The rugrats takes place in angelica's head!!

>the rugrats takes place in angelica's head!!
>ed, edd and eddy are in purgatory!!
>garfield is actually dying of starvation!!
>ash ketchum is really in a coma!!
>charlie brown has cancer!!
>donald duck has ptsd!!
>courage is really a normal dog, just the people he sees through his perspective seem like monsters!!

Holy toothpaste and spaghetti batman, this list really fucked me up. That's enough internet for today.

Edit: Wow, this really blew up!

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>coma seven sins imagination dream

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Just watch LOST duh

WOAH this changes EVERYTHING

TIL: Steve Buscemi..

this is what's called brain rot

>Did you know his name is not actually Frankenstein? That's the name of the doctor.

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>Edit: Wow, this really blew up!
i dont know why i lost at this

"Many of you say, 'Oh, but I am not blind. I have never been blind,'... But when you truly see, you will understand just how truly blind you once were to even think it right to say you were not blind.
What does a blind man see?
Blackness. Darkness. Blankness. Blank darkness. Dark blankness.
The absence of things, quite literally NO thing. No things. Nothing. Nothings.
So, you see nothing, and I bring you into the light. A cat has your pipe! You've been blind, do you understand this!?
The cat has your pipe.
You can't fully immerse yourself, you don't have the light. You don't have the radiance, the radical light, the radically radiant light of truth and truth's belonging love, and nature of light, and loving truthful radiance.
So don't be bold, and make bold statements. I know of you.
The cat has your pipe.
The. Cat. Has. Your. Pipe.
Remember that."

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I literrally got chills reading this... this is big....

reminds me of longcat.


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it has an early 80's feel to it


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You forgot a good one OP
>The reason why Homer and the rest of the town of Springfield are so stupid is because they're horribly irradiated by nuclear fallout from Mr Burns power plant

Because it's such an annoying thing
>Edit: Wow, thanks for the likes guys! :)))
it comes across as needless and conceited
you know how they say "cool guys don't look at explosions"?
that kind of edit comes across to me as if a the guy not only turned around to look at the explosion, but then turned around and went "Gee willickers that was a big explosion, aren't I cool right now?"
It's fucking retarded

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>traps aren't actually gay!

I’ve looked over this list 12 times and *literally* cannot stop laughing


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>Because it's such an annoying thing
>>Edit: Wow, thanks for the likes guys! :)))
>it comes across as needless and conceited
>you know how they say "cool guys don't look at explosions"?
>that kind of edit comes across to me as if a the guy not only turned around to look at the explosion, but then turned around and went "Gee willickers that was a big explosion, aren't I cool right now?"
>It's fucking retarded

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>never laugh at my own jokes IRL
>never edited my most liked comment
Am I based bros?

>every nigger is black but not every black is nigger

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>nightmare fuel

>garfield is actually dying of starvation!!
I was told that Garfield is dying of nicotine poisoning.

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I was being serious, not sarcastic. You're the brailet here. LOST is the greatest show ever made or that ever will be made. You'd know that if you weren't such a newfag.

i always call them both frankenstein and when i get corrected i ignore it

go to hell retard

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Robert no!


>thanks for the gold, kind stranger
Pisses me off the most. Because unlike "likes" it doesn't require a post to actually be """good""" just for some autistic fag to like it.


>the movie “frozen” was made to stop google searches of Walt Disney Frozen from coming up with rumours of his body.

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why'd she just make such a dumbass face like that anyway?

She literally just found out that Rugrats takes place in Angelica's head.

And the breakthrough on the smoking cat came late. It was 8 years ago actually. "smoking cat" is an industry term, it's what the smoking industry calls a tattletale teenager who tells on his friends after they've all tried smoking for the first time. And it is actually a foreign translation, bastardization of the term "smoking rat". But the phrase was confused when secret documents went back and forth between China and America. These documents are still secret. And the only reason I know about the term is because I know a man, a friend...let's call him Timothy. Yea. Yes. It's a fake name for his protection. Timothy worked for Philip Morris for sixteen years and he had seen the documents. When he told me, it was a "Aha!" moment. And he said: "but how?". "How could this cartoonist Jim Davis know about this obscure term from the mid seventies used exclusively by a few cigarette companies?". This is still a mystery to me. But I connect the dots by noting Jim Davis's childhood experiences on a farm.
He must have seen something. What could it be? Timothy went on to to tell me there was one particular smoking cat. A boy, from...yes...Indiana. A boy named Ernie Barguckle, who became a thorn in the side of the tobacco companies for a couple of years. He did more than tattle to his parents. He and his family took legal action and they eventually received a huge settlement payout. But that name is too similar. Ernie Barguckle...Jon Arbuckle. Jim Davis must have used this. There's more here. Ernie Barguckle spent nearly half that settlement money on experimental medical procedures to cure his...impotence. He was impotent. So he was a smoking cat with a...a metaphorical pipe that did not work. Are you starting to see the layers here?

