This is objectively the worst board on Yea Forums
This is objectively the worst board on Yea Forums
Then leave faggot
Try /x/ or Yea Forums for a week then come crawling back you fucking faggot
It’s really not tho. It’s the normalfags board, which is still miles better than certain others.
[s4s] is both simultaneously the best and worst board on Yea Forums, everyone knows this
You've never been on pol then
thanks, I try
>Yea Forums
Ok reagent
—here's why that's a good thing
fuck you stupid nigger fag kike tranny
No one likes a party pooper
the redditors that started posting here after 2014 think it's based and epic
This can't keep going for much longer
It's time to open /film/ - Baneposting once and for all
you're objectively the biggest faggot on Yea Forums
Actually that would be me.
>*mounts his dick*
Hahahah, I disagree
You have never been on asp
Yeah I miss the old days bros, like when people posted rage faces and the epic Yao Ming picture
Fricking moot was so epic win!
It sucks now, FUCKING NORMALFAGS!! They will never understand the beauty of the TOO DAMN HIGH guy
Only if you have the green posts enabled
We know it's the best.
What green posts?
The ones with the numbers attached