Episode 9 poster homage?

While I love and adore the new content, and the new episode 9 poster, I can't help but wonder... was it inspired by the original Episode 6 poster? The resemblance is there, or am I seeing things?

Will episode 9 essentially be a remake of Retun of the Jedi? But better and bigger with more splosions?

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I love the homage but desu, and as a HUGE starwars fan. The orignal movies have not aged well. At all.

Almost all of the acting is stale or just plain bad. But since there old the effects edits etc etc are also bad. The prequels have that same stale acting but some are slightly better like obi-wan and palps. But that is all thanks to georges directing.

The new movies have FANTASTIC acting, the best special effects, and continues the SAME story line its been telling. This is a 9 movie saga. It ends here.

Why does Luke have a red lightsaber and Darth Vader has a blue one? Is it poetry?

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>Almost all of the acting is stale or just plain bad. But since there old the effects edits etc etc are also bad. The prequels have that same stale acting but some are slightly better like obi-wan and palps. But that is all thanks to georges directing.
This is correct.
>The new movies have FANTASTIC acting, the best special effects, and continues the SAME story line its been telling. This is a 9 movie saga. It ends here.
This is not.

Originally, Luke was going to turn to the Dark Side and become the new vader, but Lucas scratched that idea. I'm guessing the posters were made before he scratched that idea.

or yeah poetry

The new movies do have good acting, just look at TLJ and compare Hammils acting to the rest of the cast it stands out like a sore thumb. Even fucking Rose is a better actor

Rey and that black boy are terrible actors. Terrible.

Move posters can be weird.

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I wanna fucking throw up after reading this. I dont care if you wrote this as bait.

More like a homo-age.

>-nuStar Wars movie "homages" an old Star Wars film

Yeah, by Hamil. Rey, Kylo, and Hux's acting were abysmal.


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Hux was hilarious, Rey is strong without being a marysue and Kylo is infinitely more complex than Vader ever was. I can understand hating Kylo in TFA but after TLJ his character elevated to another level for me

how much did they pay you?

If it was supposed to call back to the Episode 6 poster, you would know. They've avoided all subtlety about meta-references in the past.

>Kylo is infinitely more complex than Vader ever was
that's because Kylo is poorly written and doesnt have a describable character at all.

You're right that the OT has a lot of rough edges and hasn't aged as well as some people thing, but it's still better than the ST in every way.
PT was the peak of the franchise though.

Nice damage control thread, mouse.

nice post, louse

Thanks, mouse

How the fuck was PT the peak? If you mean peak in terms of mainstream hype yeah maybe

Watch more films. Or at least watch films with those actors in them because they can clearly do better outside of this shitshow.
Hux was just over the top acting throughout but that's not his fault because of his character. Rey was just shit overall. Kylo was the same as Hux, especially when he was losing his shit at the end was hilarious.
>Kylo is infinitely more complex than Vader ever was.
Neck yourself.

No. They're actually the best movies.

Ah yes, the Yea Forums contrarian cycle strikes again

Silly B-movies about Jimmy Rocket-Pants fighting the space Nazis
Expertly crafted Greek tragedy

>while I love and adore the new content
Fuck off and kill yourself. People like you are ruining entertainment by liking these shitty movies.

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So will they remove "The" from E9's title and redo the poster to save on ink printing costs???

I agree wholeheartedly.
Sure, but Hamil did do a fine job. Remember, he's OLD. Not bad for an old male from a bygone era.

They were all fine.

Hamil did a great job. His character was the most complex in an already complex and psycholgoically deep and subtle story. Luke's character arc is very tragic, but also inspiring. It's hard to get that kind of deep character right on screen, but it was probably the best way forward for the character (hard to imagine what else to do with Luke by Episode 8, AT LEAST in an actually compelling way). And Hammil nailed it.

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kill yourself regardless

super obvious samefag holy fucking shit

I guess this is the daily thread where we pretend the PT is good and the sequels are expertly crafted masterpieces.

No, the ST is shit.

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>th-th-the EU tho!
It's really not that bad. At least it was creative, and entertaining.

I just find it hilarious that to defend TLJ they have to resort to saying the EU was bad. Like that's something you'd expect to see on a forum, not on a credited article.

These are the same people that use Luuuke and Skippy as a reason to shit on it. They've never read it and hope nobody else has either.

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that looks like a poster for rebels, not for a movie

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I just started reading the plagueis book and it's much better than I expected, i really hope they're doing a sheet plotline to eventually go back to do plagueis/sidious.

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Almost like they're still bad movies, and we don't judge everything on representation.

>While I love and adore the new content

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The book was pre buyout, m8.
They might steal from it, but it's unlikely to be adapted. The fact it heavily makes reference to midichlorians makes it practical heresy, despite the context.

unpopular opinion but solo was the best one, not much to stumble on, thought they gave him a great origin story.

Well, Canto Bight as a setting was one of the better things in the movies, and one of the most creative things in the ST. They should have just set the brunt of the movie there, and completely cut out the awful Admiral Holdo plotline, and the obligatory battle of Hoth tribute (it's salt though!).
Imagine if there was an equivalent of the Arena scene in Episode 2, where the characters have to compete in some deadly contest to entertain the richards. That might actually be fun.

To the left: bla bla bla.
To the right: FUN.

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>The fact it heavily makes reference to midichlorians makes it practical heresy

It's only an unpopular opinion because barely anyone saw it.
The bar is so low that if more people watched it they'd probably agree with you/

If you mean out of all the new movies then sure, but it's not exactly a high bar

>While I love and adore the new content, and the new episode 9 poster
Gud b8

Well they ripped off the entire plots from the other movies, might as well go all out and rip the poster off too

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It works in a vacuum, but it doesn't really work as a Han Solo origin. The entire point of his character progression in the OT is he goes from this self interested scumbag criminal, to a hero, through his experiences with Luke.
Solo established that he was basically a hero all along.
It's the best Disneywars, but I still don't consider it canon.

Because the ST is currently taking great pains to barely reference the prequels as it is, and midichlorians are something that got a massive backlash at the time and still have a negative association.
It's true that the book takes the effort to go into the detail Lucas should have done to avoid backlash, but none of their current stock of writers, except possibly Filoni and Zahn, could actually portray that.

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As if anyone needed more evidence that it was just a confidence projection move they hoped wouldn't be called out.

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>James Cameron
>Not a writing genius.

Confirmed for not knowing shit.

this is what butthurt haters really believe.

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God midochlorians are a perfect example of how retarded prequel haters are. It's a relatively small expansion to the universe that honestly doesn't even change much and yet they act like that one word is the death of star wars

>But since there old the effects edits etc etc are also bad.

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Which stage of grief is this?

midichlorians are actually a good idea. They put a limiting factor on the force, which is necessary for the worldbuilding, unless you like the stupid idea that anyone could use the force, if only they tried.
Why would anyone not try? It's the difference between being human or superhuman. What manual laborer wouldn't want the ability to lift heavy things with only their mind? What salesman would not want Jedi mind tricks?

It's not even PT. First time explicitly mentioned in a movie but midichlorians existed in 1977.
>"The Force gives you the power to have extrasensory perception and to be able to see things and hear things, read minds and levitate things. It is said that certain creatures are born with a higher awareness of the Force than humans. Their brains are different; they have more midi-chlorians in their cells"
