Fuck this movie. I hate everything about it...

Fuck this movie. I hate everything about it. I especially hate the fact that just because I "lost" it underneath the seat of my mom's car for a week means I have to pay twice in late fees what it would cost to buy this piece of shit again at Walmart. Fuck Jeff Goldblum for not doing anything interesting after Independence Day. Fuck Sam Neill for killing Steven Spielberg. Fuck Laura Durn for taking Helen Hunt's career.

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Fuck you, this is a masterpiece.

I can't think of a single person who hates this movie. At most you could be indifferent. It's almost impossible to hate this kino.

Jurassic Park is a metaphor for accepting manhood and becoming a father.

>forget rental movie on dashboard
>it melts

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op is definitely not a clever girl

Your mom should've bought for you for Christmas that year like mine did asshole. Don't blame a 90s kino for your incompetence.

No, it's a movie about a dinosaur theme park disaster. That's literally it.

I guess you could make an argument it's a film about the dangers of hubris and trying to dominate nature.

it could have been an okay twilight zone 28 minute episode
A) they spend too much time trying to explain the dinosaurs and 2) we know the protagonists are going to make it because it's a kids movie

I lost my copy of The Incredibles this way.

>be lower middle class growing up
>have home and food, but never go out to movies, get video games or go to restaurants ever in my life
>dad got promotion, took us to toys r us, i got gameboy and kirby for gb, took us to pizza, then to jurassic park
i will always love this movie and kirby and pizza. thank you dad, i love you and miss you

>be lower middle class growing up
>>have home and food, but never go out to movies, get video games or go to restaurants ever in my life
you were poor, or dad was a tightwad.

That's awesome man. Glad you got to have that memory. My dad took me to see it the weekend it came out but we had to theater hop because all the showtimes were sold out. No Fandango back in those days as you remember.

4 kids, 2 were in private school at the time

although the movie is fine by itself, it's a pretty shit tier adaptation
r rated jurassic park by james cameron when

i take it back, your dad was based. my parents were just poor losers.

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I don't think I'll ever see OP be more of a faggot than in this thread. What the fuck, man.

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Let me spell if out for you
>Dr grant hates kids
>scares a kid with the raptor claw
>faces the T rex (metaphor for his own primal instincts) and saves the kids
>throws away the raptor claw (begins to have a change of heart)
>faces the raptors (his own fear of fatherhood)
>the trex kills the raptors (he fully embraces his role as a father)
>flies away from island with children in arms and sees birds flying (birds evolved from dinosaurs i.e he evolved into a father figure and is ready to have kids with his waifu)
The beginning of the movie literally starts with a conversation with dr grant and the blonde girl about her wanting kids and him not.

I had several of the Kenner toys. I played with those for years and invented scenarios between the Jurassic Park figures and Batman Animated Series figures. Do kids even plays with fuckin action figures anymore?

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It's about taking care of your wife's kids.
So cuckoldry.

No because its about him being ready to have kids with Ellie

Ok you may be on to something here.

But then Grant goes back in 3, does he even have kids? If so it seems out of character for him to agree.

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It's about chaos theory applied to overlapping scientific and technical situations, boiled down from the book into "hurr dinosaurs".

If parents are retarded enough to get their toddlers smart phones, then they probably never fuck with toys.

The sequels are retarded and dont follow that story thread at all

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>be me
>grow up in shitty drug and alcohol abused environment
>living in hotel rooms along the side of a highway
>stepdad was a piece of shit, beat my mom and always screaming at me
>mom afraid for my life but not enough to kick the habits or kick him out
>get taken in by stepdads brother and his wife
>loving home where I actually had clean clothes and food and a stable structure
>one of my earliest memories of living with them was them coming home with JP on VHS when it came out

First time I was allowed to stay up by myself past my bedtime to watch a movie. JP isn't just a movie for me, it's a reminder of the people who literally saved my fucking life. Then I have to watch faggots like OP come here and slander it.

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im glad you made it user, and arent out on the streets or worse. JP is more then a movie, op is just a massive cocksucker

The only handheld anything I had until I got my first cellphone in high school (2005) was a game boy. My parents let us play video games but they did get us outside to shoot basketball or ride our bikes. When I was a little kid like when JP came out I played with action figures and had coloring books. That's what I took with me when I sat in the parking lot while I waiting for my dad to mow grass for side hustle. Blows my mind parents just slap a screen in their kids hand and say "have at it" now.

it blows my mind that i can have a hand held device with every movie, tv show, video game, book and comic book from my childhood for under 200 bucks. if you would have told me that growing up i would have said its more impossible then flying cars

based and redpilled.

No its not its about the uncontrollanle force of nature and how its inevitable that alan will have children with ellie

keked and checked

No one in history has enjoyed the level of wealth the developed world, especially America, enjoys today.

>Fuck Laura Durn for taking Helen Hunt's career.
Oof, I felt something on that

Yes, I'm def not a luddite but I have to wonder how the imaginations are on kids born after 9/11. A recent eye opener for me was the SNES Classic. I bought it at Target last summer as something to mess with at the beach house in North Carolina and we were drunk one night talking about how fuckin crazy it is all those games we had to wait weeks to rent at the videostore were all in one little cube.

Except for people in the '80s and '90s.
That was when wealth was as its peak.

My dad only took me to one movie, and it was Jurassic Park. We spent the whole drive home talking about it. That ride home is one of my favorite memories.

based JP bringing sons and fathers together

I had a gameboy from about age 11 and didn't get a cellphone until 18. I did have a bunch of toys up until I got a Playstation when I was about 14. Then I didn't really want anything except new games.

Wild ARMS was like the first game I had for that, shit was based.

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>old western jrpg
playstation had the best games

>guy you were replying to

I rented Wild Arms all the time. One of the best two player games ever. That and The Punisher on Sega Genesis.

I think that's a different game. I'm pretty sure I've played the SNES version. Wild Guns.

Wild Guns. Yes. Got it mixed up. One where it's steampunk western shooting gallery? Character named Clint and a girl character.


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now that i think about it, that plot point has nothing to do with the dinosaur theme, so it could be seen as bad writing

>letting dogs lick your face
nasty shit

>JP isn't just a movie for me, it's a reminder of the people who literally saved my fucking life

Yes, the sequels are shit. Don't look at them like you look at the first one.

T. Arab

What are you even talking about...other than stating that it's cheesy (i mean, it's Steven Spielberg after all) i don't know what you're on about.

the book is. the movie is just pathetic

>Jurassic Park is a metaphor for accepting manhood and becoming a father.
That's Commando

? matrix always accepted manhood and being a father. in the prequel maybe