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that's not bad

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This one makes no sense. It's not even plausible. Every single facet about this "theory" requires a non-canonical logical leap. The others are dumb but the Rugrats one is pure fanfic

>donald duck has ptsd!!
Only one that's actually true.

Anyone got any other wacky theories about shows I like this

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I remember reading the "ash in a coma" theory as a kid and being left very unsettled for a while after. I began to think my own existence wasn't real and crying to mom to convince me that I wasn't just living in a dream.

>Knowledge is knowing that Frankenstein wasn’t the name of the monster.
>Wisdom is knowing that it was.

>the mahdi isn't actually dead, he's just hiding

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>They Live is actually about jewish world domination
>The Matrix is actually about how the jews control our world
>Running Man's protagonist is actually Richard Dawson
>Terry Davis is actually alive and in Greenland programming the systems that maintain the survival bunkers for the elites

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Twelver and redpilled

The Spongebob main characters represent the seven cardinal sins. You see, Patrick is sloth, Mr. Krabs is greed...

Isn't that just crazy for a cartoon?

Kill yourself tripfag

First is true
Second is true in the shallowest sense

>The Spongebob main characters represent the seven cardinal sins. You see, Patrick is sloth, Mr. Krabs is greed...
>Isn't that just crazy for a cartoon?

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LOST? I watch that.

i really like that superman shirt i wonder where he got it from

A guy I met on Tinder actually said this on our first date, lmao I walked out while he used the bathroom

the monster was also called frankenstein

>charlie brown has cancer!!
This one is really funny cause Charlie Brown isn’t actually bald. He just has really tight/thin hair cause his dad is a barber, and it’s a really light blonde. The single “curl” on his forehead is actually his hairline

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That’s always scary. My sister developed a horrible fear of being alone after reading the Garfield alone strips. She stopped sleeping for a few days and would randomly cry hysterically all day. It last for less than a week before she was back to normal, but I remember my mom started leaving to pick her up early from things cause she didn’t want her to be alone for even a few minutes

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Don't forget "every member of Goofy's family is dead", I saw Hezekiah Feldman publish an article on this recently

Their best short was the one where Odie and Garfield make that edgy fight and chat on AIM.

The Pipe Strip is fucking legendary though

I think the inspiration of courage comes from the idea of what a small excitable dog might perceive the "threats" to his house he barks at as, but the actual show itself is obviously an extension of that idea to "what if they actually were monsters but the humans acted just as indifferent"
also I think donald duck was written to have shell shock back when we didn't understand it and thought it was funny that veterans would flip out at loud noises, but they softened that aspect of his character as the years went on. the other stuff is stupid though.

>Ferris Bueller is actually Cameron's imaginary friend


>captain america punched a nazi in a 1940s comic and he's a movie character!
>that means all movies are political!

>the X-Men took the super brave stance that racism is bad, this means I'm not an autist for making everything political

I dont want to die with hard one hehe

they live is about neocons and corporatism you fucking dummy

>Capitalism Bad: The Movie is actually about Jews!
The entire movie is John Carpenter taking a gigantic shit over your political beliefs

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Wal-Mart. I had the same one when I was in college.

my وسط

>"The Seven Dwarfs actually rapresent the effects of cocaine!!!

Eeyore is depressed and Tigger is adhd

The monster's name is Frankenstein. The doctor's name is Dr. Frankenstein because he fucking earned that PhD and you'd better respect that.

But Frankestein wasn't even a doctor, just a student

anyone heard the
>bikini bottom is actually based on atomic testing at bikini atoll, which is why all the fish talk because they're irradiated!

if the monster is his creation its surname will also be frankenstein

>Mister Rogers wears a sweater cause his arms are covered in tattoos

Jews, Capitalists

Same shit

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it was his wife's son

It's only about anticapitalism

Is that a Thing haha ? Maybe he was just fucking cold ? Also, Mr Rogers was the alpha Dad and Dads wear Sweaters all the time.

>the girl with pig tails doesn’t wear braces like you remembered in that Bond movie, this means there’s been a tear in the space time continuum!

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>there are sub which are just leftist circlejerk. i hate that i know this is popular opinion but i still want to said it

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what about the Maddie?

I can't find it anywhere

Cmon user we all know you mean Grindr

>but not every black is nigger
I disagree

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Bitches eyes light up when I mention even the faintest trivia about something, so I know you're lying.

It's a fake story user in fact you see his bare arms many a time in his show. No tats and he was in seminary school instead of the military

are any of these true though?

You could make a case about Charlie Brown, the other theories are garbage.

>Edit: Wow, this really blew up!

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>this thread
>proceeds to list phrases only Redditors would know
Simply epic.

>Minority Report's ending is just in John Anderton's head, he is in stasis and is only dreaming it.

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>The Red Comet is a space shuttle, and the entirety of ASOIAF takes place on another planet
heard this one before, but nobody mentioned it anywhere

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>Taxi driver was a ftm tranny all along that's why he hated "degenerates" because he was projecting

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