What is the television and film equivalent

of this scene? all i can think of is one of the vhs anthology shorts with that asian cult that summons the demon inside a woman

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The final boss of Silent Hill?

There is none. Silent Hill 1-4 are genuinely the best experiences the horror genre has to offer, regardless of medium.

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>There is none. Silent Hill 1-4 are genuinely the best experiences the horror genre has to offer, regardless of medium.
This is wrong. Games aren't art. They're toys. Toys are inferior to actual art, like paintings, movies, and books. Never make a Marxist thread like this again, OP.

Movies aren't art

I don't know, probably Ghostbusters 2? Bad guys need a child to 'birth' the final boss. The good guys shoot it for a couple seconds, then it dies.

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Man i agree with you, i wonder if someone would make a horror scene like that again, i´ll be glad



Calm down there grandpa.

>Silent Hill 1-4 are genuinely the best experiences the horror genre has to offer
>Silent Hill 4
I like this historical revision

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or just a creature being summoned. the likes of which can bring about the end of everything

>Silent Hill 1-4 are genuinely the best experiences the horror genre has to offer, regardless of medium
>shows a dude hitting an enemy with a pipe or something
Great 'horror' you got there.

Horror is the lowest form of art though, in lit or film, it's inherently utterly surface and base, which is why video games do it better

Industrial Symphony No. 1 by Lynch was an inspiration for SH and possibly that scene.
From 23:30 onwards.

Big, if true

>He hasn't read Victorian/Gothic horror fiction, the most kino horror that reaches the same literary heights as many of its competitors

this is now a heather mason thread

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What separates games from movies and defines one as art and the other as not?

Common claims would be the childishness of games, but there are lots of serious ones. Waste of time? most other hobbies are too. Interactivity makes it a toy? Is chess inferior to anything else since it is interactive, yet also widely considered to require great creativity that rivals high art.

Oh but I have, 99.99% of Gothic lit is fucking abysmal mulch trash
The funny part is that everyone at the time knew and accepted that
>Oh it's written in stilted poorly written English! The big scary payoff is a skeleton popped out, that sure was worth fifteen pages of build up! It's boring as shit, but it must be good!
It's like people a century from now watching capeshit and calling it high art, it's not, it's garbage popcorn entertainment

You're like a fucking old man taking his time on the crosswalk holding up traffic

Gremlins 2

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>Oh but I have, 99.99% of Gothic lit is fucking abysmal mulch trash
Sturgeon's Law son, there is some kino out there. EL James, Shelley Jackson (bit more recent) and my favourite Robert W Chambers. The King In Yellow is pure kino, especially the story with the church organist.

Here better example.

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Post some sfm

everything is art

scary as hell

>asian cult that summons the demon inside a woman
Which one? Only ever seen the gargoyle woman one. This sounds neat

Silent Hill is like David Lynch horror or Jacob's Ladder.

If you want trash kino, Lords of Salem is about the birth of the devil's child.

Attached: lords.jpg (600x361, 30K)

1 is Stephen King
2 is Lynch for people who think symbolism is deep
rest are a variation of the two

It was always a great game, just too different from the previous three.

Only decent Silent Hill adaptation in movies.

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>here's your final boss theme bro

Forgot pic

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>always a great game
Nah, half the game repeating with backtracking does not make for a great game. It's individual parts are greater than its sum, and compared to the 360/PS3 era, its gold. But it's still mediocre by itself. Cynthia might be the finest thot ever portrayed in a video game though.

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vhs 2, safe haven is the name of the short

Pic related is like Silent Hill with fight choreography

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toys can be art

>begone, thot!

damn this post got Yea Forumsirgins seething. based.

Too soulsesque if you ask me.

Incels triggered

based Armond BTFO'ing children

you realize the same was said about movies when they first appeared right?
it was just mindless escapism, nothing to be taken with any grain of seriousness

Thanks man

Somewhat related. More straight up psychological than supernatural. Session 9.

Attached: Session9_ing.jpg (510x755, 58K)

Based, only RE 1,2,3 were actually good

Code Veronica was better than 3 and probably 1