Is he based?

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On a true story


no he’s a fag.

Is he still assblasted from all the backlash he got on his TLJ videos?

how long have you been cooking that zinger up for?

coach magurck?

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He's lego man 2.

a poor man's YMS but he's ok

>Doesn't use Windows Movie Maker to edit videos
>Has yet to fuck a dog

I think IHE wins this round.

At least IHE doesn't want to fuck a dog.

Not by much

>defends nuWars
>voice acted in Hunt Down the Freeman

>watched TLJ 3 times and got Stockholm syndrome

>Poor man's version of something that is garbage
ur a retard

I mean, he regretted HDTF.

He's a faggot. I hope the dogfucker bullies him while Ralph laughs.

I hear his friend fucks dogs

*smug, disinterested British accent*

He seems like the kind of guy to unironically say yikes.
He also called someone a chud in one of his videos.

I wish MauLer would release the discussion that he and Wolf had with IHE.

He fell for the long-as-fuck review meme.

His old vids were better. I don't have time to watch 20 mins vids just to hear this guys fucking opinion

His early search for the worst series was comfy but his faggotry shines through whenever he tries to talk seriously about movies.

he cant compete with a dog fucker

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He called The Last Jedi the greatest movie ever made and called everyone who criticized the movie sexist.

So no.

>what people dislike the last jedi? guess I'll like it then
he's the ultimate contrarian

He got tricked into voicing HDTF

He's worse than the dog fucker and Ralph

>snarky british person snarkily snarks about how shit X is but will have the occasional autistic dedication to something that is actually terrible
There's countless of these autistic cunts, i wonder what changed between the 1800s and now that made them into ineffectual plebs.
I suppose it's "roman syndrome"

Someone explain the whole dog meme pls.

IHE is being a bitch about it so they aren't going to.
He basically white-knights beastiality

>"I hate Everything"
>Actually only hates low budget tween schlock and loves crap Hollywood shits out

It's not a meme. YMS is a furfag and a dogfucker.

>took money to be in a shitty fan game despite being a critic and then made a video shitting on the game and claiming he had no way of knowing how itd turn out
>called Ferguson the biggest disgrace to America because a man defended himself from a 320 pound burglar that was bashing his head in
>yet another uppity cunt who criticizes extremely easy targets in overly long videos capping at around an hour for a topic like minions or some shitty movie everyone already knows is shitty

Hes a Doug Walker tier retard

He's a milquetoast faggot LARPing as an cynical edgelord.

>got tricked

Yes I'm sure he was shown an amazing project and they pulled the ole switcheroo on him at the last second all to embarrass him.


Only saw his Uwe Boll video and that's all I know about him.

That face reminds me of something

Um... Sweetie... Don't you mean Douge?

The only video I saw from this guy was the one about that weird Cool Cat fuck

If he hates everything, does he hate himself?

>I Hate Everything
>only goes for the lowest hanging fruit possible

He's the type of person to go on to some pop music video and talk about how it sucks and how he only listens to real music i.e. an extremely popular 70s or 80s rock band of which he's only heard their most popular song.


of course yms fags are pretentious snobs just like the dogfucker himself

I hate him because for a channel called I hate everything, you'd expect him to have hot takes on more shit. Like if his next video was "I hate abortions" or "I hate dogs" or "I hate [very well liked person]" I'd be all over that. It shows that he hates things that are out of the norm to hate. But his vids are about things that nobody really likes at all. Its just boring cause you already know what to expect to hear when you hear the title. The moment this dude covers riskier topics I will have respect for him.

No, he's some basic bitch white dude with basic opinions and a "negative slant" on everything because that's an easy way to drum up an audience on Youtube. There are many, many channels like his, all with nothing interesting to say. There are 100 hack "critics" for every one decent creative person.

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>IHE is being a bitch about it
most likely got btfo then


Well yeah, he probably felt like a colossal fucking retard when they pointed out shit that made no sense and so to save face, he told them not to release it. They're nicer than me, that's for sure

I enjoyed the video where he talked about reaction videos only to have the """"reactionist"""" community chimp out completely, making asses of themselves.

He though Aquaman was epic, he can't be that bad.

>Said keemstar was stupid because he voted for trump in the election
>said brexit ruined 2016 for him
>said trump supported nazis because he said both sides had good people in charlottesville

I have a weird kind of appreciation for the gnome. He is a colossal faggot but despite some butthurt faggots' best efforts he still survives like a motherfucking cockroach and makes so many people mad. The man's ''career'' is pure entertainment on a meta level.

He’s been the same dude since his HALOAHOLES days, although it’s crazy to see how much of a human shitstain OnlyUseMeBlade has become these past few years.

>said trump supported nazis because he said both sides had good people in charlottesville
When did he say this?

[citation needed]
and dont you even use that clip of him "defending bestiality"

Anybody who enjoys MCU, Star Wars, or the like is not based

well he did do an entire half-hour long takedown of the game

Official hack-tier youtube movie essayists:

>Schafrillas Productions
>Pop Culture Detective
>Quinton Reviews
>Cosmonaut Variety Hour
>Patrick H Willems
>Just Write
>The Take
>Renegade Cut
>Nerd writer

Anyone missing?

i feel like you fucks dont even know what the calling someone a "hack" even means

on his podcast, it would have been the first one after the riots

>a bunch of memelords making terrible vids and gaining a ridiculous following because of them
Sounds perfectly hackish

>Renegade Cut
The Videodrome analysis I saw from that guy was pretty good. What's wrong with him?

