, so it's Jew pedos defending Jew pedos
So nothing new for Pedowood
Don't forget his former wife is just a lying, vengeful bitch too.
She's pretty much done with that after the GITS controversy and her losing that tranny role.
>She's an opportunist cunt
Totally this
How does she in the same breath defend Woody but condemn Franco? Wtf this bitch?
>Woody prolly dindu nuthin he tole me but fuck Franco dat sexist pig.
i would come instantly and start crying as soon as we started undressing. the whole situation would probably cause a mental breakdown which i would never recover from.
Regardless of what they say, Jews unfortunately don't get to not be white. I don't make the rules.
Now youo know for sure that James Fraco isn't a jew. The kikess even stood by Weistein
Once a Harvey Girl always a Harvey Girl
Maybe theyre really good long time pals.
>How does she in the same breath defend innocent person but condemn guilty person
Top mysteries of 21st century here
Even as a little kid she looked like a right cunt
its not a jew conspiracy, its jew physiology and woody makes her wet