How can it be stopped?

How can it be stopped?

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trick it into turning into a transexual and then it will eventually kill itself

or make it convert to islam and it will eventually blow itself up

carpet nuke wherever it is and everyone and everything with it

it cant

Pennywise stomps with ease

*blocks your path*

Attached: ohstopitu.jpg (800x450, 31K)


fucking uploaded the wrong image goddammit i fucking hate my piece of shit phone

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It absorbs a Star Wars nerd and then never comes into contact with anyone else ever again.

Once more into the fray...
Into the last good fight I will ever know.
Live and die on this day...

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Or make it turn into a white guy and it will eventually go extinct

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The unstoppable force meets the immovable obect.

Trick it into turning into a nigger, it will never figure out a sail and will remain locked to the continent it's on.

13% of things commit 52% of the murders

quarantine and stop splitting up like idiots

A whole continent of ice

phone posting retard

Imagine The Thing, but with all women. The base would be in ruins before the alien even got there.

>quarantine and stop splitting up
And then what? All it needs is a touch.

Give it niggers

Nah man, you killed it the first time.

We'll take a sample of everyone's posts.
Dubs gets the flamethrower.

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I'll go first.

wait you know me right don't do it

You're probably a Thing.

Poster below me is a Thing too.

This is pure nonsense!

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Let's get this over with. Wait, what are those digits of yours?

Attached: XM42-Lite-Photo-6.png (1920x1080, 3.31M)

Sound editor, Colin C. Mouat achieved the dogs cries in the film by rounding up all the neighborhood dogs, placing them in his house and furtively stalking round the house in a dark trench coat with the collar up whilst tapping on windows and rattling doors to frighten them.

Wait a minute...something isn't right here.

Untie me right now