Will it be kino?

Will it be kino?

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i know what you're trying to pull here pedo. you don't give a flying fuck about this movie.

Fuck you. I think it looks interesting. Go back to your SJW safe space.

I mean, you can enjoy both aspects of the movie

I'm intrigued. I hope they answer the questions without it sounding stupid. I get the feeling the explanation is gonna be a letdown.

Bad CGI tho

It didn't look too bad. As long as the story and acting is worthwhile I can forgive a bit of shit CG. Plenty of other eyee candy in there anyhow.

cringe, get out

looks like low tier cunny kino, like Stephanie.

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new phone

Shree crooks

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I'm talking to her for past few weeks now user haha

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FBI here. Just sit tight for now.

she's too old now anyway

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Biters get the ball gag.

Did she use sharingan or why is her eye bleeding

She is crying tears of blood for our sick society. The money in her hand is her pennence for doubting the Jew.

this is why we can't have nice things

She got eye fucked real hard

user no


Based im gonna harass her too jus 4 the teh lulz lmao

Lets go

>contacting lgs directly
This is retarded pedo boomer tier behaviour, you accomplish nothing but risk getting vanned and scare the girls away.

I'm just laughing at your phrase user!
That's nigger beheaviour, I do agree

hilarious tellonym posts too