I watched his "I hate anime" video which came out in 2014 but still featured the same lame jabs at the only 10 or so anime from the early 2000s the average westerner knows about but somehow managed to be wrong about a lot of stuff he criticized. That's the issue with saying "I hate [large set of elements]", if you hate it then you probably haven't been exposed enough to it to make well thought out, observant, entertaining criticisms of it. Unless you really have a hate boner for it.

What was it about??

being a hack usually denotes a lack of creativity and originality, but it has become more of a broad term for a bad writer in the modern era.

Who tf is this
Zoomers off my board

Remove The Take, they're alright and often insightful. Solid list other then that.

Oh... where do I begin?
>gets butthurt from even slightly edgy humor in not cool, DED trilogy, and show dogs (lol)
>says anyone who isn't a feminist is a bigoted asshole
>on a podcast with dogfucker that also invited quinton the cuck
>is an animation sperg, constantly weeps about how things are live action, plus has a hateboner for 3d films because
>says you're a retard if you like psy, transformers, or suicide squad but when he gets rightfully called a retard for liking tlj, he makes a moralfag video telling people to stop hurting his feefees
>doesn't take criticism, makes a series cherrypicking comments from 8 year olds rather than comments with proper critique, plus won't let a debate he lost get published
>had to get his left wing cuck friends, the right opinion and quinton to respond to a commentary on him because he's an insecure faggot

Goddamnit, I could write a whole #ChangeTheChannel-esque document on his autism. I can't wait for the debate to be published and for him to lose all his subs and revenue so he becomes an hero (Did I mention that he's a depressed boy?)

he wasn't even bored!

Can I get some lore on the last two, please?

Wolf was the one that had the recording, and after he went off the deep end it's likely it will never surface

Ralph > IHE > YMS
Ralph is just boring, more like background noise than anything else.
IHE is like those commentary channels but he goes for even lower fruit than those fuckers.
YMS is a plebian larping as a patrician. Thinks he is talking about films intelligently but relies on CinemaSins tier analysis.

Argued with the Long Man and Wolf for 5ish hours where he said he had never heard a single argument against TLJ. Mauler and Wolf then ran him through the movie, eventually breaking his spirit and getting an admission that the movie was bad. A few days later on Sardonicast he walked back on it and took his original stance again and then told Mauler and Wolf he didn't want the debate posted

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him and his reddit essay clique can fuck off

Super eyepatch wolf

Comment Comeback is the series I was talking about.
And I'm still not 100% sure if the debate myth is true, or where it came from, take that with a grain of salt. If it's false, it's still not enough to redeem him.

>Movie Bob

I still don't know how I feel about Mauler. I commend him for actually going in depth with every single point he makes, but he goes so in depth with every point he makes that a 3 hour video is "short".

>That video where No-Bullshit can't explain what socialism is despite raving on about it for years

TRO just unlisted his video, you can still find it in Quentin's "Collab" playlist

If only it was IHE that went off the deep end, but unlike Wolf, actually went through with doing the Etika.

I find EFAP to be a much better gauge of Mauler's style than this pedantic deep-dives. He's excellent at coming up with comparisons and examples off-the-cuff and digs into scripts and relevant footage only when necessary.
>even though EFAPs are usually 6-8 hours long

>> claims he hates everything
>> cries when people say that they hate the last jedi

What did he mean by that?

t. dogfucker

The fact that he's even trying to hide it shows how autistic it is.
You could argue it's because of Quinton becoming a Lolcow, but he still follows other similar Breadtubers like Hbomber, proudly proclaims himself as a chaotic leftist, and has LGBTHUSRUNDRI in his Twitter profile. Those seem like the characteristics of a Quintonfag.
Also, I was scrolling through who he follows, and found pic related. I don't know what's more pathetic, dedicating a whole account to a faggot Youtuber, or said Youtuber folloeing the account because he admires himself too much.

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That follow is really distressing. In Mauler's gaming stream yesterday he said that he reached out to TRO to request it getting pulled, since it's been long enough since they discussed the factual errors (not to mention Quinton's sperg cameo) and he reluctantly agreed. Up until now it was one of the top videos to pop up when you searched for Rags and Mauler thought it was unfair that such a shitty take would appear above many of Rags' own videos.

So did I

I would say Lindsay Ellis

kek seething weeb

All, of and them

>I hate everything!! Except TLJ ;)


did he delete it recently? Because I just watched that video a few days ago.

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Daily reminder that there's not a single YouTuber with worthwhile opinions.
Protip: just because you agree them does not mean they are worth listening to.

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when does the actual video start?

I say his TLJ video is more the Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 of IHE, as in, the worst of an already shitty movie series/channel.



Such a disappointment after the rollercoaster ride of part 1

When's he going to release the next bloody Star Wars video?

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He has to rewrite it or something? The GoT video is coming in the next couple of weeks and then he's back on TFA

hes gay

can't trust any nigger that unironically thinks TLJ was good. only two options, they're either a paid shill or braindead.

I wish Mauler would stop bloody pissing about with efap and get on with making the fucking videos that people know him for

As a fairly large youtuber he could be a paid shill but the way he got buttmad at the reaction to his video proves he's most definitely braindead.

Confused Matthew

>that review when he went on a tangent about the fucking wargs just so he could fill his video with all the redditspeak for dog he could find
I actually unsubscribed over that. What the fuck is wrong with him?

is he even still doing reviews? i laughed my ass off at his star wars reviews back in the day

The Cuckman

Is he the one that fucks dogs?