Have sex, incel

>have sex, incel

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Isn't this the woman who has the daily blog review of problematic commercials

I think she shows up on my feed at work

Have sex so I can #MeToo you.

It's a literal trap.


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chaste and breadpilled


it doesn't count if you don't have a choice. only faux-christians go on here anyway

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Based and tonsurepilled

Cope. Go back to discord.

>that cope if someone doesn't play your game of 21th century moral corruption

>She looks like she fucks black guys

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have repentance sinner

i don't know how discord work. i'd go there if there were less larpers though.

I think what makes the whole "have sex" retort effective is that once you've told someone else to have sex, you're effectively immune from that person telling you to have sex in turn. The person who has already been told to have sex isn't currently having sex, whilst the person telling that person to have sex could very well be having sex at the very moment, or at least could be planning to have sex later. Regardless, the onus is now on the person that has been told to have sex, to prove that he indeed has had sex or that he will have sex later, and therein lies the problem. The person being told to have sex is already on weak ground as far as the argument is concerned. If he merely repeats the insult back at the accuser, the onus is now on the victim to establish that the accuser needs to have sex more than the victim does. The question then, becomes this: Does someone who's never had sex, telling someone to have sex, even constitute a valid argument? I think not.

At the end of the day, it comes down to someone who's never had sex, telling another to have sex. It's fallacious at best, and downright childish at worst.

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have sex

>I'm not incel, I'm volcel.

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please tell me you didn't write this sober. also please tell me you'll stop getting stoned or high alone in front of the computer. get help. have sex

why are far left liberal so ugly


>dilate, tranny

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This is the (((people))) that tells you to man up

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but you already fucked the altar boy