DC is based

>DC is based
But in all seriousness wtf is wrong with the industry? Could you imagine if there was a white Blade?

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yeah he would be called Bland

Thats for the comic and the guy will probably only be batman for 2-3 months at the very least.

>Could you imagine if there was a white Blade?
how bout if only names on schindler's list were shaniqua, and tyrone

You just described Blade LMAO

>Black Batman
That doesn't make sense, Batman had a father.


No he would be called Blanco


Why the fuck it's always fucking blacks, not latino or asian? It's like there are only two races in hollywood: whites or blacks.

is it now racist to refer to him as the dark knight

The comics industry is lighting itself on fire trying to appeal to demographics who have never and will never buy their shit and it backfires every time. This is a shortsighted gesture will increase sales for a month then drive people away.

That being said, all the classic characters have been run into the ground anyway so they always end up trying something stupid and contrived every few years to get attention before resuming the staus quo. Remember when Batman was a french guy with a yellow metal costume? That lasted about five minutes.

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This is a comic OP, not a movie. Go to Yea Forums


It's a character already established from the comics, it'll be like falcon becoming cap. It's just to get sales, Bruce is gonna be Batman at the same time as this guy.

Surely a less racist name could be thought up

They should have made Batman Asian

Why can't blacks ever have their own roles? Why do they need to take over white comic character roles? Black Batman, black Thor, black Hulk. Why do blacks secrely wish to be white?

Batwing is already a thing. Too bad no one gives a shit

Attached: Batwing_Vol_1-0_Cover-1.jpg (780x1200, 173K)

>black Batman
>Nicki Minaj Catwoman

Attached: 1555171234343.webm (1920x1080, 261K)

Maybe it's just a cover for a Static movie?


Check out Anime, there are already a lot of Asian superheroes. They usually just get whtiewashed when Hollywood tries to do a live action adaptation. Remember that SNK or the Dragonball: Evolution movie?

Almost half of comic book readers are women.


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>I know better than an entire industry worth of marketers and business men who couldn't give the slightest fuck about black people beyond their ability to dispense money
Do you ever think about the things you type? Do you have any idea how absurdly arrogant that is?


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Isn't Batwing the name of Batman's jet?

What's next, they gonna call another hero Batmobile and expect no to notice? DC is so retarded.

Attached: Batmobile.jpg (242x208, 10K)

Superman was Chinese. It was actually pretty good

Batman has been black for decades now.

And that's not even the current Batwing. Plus we had Orpheus before that. It's nothing fucking new

Attached: batman-Orpheus2.png (225x345, 148K)

>African Batman
>AIDS killed his parents
No. I'm not joking. This is what DC thought was a good idea.

Attached: Batwing01.jpg (250x379, 34K)

>Niggers are creatively challenged and lazy

>That doesn't make sense, Batman had a father.

They should blackwash Joe Chill. It would make more sense.

Here's a thread about the actual news story about the COMICS Batman possibly handing the cowl over to a fellow black crimefighter.

It's most likly going to be Luke Fox, Lucius's son and the current hero named Batwing.

Also, he dated Batgirl.

Attached: Batgirl x Batwing.jpg (640x984, 159K)

>Do you ever think about the things you type? Do you have any idea how absurdly arrogant that is?

Those august expert who know what they are doing better than anyone are presiding over the death of their medium.

[high pitched voice] Bleh! [/high pitched voice]

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Does it come in black?

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You know why Batman will never be black? Because a black Batman couldn't go a night without Robin.

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That's basically Cap's Falcon.


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Based frog poster

a black batman sounds kinda cool 2bh. If it worked with spider man I think it could work with batman. won't watch it though cause i don't like capeshit

>a black man prowling the night to beat the shit out of people
where the twist?

What's next? Batman dies* and a bunch of his protegees fight over who gets to take on his mantle?!

( * but it turns out he didn't die but he got shot through time due to some weird advance science alien laser he was shot with)

Attached: bucky cap dick bats.jpg (420x271, 64K)

and it was revealed in a previous arc that Batman's long dead sidekick that he feels guilty over is actually alive. And it turns out he's a grim anti-hero that's been making his living as a deadly assassin using methods that Batman doesn't approve of.

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robert pattison is the next batman, confirmed

how do your parents both get shot when you don't have a dad?

It's Batwing. The son of Lucius Fox. He's appeared in the last few years in Detective Comics. Even had his own comic series. It's going to be similar to when Gordon was Batman (in a mecha suit) for a while because Tom King (the writer) is moving away from the series after the last and currently ongoing arc The City of Bane completes.

Unbelievably based in all regards